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View Full Version : The Arctic Dio is BACK ON!

02-07-2006, 12:25 AM
(also see the TNI version of this thread (http://adctalk.com/index.php?showtopic=2008518) for more discussion)

Ok, I've been slack. VERY slack. I was supposed to be making an Arctic dio with the awesome custom figs a few of you have sent me, but I haven't. My dio spaces (both the garage and my spare bedroom) have been taken over as storage due to a HUGE renovation of our house, and I haven't gotten my Joes out in almost a year. Well, the renovation that caused all that upheval is over and it's time to start reclaiming my Joe spaces. :) That hasn't happened yet, but I've decided to break out those figs, dust off my macro lense and take some pics right in the middle of the living room! (Also, card wants his figs back, and I wanted to snap a few pics of his before I mailed them back)

So, here's my problem. I only have 5 figs. That's not much. I shot 2 quick scenes with Card's figs, but without them I'll only have 3 to work with. Several of you seemed to get pretty excited by the idea of a dio starring your arctic customs, but only a few mailed me any. So, what I'm going to do is start to shoot with what I have and work in any figs/vehicles you send me as I get them. I can't wait for more submissions.

One other problem - I put one of the early submissions away in my Joe case to keep it safe, but that's now behind a glass table top and I can't get to it for a bit. Who's figure is missing from this lineup?

Pretty sweet figs, eh? Add yours! Vehicles too! that's my custom HISS on the right. I have an arctic Hummer, too. PM me for my address. I'll mail you your figs back if you want (some people tell me to keep them, I'm a lucky guy. :))

02-07-2006, 02:47 PM
you have some thing there. but you need to wrok on a closer shoot.are you going to make a story out of this?

02-14-2006, 08:50 PM
Hammerfel, did you never get the Arctic Pitfall I sent you?

02-14-2006, 08:52 PM

02-24-2006, 10:12 AM
Yeah, I sure did, bud. He rocks!

Lightning LA
11-17-2006, 09:01 PM
I have a question about that Figure Card by Card over by the Hiss that's White, with the Red Cobra emblem.What Figures did he use to make him,and do you have any more pic's of him,and last where could i get one like it??

11-18-2006, 10:58 AM
WWWOOOWWWW....... the old Hammer is back :eek: where've ya been?