View Full Version : Things get worse
05-26-2007, 12:13 PM
Just an update on my situation.
You guys know I'm getting divorced. Last week, Emi field the 1st set of papers. We have 90 days to take care of some things before the last set has to be dealt with.
As it stands of THIS MORNING, Emi is kicking me out. After several angry phone calls, she has decided to kick my 'worthless, weak arse' out of the house. Yes, it sucks but there is a slight positive side. I have an appt next Tuesday to check out a 1 bd apt and put in about 7 phone calls this morning (I've been doing a lot of searching) for locations and whatnot. I'll be staying with a friend about 20 mins north of B'ham until I find a place to live. HOpefully, I can get crap together in a week and be in an apt by June 1st.
On the dio side of things, you'll LOVE this... Because I am packing stuff up, the dio has been put on hold indefinitely (along with a lot of other things). That's not the best part. I've just spent the last hour chopping up my foamboard to fit into garbage bags and they will be heading off the local landfill. Yup, I just THREW away all my foamboard walls (and whatnot) for my sets. What that means for the future, however, is that I'll get to start fresh and maybe be able to put more time into making things look better. My execution of ideas never has been all that great. *shrug*
Anyway, I'm pretty ok with things as is. I have my ups and downs and man... this morning's 'conversation' was a bit of a shocker. And here, I thought I'd sleep on the couch for a week. Now I gotta pack up clothes and I'll move out sunday nite. Which means, I probably won't have a computer (unless I hit the library or i suppose i can use the work computer on my lunches).
I do have a cell phone. 360.739.2417. Don't expect me to answer tho, i keep it on vibrate and since i work 0930-1900, I don't answer it.
05-26-2007, 12:27 PM
[COLOR=Red]dang man, sorry to hear. bad thing to happen to anyone, not sure how i could handle it. im not gonna say i know how you feel, because honestly i have no idea. best i or anyone can really do is say sorry, and hope it works out.[/COLOR]
05-26-2007, 01:38 PM
Likewise, I can't profess to know how you feel. All I can say is hang tough G. Anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
05-26-2007, 02:36 PM
hey I'm really sorry to hear that G. I hope everything works out for you, and you get the apartment. if you want to talk you know where to find me.
05-26-2007, 06:08 PM
Hey everything going to be alright. You'll find a place to live.
The Faceless Master
05-26-2007, 07:33 PM
G, really sorry to hear about your troubles
If there is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation, just keep your chin up :o
I too am undergoing the final stages of my divorce, for the most part its been
amicable, maybe cuz we don't even talk to each other but I think its for the best.
The only person I really feel bad for is our 4yr old daughter who I will no doubt
be the most affected by this.
The first two months were grueling to say the least, I felt like i couldn't breathe,
every morning i felt like i was missing an arm, all day I kept thinking about what
it is I did wrong, i felt like zombie with no purpose left in life.
But the last 5 months without my soon-to-be ex has been nothing short of
fantastic. Don't mope, don't sulk, take some time to reflect on yourself & see
what it is you REALLY want out of your life. All i want right now is to maximize
the time I have. I work 8a-5p at AT&T, I have a part time job with real estate,
and a second part time job at a small sports broadcasting station.
Weeks that I have custody of my 4yr old daughter, we're watching movies,
strolling the mall or over at Chuck'E'Cheese.
Every other weekend without my baby, I am out club hopping with my cousin
til 4am meeting people & just having a good time
When I am at home, I am either on the internet, learning to play the guitar,
or something but I always seem to find something to keep me busy.
It may not be making sense to you right now it may NEVER make sense to you,
but there is a reason for everything...
05-26-2007, 07:46 PM
Thanks D. That helps to see the positives and what-could-be.
General Scarlett
05-27-2007, 09:23 AM
Graham, you know what I'm going to say...............double the meaning and you'll be halfway there.........peace
What I don't get with so many of you guys, is HOW and WHY you find women like these who seem to not want to 'stick around'...........everyone is flawed, that's a given. But in the past 7 months I've read so many posts from so many guys who are going through things like this.
It's a bit confusing to me............what is it that you guys all want/need/desire??? And why is it so hard for your 'special someone', or you, to 'meet in the middle'????
05-27-2007, 10:47 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Graham, you know what I'm going to say...............double the meaning and you'll be halfway there.........peace
What I don't get with so many of you guys, is HOW and WHY you find women like these who seem to not want to 'stick around'...........everyone is flawed, that's a given. But in the past 7 months I've read so many posts from so many guys who are going through things like this.
It's a bit confusing to me............what is it that you guys all want/need/desire??? And why is it so hard for your 'special someone', or you, to 'meet in the middle'????[/QUOTE]
Seems to me most people either don't know what compromise is or just don't want to. Relationships are one of the hardest things to get right. I am 32, no children, never been married. I am in the best relationship I could ever imagine and I chock it up to patience. I never settled, I took my time and played the field looking for miss's right. I also think that it is an age thing. I got all the partying, chaos, curiosity out of my system (been there done that) so I, as well as my girl friend, are ready for a serious, comited relationship. It seems that most people are in such a rush to find that special someone and overlook critical aspects wich come back to haunt them.
Now for Sonneilons situation, as I stated I've not been married but I was engaged and she broke it off. I felt as The Faceless Master described, Zombified. I just kept myself busy and eventually I came out of the haze. I came to realize that my ex did me the biggest favor anyone has ever done in my life. There were complications such as a house we bought together, a car I cosigned for, some shared bills but for the most part those were taken care of cleanly.
I look back and realize that if I hadn't been engaged to this woman and bought a house where we did, that when we broke up and I started dating again I wouldn't have dated the person I am with now if I hadn't moved where I did. So a year of dating later I am now with the most perfect girl friend for me I could ever imagine. We are both in it for the long hall. So the moral of this Sonneilon is to take care of business with your wife as clean and efficient as you can, take the time to heel, and move on. Good things can come from bad. Make sure you wait a bit before you get back in the game because you do not want to be on the rebound and start dating. That just causes more problems (just trust me on this one).
I have found in life that if you put forth even the slightest effort that things ususally work out in the end. So for you I see that is the case. Life may be short, but its not that short. Take some time out for yourself.
Urban Saboteur
05-27-2007, 08:34 PM
[FONT=Arial]Good luck with this man, I really hope you get through it.. [/FONT]
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