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View Full Version : R.O.C.C. Question

06-22-2007, 01:44 PM
Does anyone here have the 2.5" R.O.C.C. and the 3.75" R.O.C.C.? I heard they are both the same, but I'd like to hear it from someone who has both and can verify it for me.....

Has anyone else wondered this?


06-22-2007, 02:08 PM
Frank, they're the same. That info was released when the 2.5" version was released in TRU. The only real difference was that the 2.5" came w/ (ahem), the dinky figures.

06-22-2007, 07:22 PM
I second Sonnelion's comment. I have the 2" ROCC and it is the same as the 3.75" ROCC. Only the figures were traded. The great thing for me was that the 2" ROCC was cheaper by ten bucks.