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View Full Version : If You Can't Say Something Nice...

General Scarlett
05-23-2007, 07:20 PM
Hi Guys,

I've noticed recently that tempers are taking control in posts. Not bad mind you, but still, it's evident.

I'd like to ask you all to respect a couple of things, if you would......

1) Respect the other members of the board-This means their individual thoughts, words and interests.

2) I know that this is predominately a 'boys' toy line, but still, try to respect and understand that while it's easy to think of me as 'one of the guys', I'm still a female, AND we do have members who are MINORS.......and as such, I do find some things a bit 'off color'...........so THINK BEFORE you post pics, threads, etc...........
A good rule of thumb to guide yourself by.......would you want your mother, sister, daughter, girlfriend, wife, etc. treated or spoken to in that way?? If you can HONESTLY answer NO, then DO NOT post.......

That's really it..........I want you all to still be the rascals that you all individually and collectively are.........but just remember to THINK! :cool: ;) :)

05-23-2007, 11:33 PM
Rascals!?! Are you referring to us??? ;)
Seriously though, you are spot on Prudence. There is a certain standard that needs to be maintained for the benefit of all the folks who visit/post here.

Urban Saboteur
05-27-2007, 08:28 PM
[FONT=Arial]I do understand this completely.. but apparently I've just been told I'm out of my mind for holding an opinion on a well known joe icon. ;)
Whilst this is actually true, I was more out of my mind when I worshipped the great big bat winged mutant nemesis enforcer.
I'd also like to request that people actually type in sentences and with something of structure, at least when your posting dont type it all in one paragraph, its way too difficult to read.[/FONT] ;)

General Scarlett
05-27-2007, 08:34 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur][FONT=Arial]I do understand this completely.. but apparently I've just been told I'm out of my mind for holding an opinion on a well known joe icon. ;)
Whilst this is actually true, I was more out of my mind when I worshipped the great big bat winged mutant nemesis enforcer.
I'd also like to request that people actually type in sentences and with something of structure, at least when your posting dont type it all in one paragraph, its way too difficult to read.[/FONT] ;)

Rich, calm down..........no one is, or should be, alienating you for which characters you do or don't like.

And while I would love to see a 'spell check' feature in this forum (and others), you need to take into consideration that we have a variety of cultures who 'reside' here............and for some of them ENGLISH is NOT their primary language...........

I ask that you not berate them for their spelling...........that's just a bit too petty

Thanks!! ;)

Urban Saboteur
05-27-2007, 08:39 PM
[FONT=Arial]Hey whats up?
I'm calm, but I aint going to sit back and not defend a G.I.JOE Legend. :)

As for the spell check feature, that definately should be on this forum.
The culture thing I do understand, I speak with people from brazil, portugal, spain and all over the world.. I do understand that, but my point was that members who can speak english and type it sometimes are lazy in there posting.. and don't bother to include paragraphs or full stops[/FONT] ;)

05-27-2007, 10:49 PM
Look Urbano Sabateuro... The way I see it, there are some cultural differences. I noticed this right off the bat when I met Dave and TG and Shane. They have some odd interests in characters that us Americans absolutely HATE!

Thing is, it would seem most fans (be it on JBL, JoeSightings, yojoe, etc) dont care for Duke. But I don't think it was US that made him popular. It was Hasbro needing an icon. Personaly, I don't care anymore. I can choose to buy him or not. I can choose to use him in my dios or not. But please, continue to defend him if you must. There's nothing wrong with that and I respect that.

C-GDSM 2487
05-28-2007, 01:46 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur][FONT=Arial]Hey whats up?
I'm calm, but I aint going to sit back and not defend a G.I.JOE Legend. :)

As for the spell check feature, that definately should be on this forum.
The culture thing I do understand, I speak with people from brazil, portugal, spain and all over the world.. I do understand that, but my point was that members who can speak english and type it sometimes are lazy in there posting.. and don't bother to include paragraphs or full stops[/FONT] ;)

I AGREE a spell check would be nice as my spelling is awefull
due to my injury on active service..it must be some thing to think about
not everbody 100% great writer ???????

05-28-2007, 02:49 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Look Urbano Sabateuro... The way I see it, there are some cultural differences. I noticed this right off the bat when I met Dave and TG and Shane. They have some odd interests in characters that us Americans absolutely HATE!

Thing is, it would seem most fans (be it on JBL, JoeSightings, yojoe, etc) dont care for Duke. But I don't think it was US that made him popular. It was Hasbro needing an icon. Personaly, I don't care anymore. I can choose to buy him or not. I can choose to use him in my dios or not. But please, continue to defend him if you must. There's nothing wrong with that and I respect that.[/QUOTE]

Hey hey hey! What odd interests? :confused:

I thought everyone loved Ice Cream Soldier? :rolleyes:

Dave :D

Urban Saboteur
05-28-2007, 06:22 AM
[FONT=Arial]Hey I love Ice Cream!.. theres nobby bobbly's.. twisters.. and my new number 1!! Magnum Ecuador Dark!!!
I'm a worshipper!... :D ...Oh.. you meant the figure, I see that now so I'll shut my mouth..[/FONT] :o

gung ho
05-28-2007, 09:23 AM
i have no reason to have a temper with you guys lol :D i don't let my temper in my post unless somone else does with me but thats when you get an eye full of what i can type lol but i tottally agree with scar.. :cool: