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04-01-2006, 09:26 PM
Are the dio makers working on their dios? Building sets? Waiting for Wave4 to be released so a duder like Airtight or Outback can show up in a pic you're dying to do???

It's no secret that I my computer art skillz are fairly poor. I do what works and am not willing to venture much further. I mean, coming up with a program that had word balloons, that was icing on the cake for me! Seriously tho, I've been experimenting with filters, saturations, tints, and hues. As well, I've had a buddy look over my "SFX" and is helping me out a tad.

As well, the hanger scene of "Transformation" has been shot and for the most part, been dealt with. I keep on going back and trying to tweak things to make it the best I can. I admit, I'm a bit of a perfectionist and if I do a lackluster job, it bugs me to no end. As well, I've been meditating on the corridor sets. I still need to finish up the lobby and have some ideas on how to get it done. My energy is going figuring out how to make the corridors look as tight as possible.

I've also enlisted the help from one Outrider. 1 thing that my programs do NOT allow me to do are clean cut n pastes. I tend to get a terrible halo and despite the blur brush, it doesn't do much when there's a flaming white halo, y'know? I joked about it before, but I'm actually waiting for Wave4. I need to nab 4 Cobra Officers for the dio. They play as big a role as Vipers ("Let the bodies hit the floor...") but they are needed.

So, what are you up to these days?

04-02-2006, 08:17 PM
Well, I am not working on any dio stories but that doesn't mean that I would give it a try. I just like taking pics of cool G.I. Joe Stuff and I try to put the best that I can up on this site and I hope people enjoy them as much as I.

04-02-2006, 09:55 PM
well these are the projects im working on at the moment.

I have just finished the final touches on my ninja cycle.

and im also working on a Flagg, but haven't started actually building it yet.

Also some custom figures in the works, nothing finished yet though.

These are some pics of the Ninja cycle and also the Flagg tower I built for reference purposes

04-02-2006, 10:21 PM
For those who are interested, with respect to my Joe/Transformers crossover, I'm Photoshopping and adding dialogue to some photos I took to go back and give the story a proper beginning. At long last you'll see the Joes going after Dr. Archeville, which was mentioned way back when I started this thing last summer.

Other than that, I'm waiting for the frikkin' monsoon season to end here in so-called "sunny" California. We had rain 25 days out of March this year-- That breaks a local record dating back to 1904.

Once it finally dries off around here, I'll shoot the next scene which will chronologically occur after the Sierra Gordo segment-- A team of Joes and Autobots led by Flint fighting it out with a team of Cobras and Decepticons led by Destro in Trans-Carpathia. The winner gets the laser core-- But the Decepticons might have a trick up their sleeve that'll leave Cobra high and dry and looking for revenge.

Oh, and I just recently came up with what I think is a pretty good idea for a sequel to this story, but that'd still be a long ways off.

04-03-2006, 02:38 AM
I'm in the middle of buying 1/18 scale props for my dio story. Also designing a website to put it up on. Already have a script.Should be done by say... end of the year depending on other commitments.So much to do , so lttle time.

04-03-2006, 09:03 AM
Very creative ideas, Cheznit. I'm looking forward to the Flagg when it's done...

04-03-2006, 10:26 AM
I've been crazy busy for the last month- f/t work, p/t teaching, family(2 kids), 2 overlapping graduate classes, some random crazy viral infection for 2 weeks, and sleeping more than my schedule will allow. I'm thinking of going down the basement to do more work tonight as I have to combine a tomahawk out of 2 seperate ones and still have some figs to display and shoot more pictures. I'm also eventually going to customize the incomplete tomahawk and will be soliciting ideas from all of you once all is completed on the first one. It's missing blades and other sundry parts so I'll have to dremel them to make it complete.

For those of you looking for a good retail store, the Toy Exchange in Silver Spring, Maryland has alot of boxed and opened goodies. Price is slightly higher than on eBay but he has nice stuff. I was down there this past weekend and stopped in to pick up 'pieces' for my dio but the owner wasn't there to make me a deal as he had been in the past. Many of the small pieces on my custom Flagg were acquired there and also extra chairs, consoles, etc. as he has a boatload of extra parts.

04-03-2006, 02:23 PM
Learning and applying techniques for casting plastic parts... :cool:

General Hawk
04-05-2006, 06:43 AM
I am working HARD on dio stuff right now. Polishing off a lot of the Photoshop editing on Misdirection and prepping it for online release, and building a set for an upcoming dio focused on the Convention theme. Doing a lot of dio-related work at the moment, because I've got some extra time, and some motivation. Gotta strike while the iron is hot.


04-06-2006, 05:20 AM
I'm waiting for my DTC wave three to arrive before I can carry on. Luckily I guess it gives me time to do other stuff like schoolwork.

04-08-2006, 02:33 PM
So far I'm trying to put all my photos in CBC and publish them. Although... I can see that some pics are simply not proper for this. So expect for sure whole Devil's Ground story, Arctic Meltdown and MAYBE An Unplanned Incident.
Well... photos from my early stage of dio-story making are lacking a lot of things. Especially dialouge lines adaptation. And proper views.
BUT no need to worrry - as soon as I get my driver's license and The General will arrive - I will think of making another stories this time featuring my two new custom figures (first customs in my career) - we'll see what will come out of this...

Luke Ellison
04-09-2006, 07:47 AM
I'm almost done with the sets for my next dio, then I just have a few customs to finish before I begin shooting. So far, I am wayyyyy ahead of schedule. I have a huge fight scene in the second act which is being cowritten by a navy friend o' mine for accuracy and a second set of ideas (which never hurts). Even though it won't take long to shoot, some of the story will have small animations kinda like Hammerfel's but not as elaborate. Should be done by or before the Joe convention! (crosses fingers)

04-10-2006, 03:54 PM
These sets are gonna kill me. Maybe it's because I'm working on 3-4 sets at once as well as trying to get the story organized in my head. I guess I'm putting all this work into the lobby, trying to make it as dope as possible that all the other stuff I'm doing needs to look just as tight. If I don't, it feels half-assed to me.

I think I need to build onto the lobby. It's almost done, just need to get my butt in gear and finish the walls. I took a few test shots today and the set isn't quite working. Tomorrow, if I have the patience, I'll start cutting the foamboard and making it longer. What fun are the shots if you can see the edges of the set, y'know? :mad: