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View Full Version : My Going Away Present To You

07-13-2007, 08:04 AM
I leave Sunday for my destiny with Jen. Tomorrow (Saturday) I will be gone to the city to stay with my sister for the day, so this is my good byes untill I get set up out there and ready to have time to come back and hang with you folks. With all the crap goin on here the last week, I thought you could use a lil something that will make you smile and give you something to laugh at. So, here are some photos of lil me with my Joes stuff as a kid. Staying at mom's gave me time to go through some old photo albums, and I saw these pics and thought you could all get a laugh. But, it just goes to show how old school I am when it comes to Joes.

It's hard to fly a Fang without a pilot, I know. However, this Fang is in a steep dive here :-)

Here I am playing with the original Slugger, with my sister in the background looking on

Christmas mornings typically looked like this, I had Joe stuff everywhere and my sister had her Barbie stuff. Man...I wish I had those Slaughter's Renegades still MIP. Wow...

Anyways, hope you enjoy and feel free to make fun of me! I'll be back before you know it kick arse and take names. Keep your noses clean!


gung ho
07-13-2007, 08:08 AM
lol seems like you got alot of joes for christmas that year...lucky lol

07-13-2007, 01:32 PM
Great photos Shane! What could be better than being a kid at Christmas, opening all your new Joe presents? Yep, the good old days..... :) ;) Nice MOC Muskrat there, too! I hope everything goes well for you man, and don't be away from this place too long! :D

07-13-2007, 01:37 PM
dude you got more joes for christmas then i have in my entire life time.

Captain Max
07-13-2007, 02:02 PM
Cool Shane! You and Jenn stay safe! :D

07-13-2007, 02:08 PM
hay Shane, stay safe, and much love from me and bravo.

Urban Saboteur
07-13-2007, 04:44 PM
Cool Pictures shane. I have similar pictures somewhere of me on christmas day. They bring back memories.,
Diggin that MOTU pj's as well :o

Stay cool man and GL with you and Jenn., make sure you post back here so we know you got there ok.

07-13-2007, 04:47 PM
Aww, you were a cute wee kid man.
btw- whats that blue toy in the top pic (with the FANG)?
Im sure my wee sister collected them.
I also have similar Christmas photos- most of my presents were Joes/AF.

General Scarlett
07-13-2007, 07:13 PM
Shane, your devotion to 'G.I. Joe' is obviously deep and devoted...........thanks for the privledge of looking into your childhood......... :cool:

Good Luck and stay safe with the move and all the best in your new life with Jen!! We're all pulling for you two and a long and happy future together!!!

07-13-2007, 08:47 PM
Thanks for the peek in your life LordRaven, It brought back alot of memories for me and I'm sure for Scarlett!!! :D BEST OF LUCK to you and Jen & come back real Soon, cause we all are going to miss ya!!! :)