View Full Version : Which Character Is You?
Captain Max
07-20-2007, 07:42 PM
Okay,everybody,inspired by General Scarlett-the Question For Today Is:"Which Joe/Cobra/IG/AF/or International Character Is You? :confused:
Here's what I mean-for our Boss Lady,it's Scarlett-for me,it jumped around a bit-
1982-I was Stalker
1983-1984-had to be Duke
1985-1986-Flint-Hadda' Be! He's Lady Jaye's Man! :p
1987-Falcon-comic style,not Movie.I always liked Green Berets.
1988-'89 Hit & Run-cool character-one of the most realistic uniforms in the line!
1990-91-Duke again-he's a cool Dude!
I kinda took a break for awhile,never quite letting GI Joe into it again Big-Time in 1996.
I have many favorite characters now,but I'm now working on my "Mary-Sue" Me-As-A-Joe Figure. :D
So Now You Know! :D Lets hear what YOU have to say!
07-20-2007, 08:00 PM
O.K. Max, I think it's Pretty obvious for me....
Flint Nuff Said!!! :cool:
Lava Boss
07-20-2007, 08:03 PM
I don't it "which character did you identify with?" or "which character did you use as you?"
Because I never used a character/figure as me.
As for the former, i sort of identified with...
1982- Grunt probably...
1983- I dunno...not Duke, he was too blonde. :p
1984- Wasn't into GI JOE that much, my brother kept the torch burning while I was distracted by some crappy like Go-Bots or something.
1985- Airtight, thanks to Hama's cleverly written "appeal to the geeks" filecard.
1986- No one that I can recall, not that the character were bad...just felt no connection to them personally.
1987- Crazylegs.
1988- Spearhead, maybe, because he had a bobcat and I had a short tailed cat.
1989- No one that I can recall
1990- Er...not sure. Getting to old by that point. Maybe Overlord, guess I switched sides.
The rest...too old.
Captain Max
07-20-2007, 08:05 PM
Kinda' both,Lava Boss.Your list is just fine! :)
07-21-2007, 07:01 AM
I never projected myself onto a Joe character or vice-versa; I think the characters were too well-defined for me to identify with anyone that closely. In fact, with all toy lines I've ever collected, I certainly had favourites to use but I always took the role of "god" when playing. I'd jump back and forth between different characters and locations (like Joe & Cobra HQ, different teams' & individuals' missions) like I was watching a TV show or movie rather than following one particular guy.
I might have said the Steel Brigade "figure of yourself" but when I sent off for mine I got all Stormer's paperwork with a letter saying they'd run out and here's Tiger Force Duke instead. Finally got a Stormer figure a couple of years ago so give me a bit more time and I'll get more used to "being" one of my Joes, like here:
Then again, in terms of "being" a character, there's always my avatar pic...
gung ho
07-21-2007, 09:20 AM
duke lol i was born in 1990 soo i'm duke i guess
07-21-2007, 10:02 AM
[COLOR=Red]85 i was snake eyes V2 at first, then quick kick and the twins(with my cousin),
86 sci-fi, lifeline, crimson guard as myself. zandar and thrasher.
87 cobra commander, big boa, raptor & crazylegs 4 awhile also nemesis enforcer
88 nemesis enforcer, road pig & outback.
89 night viper and alley viper as myself.
by then we would use some character and pretend they were us and not the joes
they were supposed to be.
in 91 i was dusty V3
this is probably the best thread around in a long time. it adds insight to what we were like as kids, what we wanted to be and what we liked.[/COLOR]
07-21-2007, 11:20 AM
ok my turn.. :D
ok from 83 to 87, i just didn't see me in any of the Joe's, i had tones of missions but not me in it, till 88, when Budo came out, he looks like me in some fashion, the facile fetuers, and the same year NIGHT FORCE, came too be. from there every thing fits, Budo became Sgt. Anthony, and hawk had me pointed to run NIGHT FORCE,many adventures drew from there,till about 92 i think, from there C.C. killed hawk and flagg made me General , from there i was on and off with the joes.
07-21-2007, 11:31 AM
[COLOR=Red]wow, you made yourself a general. i never did that in my joe verse. i made my step father a general so no one could push us around, but me and my friends were all outsiders, not really joes. i hate taking orders, the main reason i never joined the military. if i respect someone i dont mind, its the ones who did it because they could out of rank i had hatred for. [/COLOR]
Captain Max
07-21-2007, 12:29 PM
Cool everybody! Keep it coming....and I'm working on a custom of myself...but that's for another time.....
07-21-2007, 03:37 PM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]Cool everybody! Keep it coming....and I'm working on a custom of myself...but that's for another time.....
self customs are a must for me. and in my opinion should be the focus point of any joe dio. ive saw enough of all the joes(well id like to see more) in the toons and comics, i like to see what other people do with theirself in a dio, so customs are great.[/COLOR]
07-21-2007, 03:52 PM
from the time my brother stared up to 1988, he told me he want me in joe's so i said ok,but none of the lady's fits me, so that's when tony gave me this robotech doll and said name it and your in, so tunneltina was born, we had lots of fun. a year later sgt tunneltina and the night force Lady's was born, after tony made C.C. kill hawk, i went in a different direction, tunneltina became lightingtina, and i join the pentagon, from there i too was on and off.
General Scarlett
07-21-2007, 04:18 PM
So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say...............'Scarlett'
But in all seriousness, in mine and Flint's Joeverse, we pretty much split the difference...........of course I'm also Cover Girl, the Baroness, Jinx, Zarana and Lady Jaye.......and that's just the 'known' Joes. We've come up with a bunch of new Joes, both male and female, and we split 'em..........
Case in point, Flint loves the Lady Jaye character soooo much (and NO, that's not supposed to be a 'funny' :p ), that we brought in another 'Lady "J"' and made her the original Lady Jaye's kid sister........just so that Flint could develop her character plotline towards the most known avenues........but as usual with us, with a bit of a twist!! :cool: ;)
07-21-2007, 05:11 PM
Who am I?
If I was a little kid, and I was playing with my friends, and I could only have one Joe to control, I would pick Duke.
However, who do I most identify with?
It would have to be the guy the comics forgot about after like four issues, and that they never even used in the cartoon. Grand Slam-- the quiet, nerdy guy who likes sci-fi and comic books.
Captain Max
07-21-2007, 06:48 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Who am I?
If I was a little kid, and I was playing with my friends, and I could only have one Joe to control, I would pick Duke.
However, who do I most identify with?
It would have to be the guy the comics forgot about after like four issues, and that they never even used in the cartoon. Grand Slam-- the quiet, nerdy guy who likes sci-fi and comic books.[/QUOTE]
I think a LOT of us like Grand Slam for the same reason! :D
Captain Max
07-21-2007, 11:39 PM
[QUOTE=lightingtina]from the time my brother stared up to 1988, he told me he want me in joe's so i said ok,but none of the lady's fits me, so that's when tony gave me this robotech doll and said name it and your in, so tunneltina was born, we had lots of fun. a year later sgt tunneltina and the night force Lady's was born, after tony made C.C. kill hawk, i went in a different direction, tunneltina became lightingtina, and i join the pentagon, from there i too was on and off.[/QUOTE]
tina,this is kind of OT,but do you know which Robotech figure you were using? Even the hair and clothing color?
I'm asking 'cuz Robotech,the first part,was really Macross,my favorite anime-and where the name Max comes from. :)
07-22-2007, 10:31 AM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]tina,this is kind of OT,but do you know which Robotech figure you were using? Even the hair and clothing color?
I'm asking 'cuz Robotech,the first part,was really Macross,my favorite anime-and where the name Max comes from. :)[/QUOTE]
max the one my brother gave me was lisa hayes, matchbox made them. if you go back in to my photos youll see her there.
Captain Max
07-22-2007, 12:48 PM
Cool-I had Lisa when I was a kid! :) In Macross,she is Japanese and her name is Misa Hayase.I have several cool Misa figures from Japan.
07-24-2007, 10:17 PM
:cool: mmm Im Salvo ....jeje
The Faceless Master
07-24-2007, 10:53 PM
As a kid, i loved wearing camouflage.
For a while i liked wearing berets, but that didn't last long.
I lived in a hotel cuz my dad was the GM, so I would sneak around trying not
to let anybody notice me, hiding in shadows, going into "employees only" areas,
and needless to say, there werent too many 8-10 year olds in the hotel to play
with so I was pretty much a loner.
I loved fireworks & was told I was pretty good at putting on a "show" especially
during independence day & new years :D
So I guess as a youngster, I would have to be Firefly
~ hence my handle, The Faceless Master
07-25-2007, 01:18 AM
Me? Hmmm, probably Wakko Warner....ooh, hang on, wrong universe! Oops! :D
General Scarlett
07-25-2007, 07:54 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Me? Hmmm, probably Wakko Warner....ooh, hang on, wrong universe! Oops! :D[/QUOTE]
Ooh! Ooh! I sooooooo am 'Dot' :p
07-25-2007, 10:25 AM
My mom used to call me, my brother, and sister, Yakko, Wakko and Dot. Being the oldest, I was Yakko.
General Scarlett
07-25-2007, 12:21 PM
Can we cue the 'Warner Bros.' theme music now????
:p :cool: :)
Captain Max
07-25-2007, 02:06 PM
"Don't know what to say-The Monkeys won't do!" :p
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