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View Full Version : Our Joeverses: Volume 2-Cobra!!

Captain Max
08-01-2007, 01:31 PM
Okay,everyone-now it's time for our personal takes on Cobra in our Joeverses.

For me,since my Joeverse is still in the late 1980's,it's not long after the Cobra Civil War.Serpentor is currently dead-but Mindbender believes he can successfully "clone him". It's very soon after the creation of the Python Patrol.(like the comic,Cobra bought the surplus Joe X-30 Conquests from a formerly-friendly to the US nation that had undergone a coup and had no hope of keeping the sophisticated X-30's flying without American Technicians.) On a similar note-GI Joe's Tiger Force is formed partly with captured Cobra equipment from the Cobra Civil War.

Fred VII is still impersonating Cobra Commander. Taking the advice of a Crimson Guard Officer,he has just formed the Crimson Shadow Guard as a "Secret Police/SS" style unit.He doesn't know that that officer is really the Original Cobra Commander-who will take the identity of Overlord as soon as I find one,really formed the Shadow Guard because they are loyal to Him and Him alone.

In my Joeverse-Blueshirts and Vipers are the same thing in different uniforms.The Blues and cowls are preferred Ceremonial and Base-uniforms,while the Mirror helms and Flak Jackets are preferred combat gear.There are always times when Blueshirts are in combat though-no time to change.....any number of reasons.Remember the "Blue & Gray Cobra Trooper Set" from 1998? I only have one set,and I use them as Cobra Officers.

My favorite branch after the Vipers is the Eels(ver.1)Lampreys,Hydro-Vipers,and Snow Serpents branch of the Cobra Navy. I see them as equivalent to US Navy SEALS-and therefore the best of the best in Cobra.

I don't use a lot of the other "specialist" vipers because I don't have very many=1 Night Viper,1 '89 Alley Viper,1 Python SAW Viper,1 Python HEAT Viper,1 Python Laser Viper,1 2000 Laser Viper,1 Python Officer,etc.I usually use either the Baroness or Major Bludd to lead Cobra in the field,along with Firefly,Scrap-Iron,and The Dreadnoks.

I use Destro and his Iron Grenadiers seperately from Cobra.I was lucky enough to get 1 boxed and 1 loose set of 2005's Mayhem Invades Con set-so I've got a pretty nice IG army. The IG's fight Joe,Cobra and The Oktober Guard.

My vehicles are all '80s-Moray,Night Raven,original HISS,HISS II and 4 Ferrets from last year's Con,+ my 2 DTC HISSes.

How about you? :cool:

General Scarlett
08-01-2007, 01:40 PM
Rest assured that Flint and I will cover Cobra and it's rise to power in our Joeverse thread........... ;)

08-01-2007, 01:40 PM
I set mine up so it's part comic, part cartoon and a lot of me.

CC is top dawg with Commander Vlasko in 2nd place and Interrogator in 3rd. Baroness works for both Cobra and MARs. Destro is MARs only and is the weapons supplier for Cobra.

I use only 2 branches of Trooper. NeoVipers and Vipers.

Major Bludd is the Viper leader. Commander Vlasko is the leader of NeoVipers.

Tomax & Xamot take care of the financial front and have their own small group of soldiers (CGs).

Storm Shadow is a bodyguard 1st and assassin 2nd. Slice and Slash are under him.

Scrap Iron chills with MARs.

The Plague aren't written in yet.

08-01-2007, 03:25 PM
[COLOR=Red] im like graham when he said his is part comic, part cartoon and part himself. i also agree with you captain max when you said your world is in the 80's. my cobra is much like it was in the 80's in both cartoon and comics, nothing in the new devils due comics has happened. heres how the characters play out.
cobra commander is still number one, unlike the comic he is very intelligent and will sometimes go into combat himself to raise the troops moral, or is it a body double?
destro does run mars and has the iron grenadiers, but he is constantly within cobra so he doesnt use them often, besides i dont have an IG army.
the baroness is still CC's most trusted and still is i love with destro, destro jr does not exist
major bludd is most always inployed by cobra and leads the army on most missions. he does however take on other contracts, unknown to most he has done some missions for G.I. Joe!!!
tomax and xamot are leaders of the crimson guards and run extensive enterprises and are very deadly, enough even to beat any ninja
storm shadow is bad
zartan leads the noks, they have grown largely in number , but not as large as in devils due. zartan is most likely the most deadly character in the joeverse, only surpassed by firefly, but not in hand to hand.
firefly does missions very often for cobra
cobra-la does exist (hate them if you will, i hate snake eyes and duke more). they are as in the toon an ancient race. they did help mindbender create serpentor. cobra commander was never part of them however. he only made deals with them to gain weapons to defeat G.I. Joe, when he did not, serpentor was born. when even he could not defeat the joes they came in. i use many different figures for them, the hulk, dr scarab from bionic 6, star wars. serpentor is currently looking for their whereabout after their defeat as portrayed in the movie so he can join them and take control of the world
almost all of the divisions of troopers are there, even though i dont have most of them and like you max i dont have multiple numbers. ill do some photoshop if ever needed.

Captain Max
08-01-2007, 03:29 PM
cool,lehsreh! I have nothing against Cobra-La-I love the movie and the recent GI Joe/Transformers Comic with Cobra-La and Unicron was Very Cool! I just see them as an "alternate universe".

08-01-2007, 04:44 PM
I keep my stuff slightly in the future. About a year or so.