View Full Version : More reviews on the way...

08-18-2007, 04:39 PM
I've got several written up, I just need to transfer them to the computer and then play around with the shots I took today. Expect to see DTC Major Bludd, DTC Footloose, DTC Gen. Colton, ST Barrel Roll, 25thA Duke, 25thA Snake Eyes, JvC Firefly and maybe a couple others. Time to flood the Reviews section.

Remember, anyone can do reviews and any era of GI Joe can be done. Please keep in mind that this IS a GI Joe site and while some toylines are compatible, try and use common sense if doing non-GI Joe stuff. In other words, if you put up pictures of Naruto figures, you'd better have a good reason or it's getting pulled.

08-18-2007, 04:41 PM
hey, about the reviews, how about PTE? theres a great playset.

General Scarlett
08-18-2007, 07:13 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh]hey, about the reviews, how about PTE? theres a great playset.[/QUOTE]

Well, considering that the line is predominately used as supplements for the Joe line, then that's alright.............just try and stick some G.I. Joe's in the shot!!!! ;) :)