View Full Version : Mouldable/cuttable plastic

07-10-2007, 01:08 PM
Not even sure thats a word...but anyway.
Ive been working on a custom NAC.
Ive managed to remove all the (many)screws, and seperate all the parts.
Ive also got rid of all the Sound Attack rubbish.
Last thing Ive done is dremel the interior cockpit/cargo area into a clear space.
What I now need to do, is make a new cabin with some form of plastic.
Does anyone have any knowledge/ideas/suggestions of which to use.
At present Im leaning towards just getting a couple of CD covers and using them.
Are there better alternatives out there?
TIA Chris

Urban Saboteur
07-10-2007, 01:14 PM
One thing you could do is have a look at the vehicles out there that feature the cabin or cockpit your looking for.. and cut that out as a solid replacement.
Merging two inner shells so to speak.. don't know how possible this is.. but I am considering the similar project with the milennium falcon I have. :)

07-10-2007, 01:17 PM
I have considered that Rich.
I think the Tomahawk cabin is probably too big to fit (though Id love to get a hold of the seats).
Plus, even for scrap/spare parts Tomahawks go for crazy prices.

Captain Max
07-10-2007, 01:32 PM
BigTattoo-there is a better material than CD Jewel Cases,which are fragile,brittle plastic.

Try sheet styrene,or I think in the UK it's called Plasticard.It is sheets of plastic,usually white,that come in a wide range of thicknesses,from 10 thousanths of an inch to am 1/8 of an inch.( metric measurements in the UK,of course :p ).

It's easy to cut and can be glued with ordinary cement for model airplanes-I use Tamiya brand.

If you don't have a model shop near you,go on the Hannant's website. :D

07-10-2007, 01:38 PM
Found some stuff called Plasticard.
I think its called styrene on the US.
Guess I should research the subject more before posting :o

Urban Saboteur
07-10-2007, 01:40 PM
Not at all mate,
this is a good subject for the forum to discuss and I'm sure there are people who have read this and thought of the same ideas and solutions and questions and wanted answers.. maybe this is the answer they needed?

Plasticard.. BUY BUY BUY!! no wait.. thats another job.. :o

Captain Max
07-10-2007, 01:44 PM
Yeah-like Rich said,this kinda thread gets useful info out to the people on this site.

No prob! :D

07-10-2007, 01:45 PM
I'm also looking for stuff to widdle swords out of.
should I use radiator putty?

Urban Saboteur
07-10-2007, 01:47 PM
How big are these swords going to be?

GIJOE figure size? Or Marvel Legend figure size or what? :confused:

Captain Max
07-10-2007, 01:48 PM
I would get brass or aluminum wire( also available from hobby shops ) as a base and attach either brass sheet(hammered and folded) or 2-part epoxy putty-read and understand the safety instructions!!

07-10-2007, 01:50 PM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]BigTattoo-there is a better material than CD Jewel Cases,which are fragile,brittle plastic.

Try sheet styrene,or I think in the UK it's called Plasticard.It is sheets of plastic,usually white,that come in a wide range of thicknesses,from 10 thousanths of an inch to am 1/8 of an inch.( metric measurements in the UK,of course :p ).

It's easy to cut and can be glued with ordinary cement for model airplanes-I use Tamiya brand.

If you don't have a model shop near you,go on the Hannant's website. :D[/QUOTE]
lol, thanks for answer man.
Guess I should have read on before replying.

07-10-2007, 01:50 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]How big are these swords going to be?

GIJOE figure size? Or Marvel Legend figure size or what? :confused:[/QUOTE]

joe size, 3.75

Captain Max
07-10-2007, 02:05 PM
[QUOTE=subzero_2k5]joe size, 3.75[/QUOTE]

At that size,I would get the 1/8 inch thickness sheet styrene and carve your swords from that.You can shape them with sandpaper as well on plastic. :D

07-10-2007, 02:10 PM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]At that size,I would get the 1/8 inch thickness sheet styrene and carve your swords from that.You can shape them with sandpaper as well on plastic. :D[/QUOTE]

where can i get it in the usa?

Captain Max
07-10-2007, 02:15 PM
If you don't have a local model/train shop-try Great Models Webstore


07-10-2007, 02:31 PM
Next question-
is there anywhere you can get 1 1/8 scale benches?
As a backup, theres always MJs sweet chairs, but custom made benches would be a better option.
TIA Chris.
Maxtype- thats interesting about using styrene to cut swords.
Have you done this, or know anyone who has?
How easy/feasible is it to do?
ive been wanting to make a scaled kukri for years- this may be an option.

Captain Max
07-10-2007, 02:36 PM
I have made 1 sword from styrene....not bad for a first attempt,unfortunately it's packed in a box somewhere...... :p

There are a lot of things you can make by laminating and shaping sheet styrene,boxes,crates,maybe even bunkers and stuff!

Look around on the web,modeler's sites,1/6th scale modeler's-you'll get a lot of inspiration! :)

I forgot to mention difficulty.Like anything,it's hard at first but you'll get the hang of it quickly.

On plasticard,you can draw what you want with a pencil right on the plastic.Get a good steel ruler/straightedge for measuring and cutting,and you'll be on your way! :D