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View Full Version : Camera set-ups

05-19-2007, 05:14 PM
I'm curious to know what cameras and photography equipment you use for your pictures.

I use a Canon A-540 (6mp) with 3x optical zoom + 13x digital zoom, and macro setting. Sometimes macro isn't good enough so I use the manual focus (which lets me focus down to 2 cm!) which is great to show tiny details. I also use a tripod to stabilize my shots.
During the day I usually set the ISO speed to 80, but for darker shots I have it on 400-800 (which makes the pic quite grainy).

I am thinking of getting a macro lense for my camera. For those of you that use one, is it worth it?

05-19-2007, 05:42 PM
I usually keep ALL my shots at an 80 ISO.

I shoot my dios on a manual setting. F3.4 1/8 speed (usually, if there's more light, I'll go as high as 1/30).

I've been trying to shoot on manual outside for just regular shooting. I'm usually 1/180-1/250 for fast shots. Haven't figured out lighting quite yet.