View Full Version : I'm done....
06-03-2007, 01:14 PM
My Star Wars comic if FINALLY done. After several months and some issues with my PC I've been able to get it done and before I move to Ohio.
So for those who are interested here it is.
It's the only story on the site. Titled Star Wars Bounty Hunter. Comicbook creator wasn't working with me so each page is a sperated PDF file. It's compressed into a Zip file. So enjoy
06-03-2007, 02:54 PM
[COLOR=Red]cool dio. loved the troopers and the sets were great. if im not wrong didnt you cut and paste a lot of the shots over the movie scenes? it was a great job all around, only thing, i got the snake eyes feeling. predator is bad and all, but i dont see him killing many storm troopers. if he did how was fett able to go toe to toe with him, the troopers are clones the same as he is. yet all in all it was great, like i said i loved the sets and every pic was very clear. the interludes with punisher and bludd were perfect, probably my fave part.[/COLOR]
General Scarlett
06-03-2007, 03:24 PM
[size=3]I [/size] [size=4]LOVE[/size] [size=5]IT[/size][size=6]!!!!!!!![/size]
06-03-2007, 07:52 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]cool dio. loved the troopers and the sets were great. if im not wrong didnt you cut and paste a lot of the shots over the movie scenes? it was a great job all around, only thing, i got the snake eyes feeling. predator is bad and all, but i dont see him killing many storm troopers. if he did how was fett able to go toe to toe with him, the troopers are clones the same as he is. yet all in all it was great, like i said i loved the sets and every pic was very clear. the interludes with punisher and bludd were perfect, probably my fave part.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I actually didn't cut and paste on movie scenes it was a matter of either printing out the backdrop or scanning in the image from the card back off of a figure. As far as Fett going toe to toe with the Predator they are both "hunters" therefore they are both smarter than clone trooper. You're right that Fett is a clone, but if you remember in Ep 2 as part of Jango Fett's payment he was to get an unaltered clone for himself. Boba Fett did not get the same training as the clone troopers. Even after Jango Fett's death Boba Fett was still being trained as a hunter by father.
Trying to do this story was sort of a pain in the a$$ because I wanted to be true to both movies and their characters. It wasn't an easy task and I'm sure there is a foul up somewhere. However I still had a blast doing it, and my co-workers who saw most the photos thought it was awesome.
06-03-2007, 10:01 PM
Trying to do this story was sort of a pain in the a$$ because I wanted to be true to both movies and their characters. It wasn't an easy task and I'm sure there is a foul up somewhere. However I still had a blast doing it, and my co-workers who saw most the photos thought it was awesome.[/QUOTE]
Wow....I mean.....WOW! There may be someting wrong, but it looks like you have done a TON of research on both stories! Awesome lighting and sets. I only wish I had the skill at making the smaller frames in CBC.
Major Bludd
06-13-2007, 09:20 AM
That is awesome.
Where to start? The ads are too cool. I really like the Punisher one. On page 10 that is just too cool with Han Solo taking out Greedo nice touch. Page 22 that is funny it also adds to the character's profle. The battle driod scence was really cool. And Darth Vader's line on page 55 sets it up for the scence in the Empire Strikes Back where Vader tells Fett "No disintegration" The photoshopping is incredible you tell there was alot of work put into it and it shows. Great Job.
06-13-2007, 03:48 PM
AWESOME dio. what program did you ues. and nice uesd of the star wars figs
06-13-2007, 09:17 PM
[QUOTE=lightingtina]AWESOME dio. what program did you ues. and nice uesd of the star wars figs[/QUOTE]
The lay out was done using comic book creator. The photo shopping was dome in either Fireworks or adobe photoshop (depends on what I needed done) The sets were built or printed. I'm glad you liked it.
BTW welcome to the forum nice to see another young lady enjoying the hobby
06-17-2007, 06:18 AM
Ive just tried to access this and been denied entry by IE.
Did anyone else have this problem?
I was really looking forward to reading this too.
Urban Saboteur
06-17-2007, 07:28 AM
If you have problems with your I.E browser it might be best switching to Mozilla?
I haven't had chance to read this yet, but by the sounds of it, the comments have been great :cool:
Urban Saboteur
06-17-2007, 07:44 AM
:D I just got done reading this, I have to admit I gave up SW back in 86 but i understood most of what was happening.
The use of Predator in the action scenes was fantastic, I also enjoyed it when you had both images of the original clone then the view from the predator himself, very well thought out! :)
The CBC program is something I've been tinkering with for a bit now.. I like how it makes it easier to read the comics/story. You can clearly see the advantages here to having the program at your disposal.
I also liked the Major Bludd advert this was very well done :cool:
C-3PO was hilarious.. "Oh my what a mess... " and "How rude" :o
Apart from a few spelling errors nothing that was too confusing that you couldn't work out or detract you from the story line this was an excellent read.
Well done BT this was great to read aside from the usual Joe offerings.. :D Thanks for posting it up. I'm going to email the link to my friend as he is a SW Nut! :p
P.S you should change the title of the thread to SW Bounty Hunter Dio. ;)
06-17-2007, 09:08 AM
[QUOTE=bigtattoo]Ive just tried to access this and been denied entry by IE.
Did anyone else have this problem?
I was really looking forward to reading this too.[/QUOTE]
If you're still having a problem you can accessing the story you can try in from the link in my signature. My son and I have been working on a couple of different stories, and we decided to post them on that site. There's one coming up that he wrote that ran into a location change (NY to Ohio) that we need o work around.
Rich that Major Bludd advert that was my son's idea (not bad for a 10 year old) His reason was that comics have ads in them so I should do the same thing. Both that one and the Punisher one were submitted to Marauder. He didn't like the Punisher one said it was too dark. I thought he was going to post them on his site I guess he decided different. Thanks for the great comments.
That was great story! And I must admit, I'm no great SW and Predator fan. I like both series, but nothing personal. But you did a killing job on that! I could complain, that the story is too short, but no... knowing how long it takes to assembly such backgrounds and do the FX...
It is simply a great one. Of course, some shots 'tween Boba Fett and Predator were a bit concerning the Predator series, but this is unavoidable :)
Once again - GREAT story. Hope we see more :)
06-17-2007, 10:49 AM
That was great story! And I must admit, I'm no great SW and Predator fan. I like both series, but nothing personal. But you did a killing job on that! I could complain, that the story is too short, but no... knowing how long it takes to assembly such backgrounds and do the FX...
It is simply a great one. Of course, some shots 'tween Boba Fett and Predator were a bit concerning the Predator series, but this is unavoidable :)
Once again - GREAT story. Hope we see more :)[/QUOTE]
Honestly I would have like to have gone longer. As for killing off the Predator the orginal plan was to have them both come to the decision that they were equal and walk away from each other. However my friend who I was bouncing ideas off of (during work of course :D ) convinced me otherwise.
06-17-2007, 12:40 PM
Well, I finally got it, dunno what went wrong before.
was it worth it?
Absolutely, great job.
Good action- pacing and storyline.
I agree with above, I loved the ads, esp the Punisher one.
im a bit ambivalent towards all the movie references (both Predator I and II)- I felt that took away some of the originality.
overall though, I am very impressed.
Also- good job on the research.
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