View Full Version : Joe Vs. Joe
08-20-2007, 09:41 AM
Ok.....Clutch got wind of Shipwreck hitting it off with CoverGirl, and him and Shippy go "mano-e-mano"....we all know how Clutch hates HATERS! who wins?
08-20-2007, 09:53 AM
shipwreck hands down!!! being an old salty dog he takes it to clutch and teaches him the meaning of pain (plus i'm biased cause shipwreck is one of my favorite joes) no way does he lose this one :D
08-20-2007, 09:57 AM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, i must say that shipwreck if one of my all time fave characters. clutch was never really anybody to me, i never had a single figure and never knew him in the cartoon. i got to know him a few yeas back when i got all the comics, i like him, but to little to late for me. here is the thing though, ive noticed that some people will vote on who they like, not really on who they think would win. some people will vote only for the good guys. im not one of these, and even though i love shipwreck, i would have to give this one to clutch. in the toons shipwreck wasnt a fighter, in the comics he wasnt there. you know the way clutch flirts, the man has to get in 4 or 5 fist fights a week not counting the cobra fights. more fighting experience, tougher, smarted. clutch wins. sorry ship.[/COLOR]
08-20-2007, 10:15 AM
have you ever read shipwreck's file card? not only was he in the navy at a young age but he was fist fighting with pirates and the like and can you imagine how many fights he's gotten into because of his mouth yeah he's one of my fav's but i really don't think that clutch stands much of a chance against a hardened sailor who also happens to be a navy seal!! i really don't see clutch getting in more than one or two good hits in before shipwreck clobbers him..
Captain Max
08-20-2007, 01:31 PM
I agree-Clutch is no wimp,but Shippy just has a TON of experience,and is more ornery anyway! ;)
08-20-2007, 05:55 PM
After Reading Up On The Contestants Ive Gotta Go With Ol Ship On This One
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