View Full Version : Things to do before you die....
06-29-2007, 01:46 AM
Does anyone have any wacky, far out things they want to accomplish before they finally go?
I have several, but particularly:
I want to get a traditional tattoo done. In the Maori/Polynesian style with a toothcomb and stick.
Go to New York and celebrate St Andrews day wearing my kilt- dont even know if its celebrated, just something Ive always wanted to do.
See Niagra Falls.
06-29-2007, 09:11 AM
See Niagra Falls.[/QUOTE]
I find that funny. For 20 years I lived about 50 miles from there and only went about 3 times. Now everytime I go back to see Mom and Dad, I drive out to see the falls. If you stay on the American side, go to Goat Island and see the "Cave of the Winds" It's awesome. It's a walkway that takes you to the base of the falls, you can't hear yourself think, it's so loud and you can reach out and touch the falls themselves!
I was about to tell you you're not missing anything, but I guess I'd tell you the same thing about the Grand Canyon if I lived with it in my backyard for 20 years! Go and see it yourself. It's even better in the wintertime when the snow packs break up and go over the falls. (OF course, "Cave of the Winds" is closed in the winter!
Well, I would say I wanna drink Saki and watch the sunrise from Mount Fuji, but, I actually got the chance and did it. That only leaves one thing left to do on my list.....walk though Mexico and South America and look off the tip of Argentina and see if I can see Antarctica. Probably never do that one, but I also said I'd never climb Mt. Fuji!
06-29-2007, 02:07 PM
One thing I will do before I die is visit the battlefields of the American Civil War. It's a spiritual thing to me, to walk the sacred ground where the men I have read so much about over the years lived and died. I've been lucky enough to travel to the US twice before, but never got the chance to visit any of the battlefield parks.
Things to do before I die...
Visit Japan.
But most importantly, get in a meaningful relationship with a woman.
Yeah, I got my priorities figured out.
06-29-2007, 08:29 PM
woooowwww, i've got some room to talk don't i? ;)
1. Buy a fighter plane, preferably an F-5B so i can take the ladies for a spin. ;)
2. Bring back the Tomcat! (It's gonna happen, i just know it!)
3. Get good education in Aeronautics so i can eventually start my own company. (this is before the Tomcat.)
And above all else: Not die a virgin :D ;)
(yes, i went there...)
and get a comic pack firefly! :eek:
gung ho
06-29-2007, 08:57 PM
And above all else: Not die a virgin
thats pretty much my 1st plan right there
2 play in a band
3 up my joe collection sommore
06-29-2007, 11:14 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]I find that funny. For 20 years I lived about 50 miles from there and only went about 3 times. Now everytime I go back to see Mom and Dad, I drive out to see the falls. If you stay on the American side, go to Goat Island and see the "Cave of the Winds" It's awesome. It's a walkway that takes you to the base of the falls, you can't hear yourself think, it's so loud and you can reach out and touch the falls themselves!
The thing is, when its in such easy reach, its easy to become complacent and not appreciate whats around you.
I lived in Edinburgh for ten years- and it took me 7 of them to visit the castle.
And only then, because I had family who wanted to see it (and I could get free passes).
Sometimes its good to look outside the box you live in, and a great way to do that is to become a tourist in your own town/city- actually that reminds me of that episode from Friends- its so true.
Thanks for the advice, if I ever go, Ill be sure to do that. It sounds amazing.
C-GDSM 2487
06-30-2007, 05:23 AM
EDINBURGH great went and seen the tatoo that is a awesome castle
to wife mad on the pipe and drums bands..
i class my self lucky done what i plan in life joining the army
i would like to take my wife to see the whales in new zealand
Lava Boss
07-01-2007, 10:16 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]One thing I will do before I die is visit the battlefields of the American Civil War. [/QUOTE]
I lived in Maryland, and my family went to Antietam, and couldn't stand the height of the observation tower. :o It's pretty during the summer.
Went to Harper's Ferry, too.
Never made it to Gettysburg.
The only other one I can think of visiting, when I was much younger was Pea Ridge.
07-01-2007, 07:50 PM
Give My Wife & Kids A Home Payed Off No Worries!!
07-09-2007, 06:17 PM
swim with sharks, that would probably be how'd i die :D
07-09-2007, 06:39 PM
I saw Gettysburg! only enough to get to the hospital though.... :( bro slipped and fell on a rock in a stream by my scout master's cabin. went with them to do something different. poorest stitches my mom had ever seen. oh i DID do a ghost tour in gettysburg, and even have a ghost on film!!!! :cool:
07-09-2007, 06:42 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]One thing I will do before I die is visit the battlefields of the American Civil War. It's a spiritual thing to me, to walk the sacred ground where the men I have read so much about over the years lived and died. I've been lucky enough to travel to the US twice before, but never got the chance to visit any of the battlefield parks.[/QUOTE]
Here I have a case of not appreciating what's in my own backyard so to speak. I've lived near the site of the Battle of Middlecreek my entire life and not actually visited it before. Sure I've passed by it on my way to a friend's house every now and then but never have I actually stepped foot on the site. I hope you do make that dream come true.
For me, my goals will be:
1.) to finish college
2.) to become a successful filmmaker and have a successful TV show
3.) start a family
4.) just live a good life.
07-09-2007, 06:44 PM
jump out of a 200 story building and land on a cushioned layering.
07-09-2007, 06:54 PM
Have someone give me a Comic Pack Firefly! LOL!!
Yes! I went there! LOL!!!
07-09-2007, 06:57 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Have someone give me a Comic Pack Firefly! LOL!!
Yes! I went there! LOL!!!
:eek: [/QUOTE]
07-09-2007, 07:09 PM
Aside from being touched by a lady again, I'd like to learn to play the bass guitar I bought in 2001.
And, my main dream/ambition/goal in life is to become American.
General Scarlett
07-09-2007, 07:14 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]Aside from being touched by a lady again, I'd like to learn to play the bass guitar I bought in 2001.
And, my main dream/ambition/goal in life is to become American.[/QUOTE]
Hehehe..............oh my.....there are sooooooo many opportunities up for grabs on this one...........
But I'll just leave it be.............. :D
gung ho
07-09-2007, 07:36 PM
[QUOTE=Mobius_1] and even have a ghost on film!!!! :cool:[/QUOTE]
i want to see the video if you do!!
07-09-2007, 08:43 PM
Mine Would Be To See That Film Too :)
07-10-2007, 10:31 AM
[QUOTE=gung ho]i want to see the video if you do!![/QUOTE]
as would I, it would be interesting to see.
on topic
I would
1. find and study the legendary bigfoot, sasquatch, abominable snowman, and the yeti among others.
2. travel to England.
3. meet someone really famous, like a world leader.
I have more but I can't think of them right now
gung ho
07-10-2007, 11:04 AM
if your going to england you better watch for car bombs and stuff
General Jones
07-10-2007, 11:16 AM
I would like to take my wife to see New England in the fall.
07-10-2007, 05:29 PM
[QUOTE=General Jones]I would like to take my wife to see New England in the fall.[/QUOTE]
oh its really pretty here at that time of year, its also really beautiful during the winter time, but you should go to a small town then a city that way you can see the real beauty of it all.
General Jones
07-11-2007, 07:53 AM
I know. I spent two years there and got some great pictures, (I'll have to post my favorite one tomorrow for all to enjoy). A lot of my bet pictures came from the Auburn/Lewiston area, not in town per say but on the outskirts. That is why I want my wife to see it as well.
Captain Max
07-13-2007, 09:39 PM
1. find and study the legendary bigfoot, sasquatch, abominable snowman, and the yeti among others
They've GOTTA be out there somewhere! :eek:
General Scarlett
07-13-2007, 10:15 PM
Somebody KNOWS what it is that I want before I die............ ;) :D
gung ho
07-14-2007, 07:47 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Somebody KNOWS what it is that I want before I die............ ;) :D[/QUOTE]
lol ok *pulls down pants* this what you wanted?
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