View Full Version : The Comic Box #22!!!
General Scarlett
05-30-2007, 07:48 PM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.
#22. Like Chimney Sweepers Come To Dust...
~Short Summary~
The Joes are repairing The Pit after a Cobra attack. Snake-Eyes flies off to bury Kwinn. The Joes attend General Flagg's funeral, Dr. Venom is buried in Potter's field and finally Major Bludd takes the badly burned Baroness to a Dr. Hundtkinder in Switerland to repair her body.
~Notes of Interest~
First Appearance: Duke & Roadblock
The funeral of General Flagg.
Introduction of Dr. Hundtkinder, a Swiss plastic surgeon.
Diagram of the new Pit.
Scarlett's capture is explained. (see issue #21).
-summary from
-image from
Discuss away!
05-31-2007, 12:01 AM
Another winner! To me,Hama shows just how much he could pack into one issue here-very dignified funerals for Kwinn and General Flagg( check out Snake-Eyes' body language as he sits in the Dragonfly ),action with Gung-Ho and the intro of the Rattler-not to mention Duke & Roadblock,two of my faves! Duke is particularly impressive as a 'Hard Corps' Top Sergeant. :cool:
We also get humor with Scarlett,Clutch,Cover Girl,Snowjob,Short-Fuse,Flash,and excellent technical layout for the new 'PIT'......a plausible explanation for how Storm Shadow captured Scarlett in #21,a good look at the Team in Class 'A' uniforms.........hmm-dosen't the fact that Stalker & Snake-Eyes are wearing Green Berets with their uni's mean they are Special Forces Soldiers,notwithstanding WHAT their Filecards say? :confused:
There's also intrigue with the Baroness and Bludd,and last but not least,Dr. Venom gets the ignoble grave his villany has earned.........
Weirdly enough,a few days after I was given this comic as a child,I read a book about ghosts and hauntings of England........the title of this issue is from an old English poem about Death-"And Golden Girls And Lads All Must,Like Chimney Sweepers,Come To Dust"...............
05-31-2007, 09:44 AM
Another Very Good Issue!!! Alot of my favorite characters got some face time!!! :D
We get to see General Flagg's Funeral :( and we get an over the Top intro of the Joe teams 2 new members Duke & Roadblock!!! ;)
Lava Boss
06-02-2007, 11:33 AM
IIRC, there's really no explination as to why Duke and Roadblock show up at the funeral, and armed to boot.
Oh, well.
Duke's overblown arrogance is astounding here. He's gonna make "real soldiers out of them"...uh...yeah. Stalker and Snake-Eyes were in 'Nam. Not to mention Torpedp's a SEAL, Gung Ho's a marine and Ace is USAF, but that's a technicality. Hama makes Duke the "bad cop" from his first appearance.
Oddly enough, this is not unsimilar to Sgt. Slaughter's entrance in ARISE, SERPENTOR, ARISE. Some hard-ass sarge shows up at the right time to save the day. Hmmmm....
Did Hawk request Duke, or was Duke adding to the team in light of what happen on Staten Island? U.S. general was killed on U.S. soil by a terrorist, an unprecedented event, surely the Pentagon would take a look at the GI JOE team and say "this unit needs to shape-up or ship-out!"
Transitional issue, really, after this many of the original 13 Joes are going to be background characters...except Stalker, Snake Eyes, Scarlett and Hawk of course.
06-05-2007, 12:54 PM
yeah the original 13 are not more core characters , well i start with this comic , really like the team up duke and RB ... ;)
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