View Full Version : What are you reading lately?

Captain Max
07-24-2007, 01:33 PM
I got this idea from JBL. So-like the title says?

I just finished Force Recon Diary 1969 by Bruce H. Norton."Doc" Norton was a Navy Corpsman who served with both the 3rd and 1st Marine Force Recon Companies in Vietnam.He was one of very few Navy Corpsmen to be "dual-qual"-SCUBA and Parachute certified,as well as the ONLY Corpsman to Lead recon Teams.He left the Navy in 1971 and joined the Marines as an officer after completing College.A great memoir by a true professional! :)

I also finished the novel Trophy by Julian-Jay Saverin. Focused around the hypothetical creation of "November Squadrons" consisting of pilots and navs from all the NATO countries integrated into one unit,the book is an interesting look into the lives and loves of Fighter Aircrew. :D

07-24-2007, 01:42 PM
i'm reading exile by aaron allston the latest book in the legacy of the force series and i gottta say that i lose more interest in what they are doing in the star wars expanded universe with each book, unless your a hardcore fan pass this series up

07-24-2007, 02:14 PM
Do graphic novels count? I'm rereading the Akira graphic novels published by Dark Horse. Awesome, awesome stuff!If you've only seen the movie and haven't read the graphic novels, there's a whole lot more to the story.

07-24-2007, 02:19 PM
I'm reading up on Active Directory...Yeah...not very exciting or even that interesting. But there is a Help Desk Administer position open at my work and I am just trying to prepare for my interview. Would be nice to land the job though.

General Scarlett
07-24-2007, 02:20 PM
The Jesus Papers
Honor Harrington series
The Desire of the Everlasting Hills
Star Wars novels (too many to list)
Pride and Prejudice (I've lost count of how many times......but I know that I really should buy another copy before this one disinegrates)
Catechism of the Catholic Faith
Essentials of Buddism
at LEAST 6 different cooking books
The collected works of Shakespeare
Down to Earth Sociology
Stuart Little
The Cobra Trilogy
Holy Blood, Holy Grail

07-24-2007, 02:31 PM
I've been reading a lot at for the whole summer so far. My job allows for me to read a good 3-4 hours (bus and train there and back, plus when I work at the desk or finish my work for the day), so I've done a ton of reading this summer. I reread a couple of Vonnegut books (Mother Night and Slapstick) plus I'm finishing Galapagos again right now. He is definitely my favorite author, incredibly insightful into and hilarious at the same time while revealing his views throughout the his stories. I highly recommend reading any of his books if you already haven't, especially Cat's Cradle. I read Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy (excellent read, thrilling book and the military aspect along with his plot were very well written), Marine Sniper and Silent Warrior by Charles Henderson (deep look into Carlos N. Hathcock, one of the great snipers of the marine core), Dude! Where's My Country by Michael Moore (really opened my eyes to a lot of political wrongdoings I was not aware of), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (an incredible way to send off the fantastic series, I won't say anymore in case you haven't read it yet), and The New Face of War by Bruce Berkowitz (a look into how war will be fought in the new century and how we got to that point, some very interesting advances that I did not know about were very intriguing). I highly recommend all of these books, they kept me entertained while I was reading them. I'm hoping to get at least three more read by the end of the summer, although I don't know what books I will read yet.

07-24-2007, 05:22 PM
Hit the comic shop today so I've been getting caught up on Annihilation: Conquest, World War Hulk, Wolverine, and now the Thunderbolts: Desperate Measures 1-shot. I need to read more books without pictures...

07-24-2007, 06:21 PM
[QUOTE=Stormer]I need to read more books without pictures...[/QUOTE]


(busy right now, but I'll mention what I've been reading soon)

07-24-2007, 08:19 PM
Well besides the lastest G.I. JOE comic books, I'm reading STAR TREK: Captain's Glory & STAR TREK: THE EUGENICS WARS The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh!!! :D

Captain Max
07-24-2007, 08:28 PM
[QUOTE=Flint]Well besides the lastest G.I. JOE comic books, I'm reading STAR TREK: Captain's Glory & STAR TREK: THE EUGENICS WARS The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh!!! :D[/QUOTE]

Flint-have you read STAR TREK:Uhura's Song and STAR TREK:The Final Reflection?

In my opinion,the two best Star Trek novels! :D If you haven't,I seriously recommend them! :)

07-24-2007, 08:34 PM
No I haven't Max... But I 'll have to Check them out thanks for the Recomendation!!! :D

Captain Max
07-24-2007, 08:36 PM
No Prob,man! I have a ton of Star Trek Novels and those two are the best! I don't know if they are in print but a good used-book store or Amazon should be able to hook you up! :D

07-24-2007, 09:38 PM
Well i love the Star Trek: New Frontier series(just can't afford them in hardcover)! Another great sci-fi series that i read while on activation was the Atlantis gate series by the same arthor of the Area51 book but under another name(Robert Doherty I believe)! And for military fiction i recommend the Brotherhood of War and The Corps series by W.E.B. Griffin. and i am hopefully going to be able to finally read Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix so that i can see the movie and then read the last 2 books. And as far as Star Wars I actually like the novels that have gone back before the whole NJO that are filling in the gaps! and i wish i could afford to get back into reading the new GI Joe comics.... I hope these have helped.

07-24-2007, 11:04 PM
Okay, I'm back. I haven't been reading a lot of "real" books lately-- Mainly just comics. This week, I picked up World War Hulk #2, World War Hulk: X-Men #2, Avengers: The Initiative #4, and Captain America #28.

Also, I've been reading lots of comic book trade paperbacks. I just finished Fantastic Four Visionaries: John Byrne volume 7, and just today, I received the new printing of Captain America: War & Remembrance, which collects the complete run of Roger Stern and John Byrne's Cap stories from 1980-ish.

I used to read Star Trek and Star Wars novels vociferously, but I stopped with Star Wars around the time the New Jedi Order series started, and I dropped Star Trek about when TNG went off the air-- Though I picked it up again for a couple of years when the DS9 continuation books started.

Whenever I do read a real, prose book, it's usually some Sherlock Holmes. I never get tired of re-reading those.

Captain Max
07-24-2007, 11:07 PM
Oh man-I have Cap-War & Remembrance! What a collection of stories.It torques me that Jim Shooter let them quit the book rather than let them do a 3 part story....WTF? :mad:

07-25-2007, 01:13 AM
Generally I stick to non-fiction. I'm a huge student of history (especially military) and a voracious reader of true crime and detection books (I come from a police family). Being particularly "into" the US Civil War means I'll usually be reading something on that subject, but at the moment I'm almost through Sins of the Brother, which is the true story of Ivan Milat, the serial killer who preyed on back-packers here in Australia in the 80's and 90's. :eek:

07-25-2007, 12:58 PM
I'm finishing the 3rd novel in the Icewind Dale Trilogy: The Halfling's Gem... R.A. Salvatore is a genius!... before that I read Tanis: The Shadow Years (Dragonlance) and Ravenor (WH 40k).

I like WH40k novels a lot, specially Dan Abnett's Gaunt series, the way he mixes military and sci-fi is great.

07-25-2007, 01:41 PM
The readout on the cash register...

07-25-2007, 01:57 PM
Just finished reading the final Harry Potter book on the flight to California. Thought it was excellent. I tend to read a lot of military fiction and nonfiction for enjoyment and story ideas, and for pure escapism, I like fantasy, like the aforementioned Harry Potter series, as well as Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion Series, and Stephen King (read Cell and finished The Dark Tower Series in the past year, more great stuff). Next book I plan on reading is The Cobra Event by Richard Preston, which deals with bioterrorism. Ironically, it has nothing to do with the Cobra we all know, but I may get some ideas for my current diostory.