View Full Version : Back from a break

07-19-2007, 11:41 AM
Hey everyone, I have returned after a brief hiatus of sorts. With Madison and work, I have been quite busy. Misty has returned to work now and I am on vacation this week, so I have been at home with Madison and bonding with her. Hard to believe how much she is growing. Kids are truly amazing.

On the Joe front of things, I have acquired both box sets and the first 5 single carded figures, along with a couple vintage figures here and there. Really the 25th stuff was my first purchase in almost 3 months mainly due to us being reduced to one income and my wanting to ensure the family was fed and housed.

I will post pictures later of all 15 of the figures, I may actually do a review on them since I have time today. They are hit and miss with me, but the positives do outweigh the negatives for the most part.

I am going to skim the boards and photos to see what I have missed out on, and look for some pictures to arrive some time this evening.

07-19-2007, 12:02 PM
[COLOR=Red]i thought i hadnt saw your name around much lately. theres a few names on here that im use to seeing and you were one of them. anyway, get us those pics soon.[/COLOR]

Captain Max
07-19-2007, 01:26 PM
Welcome back,Fisher! :)

Urban Saboteur
07-19-2007, 02:13 PM
:cool: Good to have you back., and great to hear that you've been bonding well with your kid. ;)

I've created a how to on signatures.. while you've been away.. I hope you create one for yourself in an attempt by me at a show of positivity and regeneration :D

General Scarlett
07-19-2007, 06:04 PM
Hey Fisher..........glad to have you back on the 'Active' list, even if it's only temporary....... :cool:

Also glad that everything is going so well for you and the family!!! :)

07-19-2007, 07:26 PM
Welcome Back!!!:D

07-19-2007, 08:55 PM
Welcome back!

And by the way...

[QUOTE=Fisher]I have acquired both box sets[/QUOTE]

You jerk. :D Why am I like the only person left in the world who wants them but can't find them???

07-20-2007, 12:42 AM
:( no your not the only one. i still havn't seen a glimps of the 25A yet althougth my local target got in the new 8" commandos yesterday so hopefully soon. now i totally hate not preordering them. :confused:

ps go get TF movie ARCEE if you havent already , would fit quiet well with your super excellent best every JOE/ TF crossover dio :D