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05-30-2007, 02:59 PM
ok what if Battleforce 2000 never die?

heres a recap,Battleforce 2000 is a subset series of toys from Hasbro under the G.I. Joe series and toyline. Released in late 1987 (With a final vehicle and member released in 1989), they represent a hi-tech unit of the Joes using experimental weaponry under battlefield conditions.

The toy line was made up of 7 action figures, with the 6 from 1987 being packaged in 2-packs. All but one of the characters was assigned as the primary driver of a hi-tech vehicle, which was sold separately. A part of 6 of the vehicles can combine together to form into a small hi-tech fortress called the Future Fortress. All vehicles have a white, silver, grey and dark blue color scheme. An exception to this is the Pulverizer, the 1989 addition to the series which does not have a piece that can combine with the fortress

Characters and Vehicles
Avalanche - Cold weather specialist who drives the vehicle, Dominator, a tank that was specially designed for use in freezing weather conditions.
Blaster - Ground effect vehicle operator who loves to design hovercrafts. He operates the Vindicator, an advanced hovercraft. Fan of loud rock and roll music.
Blocker - Driver of the Eliminator, a jeep-like assault vehicle.
Dodger - Maintenance expert and operator of the hi-tech battle cycle, Marauder. Known to cook for the team.
Knockdown - Operator of the mobile anti-aircraft platform, Sky-Sweeper.
Maverick - Fighter pilot of the VTOL jet fighter Vector.
Dee-Jay - Communications expert. He is the only member without an assigned vehicle, and is a late addition to the team.

Pulverizer - A mobile laser cannon platform. It is the only vehicle with no primary designated operator. Despite it being marketed as part of Battleforce 2000, any qualified Joe can operate the vehicle. (As shown in the original packaging where Recoil is shown driving it) Since both the Pulverizer and Dee-Jay arrived at the same time, it could be assumed that Dee-Jay was intended to operate it, but since his specialties were listed as communications and infantry, this assumption holds little weight.

Battleforce 2000 first appeared in G.I. Joe #68 as a testing and research unit assigned in the fictional country of Frusenland.

Maverick gets some time away from the team one issue later. He is teamed with Wild-Bill and Crazylegs during a mission in Rio Vista, the capital of war-torn Sierra Gordo, yet another fictional country. Several Dreadnoks appear. Monkeywrench, Zarana and Thrasher take many civilians hostage in order to ensure the help of Maverick and the other joes in escaping. In the end, though, the two groups teamed up, rescuing each other and helping the civilians reach safety.

Later, Battleforce 2000 is a major part of the invading force assisting Serpentor during the Cobra Civil War.

When Hasbro gave permission to writer Larry Hama to kill off Joes no longer circulated in the toylines, one of those often requested by fans was the elimination of Battleforce 2000.[citation needed] It finally happened in G.I. Joe #113, during a major battle in the war of liberating another fictional country, Benzheen, which was occupied by Cobra. The country's emir was more concerned of his oil stocks, he negotiated with Cobra Commander not to shell artillery on Battleforce 2000, who were reinforcing Joes trapped in another battle. Cobra Commander immediately reneged on the agreement and ordered shelling on Battleforce 2000. Perhaps as a testament to their unpopularity, Dee-Jay first appeared and died in that very same issue. From an artistic point of view, he seemed to have died of shrapnel to the lower chest area. Dodger is the only surviving member. After the war, he was moved and assigned to another Joe team, the Sonic Fighters.

The rest of the team was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

heres the Commercial for the Battleforce 2000 Comic


ok if none of the guys die. - Dodger , would hasbro do a 5 pack on the team, and who do you think should be in it?

05-30-2007, 03:29 PM
[COLOR=Red]i only liked 2 battle force characters. thats Avalanche and Blocker. besides, in my world their not dead, id say its that way for most. i dont let the comics tell me who i can and cant use, heck they killed quick kick, lady jaye and mainframe. no way im letting anyone who would kill them control my joeverse. also, if their dead in the comics and you want them to be dead, why not kill them in your dios. it would make for a great read.[/COLOR]

05-30-2007, 03:54 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]i only liked 2 battle force characters. thats Avalanche and Blocker. besides, in my world their not dead, id say its that way for most. i dont let the comics tell me who i can and cant use, heck they killed quick kick, lady jaye and mainframe. no way im letting anyone who would kill them control my joeverse. also, if their dead in the comics and you want them to be dead, why not kill them in your dios. it would make for a great read.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

yo, i dont like when thay kill off any of them. - duke which i cant stan.
but any ways.i think the comic did some damage to the line, i remember reading when Larry Hama to kill off Joes no longer circulated in the toylines,
i put it like this soldiers never die thay just fade away.

05-30-2007, 04:02 PM
Well, I think if BF2K hadn't been killed off, we'd have seen Maverick in a couple more comics. And nobody would have any interest in Dodger. The team would have reached a level of popularity probably just under the Eco-Warriors.

Chances of Hasbro doing a 5 (or 6) pack would have been zero even if they hadn't died, or at the very least they'd have changed the name to Battleforce 3000. Since the original gimmick was the vehicles, which didn't really prove popular, I don't see them dealing with the cost of reproducing it when there were WAY more popular vehicles (& characters) they could have rereleased.

IF they did, I'd say a 6-pack would have had everyone but Dee-Jay and a 5-pack probably could have missed out Maverick, who had enough exposure to probably get away with a single/double carded release. I can't say I care that it didn't happen; the only thing that I would have thought was even slightly cool would have been a new-sculpt Dodger without a barrel-torso, packaged with one of the new vehicles.

Urban Saboteur
05-30-2007, 04:20 PM
I also liked Avalanche & Blocker. They were my first two BF2000 figures. They were individually carded over here in the United Kingdom. I guess I just liked them and perhaps I wanted someone to drive the snow cat, since frostbite was broken and i buried him in the garden :-) (I was 8) :o

So my thoughts on BF2000. I think if they were to redo the characters. For the most part these have helmets. I'd like to see Avalanche, Blaster, Blocker, Dodger and Dee Jay all with removable helmets. Leave out Maverick and Knockdown. I'd have blaster in the green again but darker green more like the 2001 ARAH Colours. Avalanche could be again the snow vehicle driver. Blocker. I didnt think was much wrong with the first one. I'd probably change the orange to a more tan colour instead. ;)
I'd like to see an improvement to dee-jay with him decked out in black & grey colours of the 1991 Sci-Fi figure. :D And No Pink Rifle this time!!

I don't know how popular this would be. I remember a few of the BF2000 figures being peg warmers for quite some time in toymasters and toys r us.. so its difficult to say.

05-30-2007, 04:22 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]Well, I think if BF2K hadn't been killed off, we'd have seen Maverick in a couple more comics. And nobody would have any interest in Dodger. The team would have reached a level of popularity probably just under the Eco-Warriors.

Chances of Hasbro doing a 5 (or 6) pack would have been zero even if they hadn't died, or at the very least they'd have changed the name to Battleforce 3000. Since the original gimmick was the vehicles, which didn't really prove popular, I don't see them dealing with the cost of reproducing it when there were WAY more popular vehicles (& characters) they could have rereleased.

IF they did, I'd say a 6-pack would have had everyone but Dee-Jay and a 5-pack probably could have missed out Maverick, who had enough exposure to probably get away with a single/double carded release. I can't say I care that it didn't happen; the only thing that I would have thought was even slightly cool would have been a new-sculpt Dodger without a barrel-torso, packaged with one of the new vehicles.[/QUOTE]

stormer i can see that a new-sculpt Dodger without a barrel-torso, packaged with one of the new vehicles
that would cool. but i dont think hasbro would bring everyone back.
when thay did the 6 pack with night force and tiger force, there were new additions to the teams. i think it would go for the same. as for changing the name from 2000 to 3000. i cant see that. but you never know.

05-30-2007, 04:24 PM
[COLOR=Red]yeah, they were never that popular, but i dont think they were anywhere as unpopular as eco warriors.[/COLOR]

05-30-2007, 04:46 PM
thay uesd Avalanche body as blackbast from Winter Operations 6 pack.

toymasters , is that a toy store. rich ?. i think removable helmets will be cool.
that will be some thing a lot of joe fans will love to see..

05-30-2007, 05:24 PM
I say 3000 because, when BF2K was originally released the year 2000 was still over a decade away and they were meant to be a cutting-edge-technology, sci-fi style futuristic group. But now, 2000 is the past... I can just see them waiting for their mission briefing to finish downloading onto the Future Fortress computer over its dial-up modem...

Urban Saboteur
05-30-2007, 08:09 PM
Actually toymasters was attempting to be a big retail toystore in the 80s and 90s here in the united kingdom. Along with toy & hobby stores ;) Stormer do you remember toy and hobby stores? :o

Man I feel old saying that! :D

But yeah, removable helmets would be cool on the new guys, actually just to give you guys a feeling of what I had for an update to dodger, only without the removable helmet. This is my own update, he's actually my RHINO Driver.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w74/UrbanSaboteur/Custom%20Figures/Dodger%202005/IMAG2729.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

Lava Boss
05-31-2007, 08:58 AM
The only reason Dodger survived is because of his Sonic Fighters figure. BF 2000 dies in the June 1991 issue of GI JOE, Sonic Fighters first appeared in late 1990 (some guides list them as 1991 releases, though their cardbacks indicate they are early 1991 releases IMHO).

Take away that Sonic Fighter, set the story a year earlier, and Dee-Jay (still in cirulation) would've been the survivor.

I never thought Dodger was barrel chested. Avalanche and Knock-Down, those guys were thick.

I was never a huge BF2000 fan...the vehicles mostly sucked. I didn't even get the last of them until well after RAH ended.

05-31-2007, 11:13 AM
I like the Idea of having a force that tests prototype weapons. It would be cool if they made a BF3000, just kill the lame Vehicles and weird ass guns! Something futuristic, but not so "out there" it isn't plausible! Have them carry weapons like the Military has on the drawing boards now, NOT an Anti-Aircraft Missile Pistol! (Yes, I'm talking to you Knockdown!)

A vehicle similar to the "Tumbler" from Batman Begins would be sweet. Prototype motorcycles (that Don't have treads and are like 35 feet long) would be sweet...or a Locust type chopper (the Army prototype, not the GI Joe Locusts!) A tank similar to the Armadillo but with a Gauss railgun so it would be small and manuverable but packs a punch greater than an M-1! And a Stealth hovercraft/Boat or catamaran..like the Sea Shadow!

05-31-2007, 02:02 PM
Well, my own Joeverse doesn't look a thing like any of the "official" continuity-stricken ones, toon or comic. I've pulled a few things out of each for my Joe-verse (like Cross Country's fisticuffs tussel with Stormshadow and the introduction of Zanya to the Dreadnok roster) but 98% of the Marvel, DDP, Blackthorne, Dic, Sunbow, whatever is just ignored. Yeah, I'm another one of those who just can't let my creativity be hindered but what other writers do. [And anyone who may have seen my customs and/or read the bios I do for each over at Good To Go is aware of how different my 'verse is.]

The Battle Force 2000 isn't dead to me, nor are any of its members. Hell, their official gov't-designated team name isn't even BF2K and the "2000" doesn't refer to a year all, it's a joke by the team's OIC referring to the number of ideas he has for new cutting edge technology military equpiment only GIJoe will ever have the budget to design, engineer, develop, and put to use.

Captain Joesph Marrone is that OIC, Richard Renwick is the first shirt, and the rest of the 6 roster members are all just having fun. They fight Cobra, IGs, and Coil forces using some of this experiemental equipment every once in awhile but most the time they deploy as a unit using conventional weapons with high tech tweaks for superb new efficiency... As qualified Airborne Special Forces (green berets) and multi-tiered training at Benning, Jackson, AGP, Gordon, Lewis, and NTC (White Sands) on most standard issue US Army procedures and equipment under normal combat situations, they fall back on their Army Infantry training as battle-hardened NCOs, defeating enemy units the old fashion way but all the while wishing their "toys" could become necessary.

BF2K had too much potential to be wasted like they were.

P.S. * And when I say "experimental" up there, I mean plausible and possible [someday] but extremely new, innovative, and sometimes dangerous... Some of the designs might be a bit overboard and impractical but I don't mean whacked-out futuristic stuff like a lot of their rifles and a few of those vehicles were. :rolleyes:

05-31-2007, 10:31 PM
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=ender098]I like the Idea of having a force that tests prototype weapons. It would be cool if they made a BF3000, just kill the lame Vehicles and weird ass guns! Something futuristic, but not so "out there" it isn't plausible! Have them carry weapons like the Military has on the drawing boards now, NOT an Anti-Aircraft Missile Pistol! (Yes, I'm talking to you Knockdown!) [/Quote][/COLOR]

I liked the BF2K characters......but really,the Mauler,Equalizer,and Conquest X-30 were MUCH more advanced than BF2K's stuff......heck,neither the Marvel comic NOR the cartoon showed what the X-30 could REALLY do......go to Wikipedia and look up these terms.....'Herbst Turn'......'Bootlegger'.....'Pugachev's Cobra' 'High Alpha'....'X-31'....you'll be AMAZED!!! :cool: