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06-01-2007, 10:52 PM
There is a little troll on here who doesn't know how to follow the rules. He has gone by StormShadowIsDeadly, Valor13, Valor11,AZNKilla, JoeFan21, Firefly and no doubt a slew of other names. He first showed up about 6-7 months ago. He is a Firefly fanatic and begs for firefly action figures. He is pushy and rude and expects YOU to GIVE them to him FREE. Those of you who have dealt with me, I'm not above giving away extra stuff I get or helping you out for free, but one thing I CANNOT STAND is someone you help out who doesn't acknowledge you helped them out (a "thank you" goes a long with me!) and then DEMANDS more! Not asks, but DEMANDS!!!

Let me tell you, I gave thhis person a V1 Firefly, CG 6 pack Firefly, V1 LowLight and a V2 Slaughters Marauders Lowlight for free, and this kid has the audacity to ask me for more because his brother set them on fire! He also posts pictures from other websites on here and insults people (such as Graham aka Sonnelion by using a name AZNkilla [Asian-Killer]). He consistantly pulls crap and begs forgivness. At first I was ticked at Graham for banning him, figuring he was a kid who didn't know better. Well, he has had like 5 chances, and the Jig is up...you know when you tick me off, you have crossed the line, I'm fairly tolerant!

If he gets in contact with you, I BEG of you report him to General Scarlett. The way to determine if it's him is tell him you have figures and you need his mailing address. If he gives you the following address;

[color=blue][font=Arial]Brigette Collins [/font][/color]
[color=blue][font=Arial]Apar[/font][/color]<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com /><st1:address><st1:Street><FONT color=blue><FONT face=Arial>tment</FONT></FONT></st1:Street><FONT color=blue><FONT face=Arial> 45</FONT></FONT></st1:address><FONT color=blue><FONT face=Arial> Dogwood terrace</FONT></FONT></P><P style=[color=blue][font=Arial]Big Stone [/font][/color]<st1:City>[color=blue][font=Arial]Gap [/font][/color]</st1:City>[color=blue][/color]<st1:State>[color=blue][font=Arial]VA [/font][/color]</st1:State>[color=blue][/color]<st1:PostalCode>[color=blue][font=Arial]24219[/font][/color]</st1:PostalCode>

Report him immediately! Let me just say he was begging LordRaven for figures and Shane decided to mess with him and act like he spoke english poorly. This is what JoeFan21 told him;

[color=blue][font=Arial]Originally Posted by joefan21<O:p</O:p[/font][/color]

[color=blue][font=Arial]dude, stop talking like that, its getting pretty damn annoying.<O:p</O:p[/font][/color]

[color=blue][font=Arial]what figure are you going to send?[/font][/color]<O:p</O:p

This is a person who is rude, immature and has ZERO to offer a community that helps each other out and respects each other. I have asked General Scarlett to Ban him and ask if you encounter him you alert General Scarlett IMMEDIATELY!!!!

If he threatens you or annoys you in any way, let me know. I have the address and phone number and will alert the Police in Big Stone Gap. Thank you.

06-01-2007, 10:59 PM
Joefan21 is a figure thief. DO NOT send him even best wishes. I've been foolin with this fool and he's a DORK. Ignore him, block him,and go back to your collection.

could you send me a picture of what it looks like?
are you telling the truth about the figures?
if so, god bless you

Originally Posted by LordRaven
I have contaner for Joe for to send to you from here Quebec, just needs your mailing addresses. Please to give soon. or else change mind

Originally Posted by joefan21
your serious?

Originally Posted by LordRaven
I sends for you firefly version numbre une. It's wonderfuls, but to sends in the maile I needs your mails addresses.
I send out for you soon! You see!

Your new friend


Originally Posted by joefan21
dude, stop talking like that, its getting pretty damn annoying.
what figure are you going to send?

Originally Posted by LordRaven
Hi Friend! Why you asked for Firefly when you posted photos of him? Did you steals photos? I like to steals photos, cuse it's easy to post others photos, whatcha thinks? I can mails you figures, what is your mails? I send On afters tomorrow.

Originally Posted by joefan21
could you just send me a comic pack firefly?
or V1 it doesn't matter

Originally Posted by LordRaven
Hello friend, I not have manys figures, but my known person Ender098 is super at sending the free things. You PM and he'll helps you fore sure, I am sure. Have goos times.


Originally Posted by joefan21
Originally Posted by LordRaven
I like Joes. Do you like Joes? How manys do yous Have? I not spek Engrish very goods, but I tries. I like Shipwrekcs the bestest. You?

Originally Posted by joefan21
Originally Posted by LordRaven
English me no speak good, what you mean? I like G.I. Joe, we call them heres Actions Guys. Whos do you likes?
you putted on the site pic of Firefly

Originally Posted by joefan21
hey man, do you have any spare figs?
I have NO figures and need some.
could you help?

ok, haha!
what I mean is, I'm looking for some cheap figures that people could send me for free.
If you have any, would you consider sending them to me?

Hey gang, just giving you an update on my kitty Storm Shadow. She's doing great and I loves her muchly. She's a lil piggy, she likes to attack my feet, and chew on wires, but I wouldn't trade her for anything. here I am at the computer with my lil helper.

dude, your cat is pretty cool looking.
I have no figures what so ever. thats why I'm looking for some joes, including firefly

06-02-2007, 01:01 AM
You guys rock.

06-02-2007, 03:03 PM
Funny you should mention this, he pm'd me asking for a Firefly figure yesterday. :rolleyes:

General Scarlett
06-02-2007, 03:33 PM
:mad: Steps are being taken..............you may return to your previous duties.......

General Scarlett
06-02-2007, 04:04 PM
So I just got this PM...........and this is how I responded...........

Re: delete


Originally Posted by joefan21

go ahead, delete me
I don't care, all I want is to be at peace. not be led on by a bunch of people that some you can't even trust.

just DELETE ME!!!!!!!

Dude, you brought it on yourself.......so neither myself nor any of the other members are going to apologize....

We gave you more chances than you obviously deserve, so DO NOT COME BACK!!!! Find somewhere else to 'troll'.........it's THAT SIMPLE!!

p.s.-I'm posting this up in the forum..........just so you know that I'm not trying to hide anything......


And you know what they say about the 'horse's mouth'................so DO NOT respond to this 'member'........



06-03-2007, 12:01 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]

Originally Posted by joefan21:

go ahead, delete me
I don't care, all I want is to be at peace. not be led on by a bunch of people that some you can't even trust.

just DELETE ME!!!!!!!


Hmmmm, some you can't even trust? Like Me who got pi$$ed at a good friend (Sonneilon) because I thought he didn't give you a fair shake and asked him to give you another (probably the 5th) chance you got because you lie about who you are everytime you come back?

Or me, the one who sent you 4 rare figures and ask nothing in return, only to have you lie to me about how old you were, and have you keep begging?

Aren't you the one who swore he wouldn't beg anymore? And yet you come back time and time again BEGGING?

Aren't you the one who keeps posting pics from other peoples websites without permission, after you have been banned HOW MANY times?

Aren't you the one who ARGUES and gets ticked when we figure out you're really Valor 13 and you keep coming back and lying about who you are? Then fight about it?

...and I can't be trusted? People in Glass houses.......

06-03-2007, 12:14 AM
I thought he wasn't valor13 and that had been proven...

06-03-2007, 01:22 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]I thought he wasn't valor13 and that had been proven...[/QUOTE]

No, that was Urban sabatuer we thought was Valor 13......he wasn't..but JoeFan21 WAS!!!

Sorry about that last post..like I said, I'm like Iron....slow to fire up...long time to cool down....

06-03-2007, 03:59 AM
I am not VALOR13!!
I'm not Aznkilla either!!

Urban Saboteur
06-03-2007, 04:45 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]No, that was Urban sabatuer we thought was Valor 13......he wasn't..but JoeFan21 WAS!!!

Sorry about that last post..like I said, I'm like Iron....slow to fire up...long time to cool down....[/QUOTE]

[FONT=Arial]I've never been Valor13. I was previously N*E*F.[/FONT]

06-03-2007, 05:28 AM
dude, I never was either.
I've done bad s%$t before but
never, ever been RACIST!

06-03-2007, 05:30 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]No, that was Urban sabatuer we thought was Valor 13......he wasn't..but JoeFan21 WAS!!!

Sorry about that last post..like I said, I'm like Iron....slow to fire up...long time to cool down....[/QUOTE]

god, I am NOT valor 13

Ruki Ren93
06-03-2007, 09:17 AM
Were Valor13 and Night Creeper one in the same? Or are they just both Firefly fanatics that are d@mn annoying....

Eiither way, this guy is pretty annoying. I've had multiple PM's from him before. Watchout!!

06-03-2007, 10:53 AM
Okay guys, I'm pretty sure valor13 (or valor11 as he currently goes by) is NOT joefan21/Firefly#1/stormshadowisdeadly/night creeper/beach head rocks/cobra firefly/others.

Why do I believe that?
Because valor11 actually POSTED HIS OWN PHOTOS (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/browseimages.php?do=member&imageuser=519).
Also, I never saw him ask for toys like the other accounts have. As such, I don't believe valor11/valor13 to be the same as The Firefly Beggar (as I will therefore refer the geek from Big Stone Gap as).

06-03-2007, 11:03 AM
[QUOTE=Ruki Ren93]Were Valor13 and Night Creeper one in the same? Or are they just both Firefly fanatics that are d@mn annoying....

Eiither way, this guy is pretty annoying. I've had multiple PM's from him before. Watchout!![/QUOTE]

I believe so. Does it matter? He's been AT LEAST; Night Creeper, StormShadowIsDeadly and has at LEAST one other account. HE's been banned at LEAST 2 times....and if he's NOT Valor 11-13 and the rest, he lives with that person, because they both use the same mailing address when begging for figures!

[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur][font=Arial]I've never been Valor13. I was previously N*E*F.[/font][/QUOTE]

I know,Sorry for the suspicion, but when General Scarlett Banned StormShadowIsDeadly, you popped up the next day (or a few days after) and I remember someone was thinking you were him. Another good reason to ban this beggar, he has spread doubt and suspicion among us. Anyone who mentions "I like Firelfly" or has a Firefly avatar sets off warning bells in my head.

[QUOTE=joefan21]I am not VALOR13!!
I'm not Aznkilla either!![/QUOTE]

But you WERE StromShadowIsDeadly, Night Creeper, YOU ARE NOT 21 like you claimed in one of your posts, you have at Least ONE Version firefly that you supposedly let your brother set on fire, you've told lies and been disrespectful and you are a totally annoying....well, not beggar...a beggar BEGS..you Demand! Why should ANYONE Believe you? You may not be these others, but with all the lies you have told, how can you expect anyone on this forum in their right mind to believe you? How many times have you been back? How many times have you Lied and thought we were all fools not to see through your simple and childish lies? You act like we are fools and thinking I'm THAT STUPID ticks me off worse than ANYTHING else you have done! And are you telling me that you and Valor13 can live in the same house and not know each other? You both used the same mailing address and name when you asked for figures!

GROW UP. The world is not as stupid as you think, and if you honestly think when you do go out in the world that you can use this same approach to dealing with mature intelligent people out there as you tried here, I only hope one thing for you......you're parents are rich....otherwise, hope you like MCJobs!

06-03-2007, 11:14 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]Okay guys, I'm pretty sure valor13 (or valor11 as he currently goes by) is NOT joefan21/Firefly#1/stormshadowisdeadly/night creeper/beach head rocks/cobra firefly/others.

Why do I believe that?
Because valor11 actually POSTED HIS OWN PHOTOS (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/browseimages.php?do=member&imageuser=519).
Also, I never saw him ask for toys like the other accounts have. As such, I don't believe valor11/valor13 to be the same as The Firefly Beggar (as I will therefore refer the geek from Big Stone Gap as).[/QUOTE]

You're probably right. But does it really matter? WE ban either today and tomorrow we will have Valor 43 who wasn't Valor 11 or Valor 13.....and ILOveSTormShadowsandFireflys who was none of the others...oh and ....PM: I don't have many figures, got a Firefly V1 that you could sell on Ebay for $25.00 dollars you wanna give me so I can keep DEMANDING you GIVE me more?

I must hand it to you...how can you keep up with who these two have been? I just don't have the patience?

I'm just getting tired of keeping up with beggars and brats....I'm usually busy 24/7 looking on the wants/needs thread and seeing if I can hook up people who DON'T beg with extra stuff I have so I don't have to pack it up for my upcoming move!

Jeeze...I'm getting old and grouchy....what next? I won't remember what's his name was what do you call it? uhmmmm....err....hmmm..I forgot!

06-03-2007, 11:26 AM
[size=2][color=#545454] [/color][/size]

From an MSN chat with Jaye;
??? / ?????? says:
<DIR>[font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Honestly, Frank, leave valor out of this, he hasn't caused any trouble since G gave him his final chance.

</DIR>[/size][/font][size=2][color=#545454]Frank says:

<DIR>[/color][/size][size=2]I know....but these kids have FINALLY poushed me over the edge! you ban them and they keep coming back again and again under different names....I can't keep 'em straight!

</DIR>[/size][size=2][color=#545454]??? / ?????? says:

<DIR>[/color][/size][font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Well valor just rejoined with different numbers after his name and never tried to disguise his persona. The Big Stone Gap kid on the other hand keeps getting new different-sounding accounts.

[font=MS Sans Serif][size=2][color=#545454]Frank says:

<DIR>[/color][/size][/font][font=MS Sans Serif][size=2]True....mind if I post these last few IM's you sent me to correct that?

</DIR>[/size][/font][font=MS Sans Serif][size=2][color=#545454]??? / ?????? says:

<DIR>[/color][/size][/font][size=2]Not at all, go right ahead.

I think he's right. I am being HArd on Valor 11. Maybe they aren't the same person. And after looking in my PM's...it was StormShadowisDeadly, Firefly#1, ect that have the same address....NOT Valor 11. So for acccusing you two of being the other..I apologize......but for the rest...sorry... no apology forthcoming! I stand by what I said.


gung ho
06-03-2007, 06:07 PM
yeah joefan PMed me before i knew anything about this wanting me to do a myspace profile with a firefly background for him and send him the URL

06-03-2007, 06:18 PM
does this sound like same guy we have had problams with before? just wandering, cause I don't want to accuse someone of something they didn't do. thanks guys/gals







06-03-2007, 06:26 PM
Deja Vu, looks just like it to me.

[QUOTE=bluestalker88]does this sound like same guy we have had problams with before? just wandering, cause I don't want to accuse someone of something they didn't do. thanks guys/gals




06-03-2007, 06:28 PM
[QUOTE=bluestalker88]does this sound like same guy we have had problams with before? just wandering, cause I don't want to accuse someone of something they didn't do. thanks guys/gals




I saw those over at JoeBattlelines. I wondered if it is the same person....maybe I should give Leo T. Dragon the heads up before he gets 2000 PM's about how someone is BEGGING!!


06-03-2007, 06:28 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Deja Vu, looks just like it to me.[/QUOTE]

I added a few more links but thanks for backing me up on my views


06-03-2007, 06:52 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]I saw those over at JoeBattlelines. I wondered if it is the same person....maybe I should give Leo T. Dragon the heads up before he gets 2000 PM's about how someone is BEGGING!!


that would be a very good idea please do. thanks Frank


General Scarlett
06-03-2007, 06:56 PM
Frank, Nick.........Leo already knows...........I told him last night.........we're 'cautiously' watching...........thanks for the heads up!! Nice looking out!!!! :cool:

06-04-2007, 09:39 AM
your very welcome GS.


Ruki Ren93
06-04-2007, 12:27 PM
Nick, Cobra1 at JBL has PMed me, but not begging.

It might be the same guy, but he is being friendly and all he's doing is asking for help posting images in his sig.

He hasn't asked me for a fig once. So I trust him.

When/If he asks for a fig.....Lol.

06-04-2007, 03:08 PM
I've never been on jbl, so get that out of your f'n head

06-04-2007, 03:18 PM
Hey guys, I have a Comic Pack Firefly to give away, anyone want it? *snickers*

06-04-2007, 03:25 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Hey guys, I have a Comic Pack Firefly to give away, anyone want it? *snickers*[/QUOTE]

Listen everyone, I'm truly and 100% sorry. :( :(
I swear on my mom's grave that I am. :o
you don't have to apoligize, but i just wanted to let you know that I will not be begging, stealing pics, or anything else to get you guys pi$$ed.

06-04-2007, 03:42 PM
Listen everyone, I'm truly and 100% sorry. :( :(
I swear on my mom's grave that I am. :o
you don't have to apoligize, but i just wanted to let you know that I will not be begging, stealing pics, or anything else to get you guys pi$$ed.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE=5]Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah[/SIZE]

General Scarlett
06-04-2007, 03:44 PM
Alright, let's give him the benefit of the doubt...........for now.............

I've had enough of the 'Flame Wars' for the next few days.............thanks ;) :)

06-04-2007, 04:12 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Alright, let's give him the benefit of the doubt...........for now.............

I've had enough of the 'Flame Wars' for the next few days.............thanks ;) :)[/QUOTE]

thank you gen scarlett.

06-04-2007, 04:17 PM
"This message is hidden because joefan21 is on your ignore list."

I suggest you all do the same. I know I'll sleep better tonight :-)

06-04-2007, 04:24 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]"This message is hidden because joefan21 is on your ignore list."

I suggest you all do the same. I know I'll sleep better tonight :-)[/QUOTE]

well say what you want about me.
but doesn't anyone find it kinda bad when lordraven calls a 12 year old a homosexual?

General Scarlett
06-04-2007, 04:28 PM
[QUOTE=joefan21]well say what you want about me.
but doesn't anyone find it kinda bad when lordraven calls a 12 year old a homosexual?[/QUOTE]

huh??? :confused:

06-04-2007, 04:32 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]huh??? :confused:[/QUOTE]

I'll send you the pm he sent me

06-04-2007, 05:33 PM
I've seen low, and I've seen low and then there's this. Nice moves kid, making up stories about me now. How about I post the PM where you call me a homosexual too. Yeah, I can make up PM's the same as you can

06-04-2007, 05:36 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]I've seen low, and I've seen low and then there's this. Nice moves kid, making up stories about me now. How about I post the PM where you call me a homosexual too. Yeah, I can make up PM's the same as you can[/QUOTE]

I didn't make that up, you sent it to me with a link to this post

06-04-2007, 05:39 PM
Hi Douchebag ( Douchebag is French for Joe theiving homosexual)
thats exactly what you said in that pm

General Scarlett
06-04-2007, 05:39 PM
stop, Stop, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!

For god's sake people............GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!!!!!

If you don't like someone, just leave them alone!!!!

Stop with the 'he said, he said' crap............this is me asking nicely..........

Thanks for co-operating........ ;)

06-04-2007, 05:41 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]stop, Stop, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!

For god's sake people............GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!!!!!

If you don't like someone, just leave them alone!!!!

Stop with the 'he said, he said' crap............this is me asking nicely..........

Thanks for co-operating........ ;)[/QUOTE]

ok, there hatchet lit and tossed into the nether regions.

General Scarlett
06-04-2007, 05:45 PM
[QUOTE=joefan21]I didn't make that up, you sent it to me with a link to this post[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=joefan21]Hi Douchebag ( Douchebag is French for Joe theiving homosexual)
thats exactly what you said in that pm[/quote]

[QUOTE=joefan21]ok, there hatchet lit and tossed into the nether regions.
ITS OVER![/quote]


CUT THIS S**T OUT............NOW!!!!!!

06-04-2007, 05:48 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]DUDE!!!!!!! WHAT DID I JUST SAY TO YOU IN A PM???????? YOU DON'T LISTEN WELL DO YOU?!?!?!?!?!??!?

CUT THIS S**T OUT............NOW!!!!!![/QUOTE]

ok, game over.

were done!!

06-04-2007, 08:32 PM



06-05-2007, 09:10 AM
I would like to say I'm sorry to joefan21, it just seemed there was to much of the same charactaristics in jbl member Cobra1, so I'm sorry I posted that, I just wanted to know if I wasn't alone in what I thought was the same person. sorry I offended you.


06-06-2007, 10:39 AM
[QUOTE=bluestalker88]I would like to say I'm sorry to joefan21, it just seemed there was to much of the same charactaristics in jbl member Cobra1, so I'm sorry I posted that, I just wanted to know if I wasn't alone in what I thought was the same person. sorry I offended you.


its ok, as long as we can get this over with