View Full Version : what the h3ll?

gung ho
07-27-2007, 02:15 PM
why is all these porn sites and drug sites keep popping up about every week?? are they really members or just bots?

07-27-2007, 02:43 PM

There's no major security here against bots, so we have nothing to prevent against this spamming.
I keep telling them to set up CAPTCHA recognition but it keeps falling on deaf ears...

gung ho
07-27-2007, 02:48 PM
they need to or we might get shut down

General Scarlett
07-27-2007, 05:51 PM
OK guys, here's the deal........again..........

I have forwarded all your concerns and comments about the 'spam' to Hammerfel. He is the OWNER of the site, therefore, he is THE ONLY ONE who can change any security settings or install any new programs to curb the 'spammers'.

Starting threads about it really gets us nowhere......he comes in and checks out the site, but he doesn't read through every thead every time.

Sonnelion and I have both asked all board members to not click on the 'bots posted threads (they should usually be fairly easy to spot.......) and if by chance you do click on it and find out that it is a 'bot, just leave it alone! Don't post anything on it, either myself or G will delete it as soon as we log on.......

Thanks for you understanding and co-operation...... ;) :cool:


gung ho
07-27-2007, 06:35 PM
ight thanks hopefully HF can do somthing about it