View Full Version : Anybody ever had this happen...
06-26-2007, 09:02 PM
So you enter into a trade or just to throw out some good karma. You send someone something extra and the receiver doesn't even acknowledge you even sent it. This kinda of bugs the hell out of me since over the past few months I've sent a few Joe fans stuff free of charge or thrown in extra stuff like the entire 155 issue Marvel run of Joe comics on CD. I think that's a tad rude especially if you don't have to pay for it. I'm not saying do a song and dance, but damn atleast say something other than "Yeah got it" Come on I'm paying the shipping all you have to do is wait for it. The only reason I brought this up is because I have an extra v1 Lamprey that someone here was looking for and I was goin to just send it. However do to the off balance of "Thanks" compared to the lack of "Thanks" I've reconsidered.
06-26-2007, 09:13 PM
That Sucks Blowtorch. I've Made A Deal With Only One Person, Jjsvipers And He Threw In Some Extra Guns Which I Thanked Him For Over The Phone. I've Read Alot Of This Being Done And Its Cool As Hell What You Guys Do For The Newer People On The Site. You Know What Dude... Ill Do It For That Fool. Thank You!!!
06-26-2007, 09:19 PM
Yeah that does suck, being nice and showing gratefulness can go a long way. I placed an order with one the Joe retailers and it was sent back to him for some strange reason....he apologized and gave me a $20 gift certificate...I thanked him on the phone and told him it wasn't necessary because these things happen, but he did it anyway....treat others the way you waned be treated and remember to say please and thank you.
I know I would love a copy of all 155 marvel run of the Joes on CD, LOL.
06-27-2007, 04:58 PM
I can say that all people where always nice to me in trades/gifts like I tried to be. But in other hand I never did something expecting to receive a "thank you", I just did it. However isn't nothing hard to say thanks sometimes if someone was nice to you. There are people and people.
06-27-2007, 05:10 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I can say that all people where always nice to me in trades/gifts like I tried to be. But in other hand I never did something expecting to receive a "thank you", I just did it. However isn't nothing hard to say thanks sometimes if someone was nice to you. There are people and people.[/QUOTE]
Ok I can agree with you on the not expecting to receive a "Thank You" However I was brought up with manners. With that said if any of you remember I was given a Terror Drome along with tons of other Joe items by a co worker. You bet your a$$ I said thank you and took him out to lunch later that week. So yeah a "Thank You" or at least something there's a whole tread that has about 90% of it is praising someone for being hooked up. So if you were hooked up with all 155 issues of the Marvel run how would you feel? Even if it was on CD. I was thrilled when I got it. Beats having to hunt down each issue.
General Scarlett
06-27-2007, 05:32 PM
You know Alan, I can completely understand where your coming from with this. I've had it happen to me on more than one occasion. It does sux and it makes you wonder 'why' you do it.........but you answered your own were brought up better than that..........
So, even though it's not nearly a qualifier, let me extend my thanks to you for showing your 'gentlemanly chivalry''s something that is so obviously lacking in today's society............
But know that somewhere, someone thanks you........even if it's little ol' me..... ;) :)
06-27-2007, 07:18 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]
So, even though it's not nearly a qualifier, let me extend my thanks to you for showing your 'gentlemanly chivalry''s something that is so obviously lacking in today's society............[/QUOTE]
Chivalry maybe dead, but not here. Even after five years of marriage I still get the door for my wife, get her flowers (without being trouble), say please / thank you and showing graditude for kindness. So after years of my parents and Drill Instructors teaching me these values I still carry them with me. Amazing how some don't.
06-27-2007, 08:10 PM
I really sorry to here that Blowtorch :( Luckily not everyone is like that!!!
So let me also say Thank-you and everyone else who has been genorous with helping out they're fellow Joe Fan!!! :)
06-28-2007, 04:42 PM
[QUOTE=Flint]I really sorry to here that Blowtorch :( Luckily not everyone is like that!!!
So let me also say Thank-you and everyone else who has been genorous with helping out they're fellow Joe Fan!!! :)[/QUOTE]
I'm with Flint...I want to thank you for your involvement. Your dios and pics are great.
Since we are discussing acknowledgements, I'd like to acknowledge the service and trust I received from Good to Go For anyone not familiar with this site, they produce by far some of the best and most detailed 3-3/4 heads and accessories produced by anyone outside Hasbro.
Not to turn into an unsolicited ad here but everyone should look them up just to see some of the heads they make. I had a payment problem and let them know that it would be delayed and they not only trusted me for the payment but threw in an extra head gratus. That kind of trust is rare and I'm quite happy with what I got from them.
06-28-2007, 04:49 PM
Funny you should mentin Good To Go Custom. I was looking at there stuff last night. Another site I visit suggested them. They really do have some cool stuff. That is awesome that they did that for you.
06-28-2007, 05:00 PM
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]Funny you should mentin Good To Go Custom. I was looking at there stuff last night. Another site I visit suggested them. They really do have some cool stuff. That is awesome that they did that for you.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, it floored me and like I said they have very good stuff!
06-28-2007, 06:28 PM
I know Mr. Frank Enjoyed the stuff i sent him, and i got a sweet Hind, Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadow to boot! Although i've been too busy with my fighters to play with joes, they are safley packed away in my room. :) :cool:
06-28-2007, 06:49 PM
[QUOTE=Mobius_1]I know Mr. Frank Enjoyed the stuff i sent him, and i got a sweet Hind, Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadow to boot! Although i've been too busy with my fighters to play with joes, they are safley packed away in my room. :) :cool:[/QUOTE]
I'm sure you both posted on the forum how pleased you guys were with the trade and grateful to each other. That's pretty much the basis of the post, how ungrateful some people can be when you go the extra mile.
07-05-2007, 01:04 AM
You are sooo right! Silence has been my enemy....
I figured Silence would help us remain friends.....
After seeing your new “Where Manners Suck” logo, I think I have stayed Silent long enough. I figured you’d let this go, but since you won’t……
[QUOTE=Blowtorch] You send someone something extra and the receiver doesn't even acknowledge you even sent it. This kinda of bugs the hell out of me since over the past few months I've sent a few Joe fans stuff free of charge or thrown in extra stuff like the entire 155 issue Marvel run of Joe comics on CD. I think that's a tad rude especially if you don't have to pay for it. [/QUOTE]
Man, that is RUDE. How much did you pay to DOWNLOAD them all on Kazaa or E-Mule? Hmmmm…the cost of Kazaa is Free…and I’m assuming you Already had the internet and didn’t get online ONLY to get free GI Joe comics for this complete and total @$$ who didn’t thank you for them…so..again, how much did it cost you?
Come on I'm paying the shipping all you have to do is wait for it. [/QUOTE]
Yeah, $1.47 to ship a CD is Killer. I’d DEMAND an Apology.I’d make that rude B@stard grovel!
The only reason I brought this up is because I have an extra v1 Lamprey that someone here was looking for and I was goin to just send it. However do to the off balance of "Thanks" compared to the lack of "Thanks" I've reconsidered. [/QUOTE]
Ok, Time for Frank to “come out of the Closet” so to speak and finally admit it’s me you’ve been talking about. Ok, I forgot to say thanks. Gee, I don’t have anything better than to keep a scoreboard beside my PC and keep score. So, Because I FORGOT to say “Thanks” in private and even publicly to you, you’re gonna assume I’m an ass and did it on purpose and make everyone suffer? Way to go, miss Manners!
[QUOTE=Blowtorch] Ok I can agree with you on the not expecting to receive a "Thank You" However I was brought up with manners. .[/QUOTE]
No, but if someone forgets to say "thanks" you sure don't mind making them feel like ass, do you? Which is ruder? God forbid someone make the mistake of Forgetting. Never occurred to you, did it? I FORGOT…
And as for me Acknowledging I got them, yes, I probably did. And at the time I was probably doing like 1,000 things online when I received your PM or IM and I dunno…FORGOT! Sorry…I have more going on in MY LIFE than sitting around a PC keeping score on who thanks me for sending them EXTRA stuff they DIDN’T ASK FOR or maybe EVEN NEED!!! If you had asked me first, I could have saved you the time and effort of this tirade of yours and told you I have Issues 1-115 in paperback and 1-155 on CD that Shane gave me LAST YEAR!! And you could have sent it to someone worthy of your greatness who would grovel and thank the God that you are!
So if you were hooked up with all 155 issues of the Marvel run how would you feel? Even if it was on CD. I was thrilled when I got it. Beats having to hunt down each issue.[/QUOTE]
When you got it? You didn't have to hunt them down? Someone sent them to you? SOOOO YOU got them for FREE, too huh? You didn't even have to pay for them either, huh?
Well, hate to break it to you…not EVERYONE feels like you do. As if that “I got a six pack of Cobra Infantry” episode didn’t do enough to convince you…and convince everyone else here, too! What is with you? Is your self esteem that low that everyone has to make a big deal about you sending them something extra?
God forbid, I FORGOT!!! After you pi$$ed me off to no end with that little tirade about “You only like me because I had something for you” crap! And then I PM’ed ToneGuns and chastised him for telling you what he thought about you. One of my First friends on here and I told him he was being mean for saying what everyone on here was thinking!
I’ve given away lots of stuff for free…extra stuff….even stuff from my OWN collection that I had to go out and replace if I had it….and I NEVER asked anyone for anything in return. NOT EVEN A THANK YOU! Why? Because I don’t do it for them! I don’t do it for ME! I do it so hopefully someone 1,000 years from now might open his Great-great Grandfathers trunk and find a GI Joe….and our kids will know what they meant to US…..
But does it mean anything to you? Or is it more important that you’re popular on this website and people are singing your praises?
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]I'm sure you both posted on the forum how pleased you guys were with the trade and grateful to each other. That's pretty much the basis of the post, how ungrateful some people can be when you go the extra mile.[/QUOTE]
Uh,…no! We IM’d each other and he asked me how I liked it….I probably forgot to tell him how awesome I thought what he did was…the difference is he IM’d me in private and asked, he didn’t act all high and Mighty. He didn’t make a post where he made it clear I didn’t thank him and make me look so bad, that by even just admitting to it, and trying to rectify the situation, I’d look bad.
You talk about how there are no manners here….you offered everyone something for FREE and then told them what $hit they were for applying for it! That’s rude! People FORGAVE you and overlooked that arrogant little stunt like it never happened…to include me. But GOD FORBID you could forgive me for forgetting to thank you for something you sent me….
You set it up to let me know I FORGOT to thank you, yet made me look so bad in this post, that I’m now ashamed to admit it!
This may get me banned, but it’s worth it to say this to you;
I may have forgot, I may have been rude, but I am not a self-absorbed, self-rightous arrogant little @$$ like you! ToneGuns, you were Soooooo right!!
Urban Saboteur
07-05-2007, 07:18 AM
I actually think both of you need to change your signatures to something more pro-Joe dios. :o
I can understand when I've done something for someone (ebay) related transactions. If they don't respond to it. I don't tarnish all transactions with the same brush. Just because one person doesn't leave feedback or acknowledge what you did.. it doesn't mean everyone will ignore your work.
For the most part I've begun to realise that my photos and animations are recognised by people and they enjoy looking at them just as much as I enjoy creating them,
Blowtorch.. I do get where your coming from with the lack of acknowledgement on thanks etc. I'm a seller on ebay and this has happened alot. But it's up to you if you want to put everyone in that same boat. The truth is not everyone has the same life and same way of dealing with things.
You know more recently on a different site. I done a massive transaction with someone and totally forgot to leave feedback. It does happen. :o
Forgetting to say thank you isn't bad manners.. it's called being forgetful. I'd agree if someone would of PM'd you saying "These free items sucked" that's bad manners and is rude.
On the whole side of things I do think the banners and Signatures need to be more happy sided and pro-joe dio active. :cool:
07-05-2007, 08:07 AM
I've gone away for a few minutes which usually means I'll let things like this pass, but I had to come back in response to this. And I haven't been involved in any sniping, flaming, joefan21 baiting, anything like that -- come on, find existing fault with me.
I agree totally with what Frank posted. This thread bothered me a bit to start with but now I do feel a need to speak out; I don't like the way Blowtorch is apparently the self-appointed moral watchdog for the forum -- it's one thing to step in and try to calm things down when others are being rude, abusive or antagonistic already but it's something else entirely to bring something to this public arena which basically points fingers and seeks to put down others.
I'm sure you both posted on the forum how pleased you guys were with the trade and grateful to each other.
Why? Why do they need to do this in public? In my opinion it's rather arrogant and rude if someone goes an extra mile supposedly for "good karma" then broadcasts that, pointing out what they've done to get recognition from anyone other than the original recipient. Conversely, as the recipient, I wouldn't necessarily want to make a big deal out of any unrequested extra goodwill in case I a)embarrassed them, or b)set up any expectations in others of that person. If the transaction wasn't conducted publicly, there's no obligation, personal or otherwise, to publicly comment on its outcome.
So you had what you felt was a bad experience, that you would have liked someone to acknowledge something you did. That is fair enough, it's not too much to expect a bit of courtesy from someone that you've gone out of your way for. But now I find that you apparently didn't bother contacting them privately to ask what was up, or to say that you were a bit put out by their not saying anything, but instead brought it up in public in a way that basically involved a sweeping generalisation of all the site members, a condemnation of us based on that, and at the same time placed yourself as morally superior. Like your Infantry 6-pack "experiment" to expose selfishness and greed. And your own pride, apparently.
I have thought Frank's "We know drama" sig is a bit close to the bone but for all of us who know what it means it's pretty funny -- I think it was a refreshing way of getting past that whole mess and I also really like the dual meaning aspect, as we do indeed know drama which all our diorama pics and stories can attest to. The "I want my comic pack Firefly" likewise made sense and was funny to all of us who knew where it came from, would go over the heads of any total newbies, and would possibly (hopefully) act as a deterrent to that troll trying to come back and start up right away, again.
Blowtorch's new sig is NOT going to put a very good message across to any potential members, and as I previously inferred, I don't see where the right comes from to make that kind of statement. For the record, I'm personally offended by it.
I may appear somewhat hypocritical for saying all this publicly, but it's the public debate of it that has drawn me in. I come here to share in the imaginative, creative use of GI Joe toys and if I can converse with like-minded people (publicly or privately) and further my involvement in the hobby I'm glad I have that ability too. And it's something I'll do on my own terms within the boundaries of the official site rules; I don't appreciate being judged as morally inferior, or needing to prove that I'm not according to the personal standards of one site member.
Finally -- thanks again, Blowtorch, for posting about the death of Captain America without any kind of spoiler warning, on the day of that comic's publication.
General Scarlett
07-05-2007, 08:39 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]I actually think both of you need to change your signatures to something more pro-Joe dios. :o
On the whole side of things I do think the banners and Signatures need to be more happy sided and pro-joe dio active. :cool:[/QUOTE]
I am in complete agreement with Rich on this one............Frank, both need to change the little 'snide comments' on your sigs, NOW. Thanks
Now, I've really, Really, REALLY had enough...........I'm sick and tired of all the petty anty Bull$#!t that's going on with this site lately!!! This is my last and final attempt to get you all to 'play nice' (or in the worst case, find your own corners and not interact with certain others who 'rub you the wrong way') You should all be utterly and completely ashamed of yourselves!!! With the exception of Mobius and Ruki, all of your driver's license's should, SHOULD state that you are adults!!! AND unless I've suffered from some sort of blow to the head (which, since all this p!$$ing started and I've agreed to be an admin-I wonder if I should check for bleeding) START ACTING YOUR AGE!!!
[SIZE=3]I'm locking this thread.........and letting everyone, EVERYONE know-if I get rubbed the wrong way from some sort of snide, rude or otherwise B*TCHY comments (intended or subtle).........the person(s) will be recieving some sort of suspension....NO DISCUSSION!!!
You don't like it?? Then YOU take over OR find somewhere else to get into confrontations OR start your own G.I. Joe site and do whatever you want...........but here on JoeDios...........THIS CRAP IS DONE!!!!!!!![/SIZE]
General Scarlett
07-05-2007, 08:48 AM
[QUOTE=Stormer]I've gone away for a few minutes which usually means I'll let things like this pass, but I had to come back in response to this. And I haven't been involved in any sniping, flaming, joefan21 baiting, anything like that -- come on, find existing fault with me.
I may appear somewhat hypocritical for saying all this publicly, but it's the public debate of it that has drawn me in. I come here to share in the imaginative, creative use of GI Joe toys and if I can converse with like-minded people (publicly or privately) and further my involvement in the hobby I'm glad I have that ability too. And it's something I'll do on my own terms within the boundaries of the official site rules; I don't appreciate being judged as morally inferior, or needing to prove that I'm not according to the personal standards of one site member......
I'd like to see anyone find any fault with your either Stomer...........and if they do, then they'll have to come through me
(and NO, I'm not playing favorites here-I defend EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU EQUALLY!)
And the reason that I agreed to take on so much responsiblity here was for the camraderie I felt when I joined..........not the b*tchy, schoolgirl bathroom in-fighting (I've been there).........
You should remember that your words and actions are setting an example for people............and I for one would not be boasting at this moment...........
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