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View Full Version : The Troll Hunt!! General Scarlett, take note!!!

06-23-2007, 09:17 PM
Welcome to THE GREAT TROLL HUNT #2 …..


That’s right kids! We hit the Jackpot….
Remember this;

[QUOTE= Scalpel]
Hi, Its my birthday tomorrow.
I'm kinda lookin for a few joes and cobras.
PM me if you would like a list of the joes I'm after.

Many of us thought he was our old friend…….

[QUOTE= Scalpel]
Well, my Bday sucked because of all this pointing fingers at me.

Then General Scarlett ended the controversy

[QUOTE= General Scarlett]

Say goodnight to this thread............I love the 'asides' to what should and shouldn't be done..........when the truth of the matter is that some of you seem to 'thrive' on the 'drama' that this particular scenario plays over and over again......

If I listened to all of you..........or gave into demands as often as requested, then we'd have NOBODY on the site.............

He hasn't done anything......yet........so stop stirring up the hornet's nest........

I have warned our resident pest for the last time, if this member is found to be him, then the punishment will be instantaneous............

Thanks for your co-operation and consideration........


God knows I Love Prudence….she tries hard to give everyone a fair shake….but alas…….

Some Quotes from Scalpel from my PM box:

First, the Begging;

I'm lookin for a comic pack firefly, storm shadow, dusty, and beach head.
let me know, thanks

Then after I tell him I have a Dusty and need his address;

could you keep this a secret?
you already know me.
PLEASE forgive me for lieing and begging.
I swear to you and the almighty jesus christ that I'm sorry.

Please don't tell everyone who I am.

And more begging, just not for figures….

did you get my last message?
do you forgive me?

And finally…the coup De Grace’. Shafting the one who took up for him and scolded us for our suspicion;

ok, your ignoring me and I know why.
you can't stand me and you HATE me.
just don't tell gen scar about me

Will You NEVER learn? As soon as you start Begging, we KNOW who you are. And that’s bad enough! ARE YOU STUPID? You’re “hey got a comic pack firefly” has become a running joke on here…

FRakk!! You might as well paint yourself with a neon pink bullseye….you do the same stupid sh*t over and over!!! If you were truly sorry, you would QUIT BEGGING!!! You would quit asking for the same figures over and over and you would quit acting like we’re stupid for KNOWING it’s YOU WHEN YOU ARE SO STUPID THAT YOU DO THE SAME STUFF!


Since you are such a brain-dead dumb-@$$, I’ll show you what smart is……

If you DO decide to come back under another name….

1.) Ask for different figures!
2.) Don’t beg in PM’s…..post on the Wants/Needs thread and if you don’t get what you want right away, be patient.
3.) Don’t beg !! Don’t ask for figures…. Casually say you wish you had such and such…and if you don’t get them…..BUY THEM YOURSELF!!!

I need to ask forgiveness….General Scarlett…forgive me for this flame attack, but as you can see…someone took advantage of your trusting nature…and you know me, I give people plenty of chances…but I’m tapped out with this guy…..



06-23-2007, 09:19 PM
ok, ban me.
I don't care just go ahead

06-23-2007, 09:25 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Welcome to THE GREAT TROLL HUNT #2 …..


That’s right kids! We hit the Jackpot….
Remember this;

Many of us thought he was our old friend…….

Then General Scarlett ended the controversy

God knows I Love Prudence….she tries hard to give everyone a fair shake….but alas…….

Some Quotes from Scalpel from my PM box:

First, the Begging;

I'm lookin for a comic pack firefly, storm shadow, dusty, and beach head.
let me know, thanks

Then after I tell him I have a Dusty and need his address;

could you keep this a secret?
you already know me.
PLEASE forgive me for lieing and begging.
I swear to you and the almighty jesus christ that I'm sorry.

Please don't tell everyone who I am.

And more begging, just not for figures….

did you get my last message?
do you forgive me?

And finally…the coup De Grace’. Shafting the one who took up for him and scolded us for our suspicion;

ok, your ignoring me and I know why.
you can't stand me and you HATE me.
just don't tell gen scar about me

Will You NEVER learn? As soon as you start Begging, we KNOW who you are. And that’s bad enough! ARE YOU STUPID? You’re “hey got a comic pack firefly” has become a running joke on here…

FRakk!! You might as well paint yourself with a neon pink bullseye….you do the same stupid sh*t over and over!!! If you were truly sorry, you would QUIT BEGGING!!! You would quit asking for the same figures over and over and you would quit acting like we’re stupid for KNOWING it’s YOU WHEN YOU ARE SO STUPID THAT YOU DO THE SAME STUFF!


Since you are such a brain-dead dumb-@$$, I’ll show you what smart is……

If you DO decide to come back under another name….

1.) Ask for different figures!
2.) Don’t beg in PM’s…..post on the Wants/Needs thread and if you don’t get what you want right away, be patient.
3.) Don’t beg !! Don’t ask for figures…. Casually say you wish you had such and such…and if you don’t get them…..BUY THEM YOURSELF!!!

I need to ask forgiveness….General Scarlett…forgive me for this flame attack, but as you can see…someone took advantage of your trusting nature…and you know me, I give people plenty of chances…but I’m tapped out with this guy…..




General Scarlett
06-23-2007, 09:27 PM
[QUOTE=Scapel]ok, ban me.
I don't care just go ahead[/QUOTE]

See, the difference between you posting notes like this and when other's do it??? YOU I'LL TOSS..........

Say goodnight Gracie..............and for the love of all that's holy, FIND SOMEBODY ELSE TO PESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S**T MAN!!! I'm getting reeeeeaaalllllyyyyy bored with you.........on ALL the boards I moderate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's this childish behavior that made me lose interest in the line in the first place............

[SIZE=3]'Scapel' is BANNED!!!!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]

And next time Frank?? Send me the PM's RIGHT AWAY!!! :rolleyes:

06-23-2007, 09:28 PM
I know that I'm 100 percent screwed but why is it that I ask for figures and keep on doing it over and over? I know why cause i'M A F****** dumb@$$.
so, bye everyone, great being here.
this is it.

06-23-2007, 09:30 PM
Well, I also inquired our friend Scapel. Frank told me to offer him some things he had, thinking since I never messed with him before he might tell me the truth. If the kid turned out NOT to be joefan21/cobra1/night creeper/whoever else... he would've been more than happy to mail said figures. Anyway, after contacting him the first time, I realized he might be suspicious of my actions so I used a SUPER SECRET account to contact him again. Surprisingly, I got two different stories.

[QUOTE=Scapel][QUOTE=Jay][QUOTE=Scapel][QUOTE=Jay]I have a friend who has a spare Comic Pack Firefly, if you can give me your address he can send it to you.[/QUOTE]

ok, but I'm not looking for one[/QUOTE]
But you asked Ruki Ren93 for one.[/QUOTE]

its for a friend, you may know him.
He's one of my buds on yahoo.
he goes by the name of joefan21[/QUOTE]
For his friend, eh? So why is it on my SUPER SECRET user account, he said this:

[QUOTE=Scapel][QUOTE=(removed for super-secrecy)]hey man i have a comic pack firefly and night creeper i dont need em but you can have em since it was your birthday

can you give me your adress so i can mail em to you?[/QUOTE]

Address removed for security reasons-[COLOR=Red]GS[/COLOR]

thank you so much[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure Frank and co can confirm this is the same address as before.

06-23-2007, 09:33 PM
[QUOTE=Scapel]I know that I'm 100 percent screwed but why is it that I ask for figures and keep on doing it over and over? I know why cause i'M A F****** dumb@$$.
so, bye everyone, great being here.
this is it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah right pal. See ya next week as CobraisCoolFireflyiscooler73

General Scarlett
06-23-2007, 09:34 PM
[QUOTE=Scapel]I know that I'm 100 percent screwed but why is it that I ask for figures and keep on doing it over and over? I know why cause i'M A F****** dumb@$$.
so, bye everyone, great being here.
this is it.[/QUOTE]

Sweet mother of God, I really wish that I could believe you won't return like the hemorroid that you are....................but I live in eternal hope.........

Oh and guys??? Thanks for the 'Top Secret Mission'.........but in the future, why don't you all let me know what your doing so you don't get your rocks off while I'm trying to be the 'voice of reason and sanity'.............

06-23-2007, 09:37 PM
Sorry, GS...I been drinking tonight and he waited until I had a good buzz on and let that crap fly! I was p**sed...and besides, I was hoping this time he would see the stuff I wrote and, I dunno....LEARN maybe?

Guess not! Oh well....I try to help people and give them a fair shake, too, but he does the SAME CRAP OVER AND OVER and act like we're stupid!

I'm kinda p**sed I didn't wait until he got my FINAL PM to him..I'll post it for ya'll;


Originally Posted by Scapel
you here?
i know your mad and I'm sorry for the $h*t I threw your way and the he** I put you through.


It's not me....you put everyone on this site through hell! We are unsure of every new member because of you!

You ask for the same stuff, every time, the same way and then try to act like it aint you!

Are you really that dumb? You must be, because you are so obvious and you expect us to believe you. What the hell?

I'm gonna tell you what.....try this crap one more time, and I'm calling ****** ******** in **** ******* ** ( at ***-***-####) and tell her what you are doing.


I have the real number, but I don't wanna post it where someone might use it to harass him....


And I'm not kidding.......Me, Shane and Jay have been on MSN all night asking each other "Hey, man, you got a comic Pack Firefly?" ;)

06-23-2007, 09:45 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Sweet mother of God, I really wish that I could believe you won't return like the hemorroid that you are....................but I live in eternal hope.........

Oh and guys??? Thanks for the 'Top Secret Mission'.........but in the future, why don't you all let me know what your doing so you don't get your rocks off while I'm trying to be the 'voice of reason and sanity'.............[/QUOTE]

Sorry, GS! You know we love you, and I Can't stand when you take up for someone that BLATENT and he takes advantage of you being unbiased and impartial trying to be a good moderator!

06-23-2007, 09:59 PM
so i'm not the only one being asked about a comic pack firefly, eh? hmm, and here i thought i was special lol

06-23-2007, 10:35 PM
[COLOR=Red]i kinda knew who he was when he first joined and asked, i guess we all did, i just didnt worry about it. man, he has to have 5 or 6 fireflys now. he actually added me on myspace and said he had 3 fireflys, all different ones to trade for a beach head.[/COLOR]

06-23-2007, 10:38 PM
hmm, it would appear beachhead is more popular than we ever thought...

06-23-2007, 11:33 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Since you are such a brain-dead dumb-@$$, I’ll show you what smart is……[/QUOTE]

Heh heh heh heh heh...ROTFL :D :D :D

06-24-2007, 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by ender098
Since you are such a brain-dead dumb-@$$, I’ll show you what smart is……[/QUOTE]

Heh heh heh heh heh...ROTFL :D :D :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, maybe last night in my drunken rage I went a little overboard, but OMG how dumb can you be? He is so friggin predictable...tomorrow someone named FireflyIsDaShizzle is gonna post his parents died in a car accident, and could someone send him some joes to make him feel better.....and guess what the first one on the list will be? A comic Pack Firefly. Then he's gonna act upset that we KNOW it's him and deny it.....then he's gonna IM everyone here for it.....until you ask for his address. How the hell does he expect to get this stuff when EVERYONE here KNOWS his M.O. and his ADDRESS? He's not even smart enough to have them mailed somewhere else!

All I wanted last night was to get drunk, listen to a little Roy Orbison and forget my worries, then this no-talent @$$Clown starts begging. The funny thing is what I posted isn't really "how to be smart" as much as it is "this is what you have to do to prove to us you're NOT mentally handicapped!!!"

GS should make a new Rule! Anyone PMing for a Comic PAck Firefly is Automatically banned. That will save me time and energy from getting POed and going on a Tirade!!!


06-24-2007, 09:27 AM
Hmmmmm... Let me speak on this.

What other names is Scalpel currently under? I think there are 3-4 other names. JoeFan21, Viper-whatever, etc. I've been asked for stuff by this dude. And for the record, this mook is MattMo$$ on myspace, in which, he's still asking for stuff. I think Prudence should drive on over and give him an arse whupping.

06-24-2007, 09:38 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Hmmmmm... Let me speak on this.

What other names is Scalpel currently under? I think there are 3-4 other names. JoeFan21, Viper-whatever, etc. I've been asked for stuff by this dude. And for the record, this mook is MattMo$$ on myspace, in which, he's still asking for stuff. I think Prudence should drive on over and give him an arse whupping.[/QUOTE]
Firefly #1, beach head rocks, stormshadowisdeadly, night creeper, cobra1, joefan21, scapel, cobra firefly...
I'm probably missing like five or six...

General Scarlett
06-24-2007, 09:45 AM
Ok, here's the current list of 'banned users'............

cobra firefly
night creeper
urban attacker

Now I realize that some of these are probably spambots, but still the majority of them are this little hemmoroid..........so at least we have the current listing of all his multiple personalities............

I'm more than willing to take that road trip.........I'll just need some Chinese food, a $12 bottle of wine and a helluva alibi............ ;) :cool:

06-24-2007, 09:50 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Ok, here's the current list of 'banned users'............

cobra firefly
night creeper
urban attacker

Now I realize that some of these are probably spambots, but still the majority of them are this little hemmoroid..........so at least we have the current listing of all his multiple personalities............

I'm more than willing to take that road trip.........I'll just need some Chinese food, a $12 bottle of wine and a helluva alibi............ ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]

Chinese food and wine are on they way, and as for your alibi....you were with me the whole time. :D Now go and have fun

06-24-2007, 09:53 AM
So... Cobra1 and JoeFan21 are banned. I wasn't entirely sure about JoeFan21 because Curt of JoeHQ goes by BIGFAN on the JS and JBL (probably yojoe.com too). But at least that's settled now.

06-24-2007, 09:54 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
I'm more than willing to take that road trip.........I'll just need some Chinese food, a $12 bottle of wine and a helluva alibi............ ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]

Got ya covered....as long as I don't have to pay the $4,000.00 for gas......LOL!

[QUOTE=Sonneilon]So... Cobra1 and JoeFan21 are banned. I wasn't entirely sure about JoeFan21 because Curt of JoeHQ goes by BIGFAN on the JS and JBL (probably yojoe.com too). But at least that's settled now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and he goes by JoeFan21 on yahoo Msgr, too! The little @$$-hat keeps IMing me on there, too! See what I get for the ONE time I helped him out?

06-24-2007, 12:13 PM
Yeah, and he goes by JoeFan21 on yahoo Msgr, too! The little @$$-hat keeps IMing me on there, too! See what I get for the ONE time I helped him out?[/QUOTE]
Burokku batton o tsukaete!

[COLOR=LightBlue]ie: use the block button![/COLOR]

06-24-2007, 01:24 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Ok, here's the current list of 'banned users'............

cobra firefly
night creeper
urban attacker

Now I realize that some of these are probably spambots, but still the majority of them are this little hemmoroid..........so at least we have the current listing of all his multiple personalities............

I'm more than willing to take that road trip.........I'll just need some Chinese food, a $12 bottle of wine and a helluva alibi............ ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]

I can't beleive he makes up almost half of this list.... :eek:

06-24-2007, 04:08 PM
Sad violin Music....

The Soap Opera Continues.......

In my Gmail account;

matt morelock to me :

Sorry, I know you hate me now.
I just want to say that if you call my mom, you won't get an anwser because My mom can't pay the bills.

My Reply:

I don't know why you think I'm mad at you. Disgusted, yes! Dissappointed, yes! Annoyed, Yes! But not mad...it takes a lot more than being dumb and annoying to make me angry. If I were mad, I would call my firends on the east coast, pull a favor and have someone at your house talking to your mom right now.

It just Irks the hell out of me how you can come back time and time again and pull the same crap and expect us to believe it's not you! I honestly don't think anybody's THAT stupid, so what? Is this a game to you? A Way to get your jollies?

After the first two or so times you got banned, I talked to Graham and told him I would help you out, and give you a chance. You blew it. Not just that time, but twice since. Everyone knows what you're gonna be asking for....FIREFLY! In some incarnation! How did you think you were gonna get someone to send it to you? Throw it up in the air with a parachute and hope God miracles it to drift into your backyard? Everyone knows your address now! You're NEVER gonna get anything from anyone on that site unless they are brand new to the site and have been around less than 2 min, or if they are totally stupid!

Wanna impress me? If you do decide to come back (Which I know you will....you've been banned at least 5 times I can think of....and it's never stopped you before!) try something new....like quit asking for free stuff and contribute some pics or ideas..or even a half way decent post!

Can you even see how easy it is to spot you? You're behavior gives you away. HEre's what you do EVERYTIME;

1. ) Get a name of one of the bad guys; Cobra1, Firefly(something or other) NinjasIsCool or some other childish name refering to GI Joe.

2. ) Come up with a reason we need to send you free figures (My Birthday, My brother screwed mine up, my grandma died, etc.)

3. ) The begging begins via the IM's....."Do you have a comic pack firefly I can have"?

You know, that phrase is now a running joke? And until the JoeCon or 25th annivesary stuff comes out, no one has much to do or talk about, so why not spend 24/7 trying to catch you and get you banned? You'll be back tomorrow to act like we're stupid one more time! I think if you do come back, I'm not gonna bother having you banned...I think we'll just have General Scarlett delete your posts as fast as you can make them and everyone put you on the block list for IM's!

Banning you isn't working...maybe ignoring you will!


God, Hasbro needs to come out with this damn 25th Anny stuff so I have something more fun to do! LOL!!!!

06-24-2007, 06:57 PM
Someone tell this filthy MUDBLOOD to save the sob story for someone who cares. Maybe we'd give a rat's arse if he were a person worth caring for. But nooooo, he makes a mook of himself and has nobody's respect.

06-24-2007, 07:12 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Someone tell this filthy MUDBLOOD to save the sob story for someone who cares. Maybe we'd give a rat's arse if he were a person worth caring for. But nooooo, he makes a mook of himself and has nobody's respect.[/QUOTE]

DDDAAAAMMMMNNNN!!! And her I thought I was being too harsh! :D

Lava Boss
06-25-2007, 06:27 PM
This is all strangely amusing...however, should someone's home address be posted for all to see? Even if they are annoying?

General Scarlett
06-25-2007, 07:45 PM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]This is all strangely amusing...however, should someone's home address be posted for all to see? Even if they are annoying?[/QUOTE]

No, it shouldn't, and as such it has been 'blocked'............thanks for the input! :cool:

06-26-2007, 08:45 AM
Well I think at least the city/state and/or the name should be kept so that newer users and people who don't know the dilly-o will be able to recognize him when he starts begging again...

06-26-2007, 09:37 AM
The dude even contacted me on JBL, looking to trade for a corps minijet. i already have one of those and i'm gonna paint it blue for a cobra jet.(god knows i don't have enough of them :o ) 'sides the fact that i hate the thing.

06-26-2007, 10:09 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]Well I think at least the city/state and/or the name should be kept so that newer users and people who don't know the dilly-o will be able to recognize him when he starts begging again...[/QUOTE]

I don't think we have to worry about that. I seriously doubt he'll come back this time. But I said that last time...and the time before that.....and the time before that.....and the time before that.....Maybe we should post his info!LOL

Here's a good question; Everyone whom he Didn't ask for figures.....say "Aye"

06-26-2007, 10:15 AM
Maybe I'm paranoid...but does this post from the Wants/needs thread sound familiar;

[QUOTE=Viper21]I would like the following figures

Night Creeper
Under Tow

Thanks in advance for you help.[/QUOTE]

Grab your torch and Pitchfork.....

I need to quit staying up late watching reruns of John Carpenters "The Thing" !

06-26-2007, 10:18 AM
From Scapel's profile:

June 21, 1990
joe fan, artist
joes,art,playing football,fishing,hunting

From Viper21's profile:

June 21, 1990
oe fan, artist
joes,art,playing football,fishing,hunting

Gee, what a coincidence... :rolleyes:

06-26-2007, 10:20 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]Maybe I'm paranoid...but does this post from the Wants/needs thread sound familiar;

Grab your torch and Pitchfork.....

I need to quit staying up late watching reruns of John Carpenters "The Thing" ![/QUOTE]

WOW !!
Has he started beggin yet via PM, IM or whatever else?

General Scarlett
06-26-2007, 10:21 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]Well I think at least the city/state and/or the name should be kept so that newer users and people who don't know the dilly-o will be able to recognize him when he starts begging again...[/QUOTE]

I'm not worried about any new members being 'shangied'.......the resident 'troll patrol' will no doubt alert any and all new members straight off........that is unless they scare them away by the 'rubber hose' treatment, thinking that the newbie's a troll themselves!! :p :D ;)

General Scarlett
06-26-2007, 10:26 AM
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3]"Holy Troll-tastic Batman!!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]

I thought I had hit 'submit' when I wrote up my last post here (which apparently I didn't :rolleyes: ), I go to take the kids to a friends house to swim, just got back to see that I hadn't, so I just did and lo and behold, what do I find now?!?!?!?

Let's just diffuse this right off the bat, cause I have to finish mowing the grass and do my 'Target Range' pics and go catch for a doubleheader softball game tonight and get ready for my next four 14 hour days at work and and and.........(you all getting the picture here??) Oh yeah, and it's nearly 100 degrees out today and thanks to my dad's genes I'm not exactly a 'summer friendly' type of person if you catch my drift ;) :p

[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4]'Viper21' is BANNED!!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]

06-26-2007, 10:32 AM
He never stood a chance. Has it ever occurred to ayone that if you ignor him he'll go away

06-26-2007, 10:34 AM
He never stood a chance. Has it ever occurred to ayone that if you ignor him he'll go away[/QUOTE]
No, if you ignore him he PMs you asking for toys.

06-26-2007, 10:38 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4]'Viper21' is BANNED!!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=3] I'm gonna feel bad if it ain't him........nah! LOL :eek: [/SIZE]

General Scarlett
06-26-2007, 10:40 AM
He never stood a chance. Has it ever occurred to ayone that if you ignor him he'll go away[/QUOTE]

We've actually tried that..........and I've even encouraged others to do the same, but he continues to beg them to 'not tell Gen Scar who I am' and such........it's just easier this way.........besides, I'm not allowing the drama to start up again.......

If someone really isn't him and has done any sort of research on this site (i.e.-reading the forums, which I highly encourage, By The Way!!!), then they should have some sort of idea of just 'how' to proceed........

The problem is Alan, that this little 'roid has made all the regulars so ill at ease, that I fear it's going to take some time to let the wounds heal.........and for that I am truly and deeply sorry to any potentially new and unsuspecting members........ :(

But it is my fervent hope that we can all rise above this and find the silver lining of the cloud very, Very, VERY soon!!!! :)

06-26-2007, 10:43 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]No, if you ignore him he PMs you asking for toys.[/QUOTE]

He Cobra1 PMed me a few times then when I stopped repling he stopped.

[QUOTE=ender098] I'm gonna feel bad if it ain't him........nah! LOL [/QUOTE]

What if it really wasn't him?

Again did he PM anyone and start beggin?

God I wait wait till the 25th Ann. stuff hits the store....this is getting boring real fast.

06-26-2007, 10:46 AM
What if it really wasn't him?

Again did he PM anyone and start beggin?[/QUOTE]
BT, go check post 33 of this thread. His profile info was word for word the exact same.

06-26-2007, 10:48 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]BT, go check post 33 of this thread. His profile info was word for word the exact same.[/QUOTE]


Again did he PM or beg anyone? Maybe he was a slow learner and just now figured out how to act.

General Scarlett
06-26-2007, 10:49 AM
Of this I'm not certain, but I went into his profile and as is stated on the 'public profile' as well, there are far too many similarities to the previous 7+ times the same person has been banned...........therefore, I am not even taking the chance....I know it may seem harsh, but when I have to put out all these fires with other members and read through all the PM's I recieve and put my head in my hands at all the IM's that pop up from members; it's just much easier to 'take the bull by the horns'...........and if anyone wants to label me a B***H for it, then so be it.........I'm trying to make this a fun place, not a snipe factory where all everyone is concerned about is 'trash talking'.........go to the Enquirer for that........

06-26-2007, 11:06 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Of this I'm not certain, but I went into his profile and as is stated on the 'public profile' as well, there are far too many similarities to the previous 7+ times the same person has been banned...........therefore, I am not even taking the chance....I know it may seem harsh, but when I have to put out all these fires with other members and read through all the PM's I recieve and put my head in my hands at all the IM's that pop up from members; it's just much easier to 'take the bull by the horns'...........and if anyone wants to label me a B***H for it, then so be it.........I'm trying to make this a fun place, not a snipe factory where all everyone is concerned about is 'trash talking'.........go to the Enquirer for that........[/QUOTE]

No one knows or hasn't spoke up yet about any begging. I will say this the fun has been lost. I use to enjoy it, but...well enough said.

General Scarlett
06-26-2007, 11:15 AM
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]No one knows or hasn't spoke up yet about any begging. I will say this the fun has been lost. I use to enjoy it, but...well enough said.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean Alan, believe me it's the same way for me......but I'm not going to get 'bogged down' with it or let a few bad apples spoil it for me......I've got a kickarse Joeverse story to tell (well Flint and I love it at least), and I set it aside for some years........but now, I'm really ready to rev it back up again.........I can't tell you what to do or how to feel..I can't do that for anyone really.......but I know on my part, I'm just going to wash all the 'fluff' off my back like a duck does with water..........
I'll deal with the people who have nothing better to do with their sad, pathetic lives but b***h and moan and all that, but I know one thing for certain.......

[SIZE=3]I'm here for 'G.I. Joe' and all the fun I know goes with it!!!!! YO JOE!!!![/SIZE]

06-26-2007, 11:23 AM
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]No one knows or hasn't spoke up yet about any begging. I will say this the fun has been lost. I use to enjoy it, but...well enough said.[/QUOTE]

No, the fun would be lost if he STAYED gone and we didn't have ANYTHING to talk about!

I just wish we could get his IP addess and script it so that if he tries to log on and make an account, a BIG Picture of Scarlett pops up and Says "Don't EVEN THINK ABOUT IT".

Do you really wanna wait for a few days or weeks of him behaving himself until he becomes frustrated again, realizing NO ONE IS JUST GONNA GIVE YOU SOMETHING FOR FREE, and then he starts with the mass emailings and mass IMing begging for figures.

If someone ran me through the ringer on a website as bad as we have him here, I'd NEVER go back! Case in point...YoJoe Forums. I got banned for 7 days for Posting a pic saying "Cobra Commander for President". No one actually ragged me, or made fun of me, just banned me for a few days for posting a "political thread". To me that was way too extreme and I decided if they were gonna be that uptight, I needed to find a different group to hang with.....I've never been back.

If I got nailed like he did here, I'd probably not touch the PC for a year!

06-26-2007, 11:27 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I'll deal with the people who have nothing better to do with their sad, pathetic lives but b***h and moan and all that,


LOL. Well, all my Joes are pack up until I move, so I need something to keep me occupied!! LOL!

General Jones
06-26-2007, 11:53 AM
Has the thought occured to anyone that this little cuss is just coming back here to get a rise out of us and to see how much trouble he can stir up in the ranks? Logically after the first couple of failed attempts he would get the hint and not come back as Ender said. Then again this issue and logic don't quite go hand in hand.

06-26-2007, 11:58 AM
[QUOTE=General Jones]Has the thought occured to anyone that this little cuss is just coming back here to get a rise out of us and to see how much trouble he can stir up in the ranks? Logically after the first couple of failed attempts he would get the hint and not come back as Ender said. Then again this issue and logic don't quite go hand in hand.[/QUOTE]

We Warned him = didn't work
We offered to help him and guide him = didn't work
We tried Ignoring him = didn't work

So now, if I'm gonna have to put up with the little troll, I'm gonna have fun with it...maybe if he sees I'm enjoying it and he can't get under my skin, he'll finally pack his bags!

I'm having a blast with this...Jay...you havin fun? I know Shane is Loving this!

General Jones
06-26-2007, 12:06 PM
Hey Frank I'm not trying to deprive you of your fun. I guess that I am just trying to justify in my mind why this guy would keep going throuogh the same ol' same ol' routine of asking for the same figures and PMing the same people, pussy footing aroud to try and not set Prudence off. It's like having two male ends in plumbing, something's not right. But by all means don't let me douse your fire. :)

06-26-2007, 12:22 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]I'm having a blast with this...Jay...you havin fun? I know Shane is Loving this![/QUOTE]
It's... mildly entertaining... at best.
But at least it keeps my mind off the fact that I won't be able to get a DS and the Transformers: Autobots game for another week.

06-26-2007, 04:05 PM
this actually is rather entertaining to a lot of us. kinda sad that that makes us so happy to torture this poor kid lol oh well, tis the nature of the beast i suppose...