View Full Version : JD needs REVIWERS!!!

07-22-2007, 11:12 AM
You guys do know there IS a Reviews forum, right?

Originally, I was trying to get people to do reviews based on older product to see if it stands the test of time. If you compare it to JBL and General Joes, they hit the stuff right off the bat. But can the GI Joe product hold up years later?

Now w/ the 25th Joes available, please step up and start throwing down reviews in the reviews section!

Just fyi, you can download 1 pic for free (like in the Photos section). To add pics IN your review (which is best done as a reply since the Description box isn't big enough), you gotta host 'em yourself. Photobucket.com works for a lot of us.

So please, let's get the Reviews rolling again just for the fun of it.


Captain Max
07-22-2007, 12:43 PM
Hey Sonn-I was tryin' but the pix I took of 8" Gung-Ho were just to blurry.I hope to have some stuff for you soon. :)

General Scarlett
07-22-2007, 12:45 PM
I'll give it a go...........

And CM, if you'd like me to take a pic of any of my collection and give you the link via Photobucket, just let me know......... ;) :cool:

Captain Max
07-22-2007, 12:50 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I'll give it a go...........

And CM, if you'd like me to take a pic of any of my collection and give you the link via Photobucket, just let me know......... ;) :cool:[/QUOTE]

Thanks,GS! I think I'll take you up on that! :)

General Scarlett
07-22-2007, 02:30 PM
DONE!!! I just posted my first review!!! :)

Urban Saboteur
07-22-2007, 04:18 PM
I actually done a review once.. and then was asked...
"Hey rich .. why didnt you put this in the review section" :o
Because I didn't even know we had one lool!

Ok Ok.. I'll try and find something I could review and put something up soon, I'll do this instead of next month's TR Pics. I can miss a month and let one of the new dudes have a bash :)

07-22-2007, 05:47 PM
I plan on doing some of the 25th stuff in the reviews section probably Tuesday or Wednesday, so hopefully i can get my act together and finally takes some pictures of the buggers so I can put them into a coherent review.

07-22-2007, 10:08 PM
I think the reason why the reviews section doesn't get much attention is because unlike the Dios and Photos sections, it's not showcased on the main page.
Like the saying goes... out of sight, out of mind.

08-10-2007, 01:34 PM
I'm bumping this.

I humbly request that the shots are crisp and clear.