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View Full Version : Getting to know YOUR Joeverse!!!

Prince Adam
08-20-2007, 07:59 PM
I thought I'd start up a thread where we could post the ins and outs of our personal Joe Universes (Joeverse). What's different about your's as opposed to his/hers, whether you base it off the cartoon or comic or make it up from dio to dio. What's the story behind YOUR Joes?????????? :D

General Scarlett
08-20-2007, 08:07 PM
Here's the link for mine and Flint's......


NOTE: This is a W.I.P. and is added to periodically. Thank You.

08-21-2007, 08:20 AM
in my joeverse both general Colton and general Flagg start up a counter terrorist initiative code named G.I.Joe after Colton's time fighting as a top secret agent the main team consists of three core members, Scarlett- counter intelligence, Duke- field commander, and Breaker- computer and communications, at any given time these three are always on call, for missions that require more members or a specialist in a certain field Colton and Flagg are able to pull a number of other team members in to help or even finish a job, the biggest secret the team has is that none of the agents except for the core team know about one another they are completely a black ops organization..Cobra on the other hand is a shadowy cell group under the main leadership of a man called Cobra Commander no one has ever seen him but they know to follow his orders when they come down from on high..each group is run by a field general...the American field leader is known as Sepentor, the European field leader is known as Destro, the Asian field leader is known as Major Bludd, and the South American field leader is known as the Baroness..each one is completely loyal to the commander and each one shares his dream of creating havoc and unrest in the world...the joes have no idea that all of the terrorist activity is controlled by one group and Cobra is becoming aware of the American team, the joes feel that there leaders know something but just won't tell them what it is...that's the basic outline of my joeverse not much but it gives me an idea of what i wanna do and where i can go with certain characters :D

08-21-2007, 10:35 AM
My joeverse follows the original Marvel comic series with only a few tweaks here and there. (Such as keeping many characters alive). After the joes shut down in 94, Cobra secretly rebuilt itself and then was rediscovered in 97. They didn't strike untill 2000, after new years. The joe team was brought back in full force by the end of 01. Now Cobra continues to try to take over the world but instead focuses on destroying the joes, as well as "competition". (Yes that is a hint ;) :D )

08-21-2007, 11:16 AM
I basically follow the comics, Marvel through DDP. Being a huge comics fan anyway, I'm used to comics being the "official" story for things (LOVING Buffy Season 8!). I like some of the characterisations from the 'toon, especially for guys who didn't get much face-time in the comic (which DDP has been incorporating anyway), but since the characters were created by Larry Hama and the comic came first I refer to that as "the" story of the Joe team. So dead in the comics means the figure goes in my "Drawer of the Dead" and only sees the light for flashbacks...

Because there's so many Joes who didn't see much (or any) action in the comics, and many missions that could be happening alongside the ones we've read, I like the challenge of creating stories that can be interwoven with the comics, expanding on things there or just bringing in new stuff.

Having grown up with "Action Force: International Heroes" where the filecards (and, to an extent, Marvel UK comics) changed many birthplaces to make the team truly international, when the Marvel US series ended with the government shutting down the Joes I went back to the Action Force concept. Incorporating elements from the old Action Force vs Red Shadows days and the team style of Marvel UK, I saw Action Force as an international anti-terrorist group with some ties to the UN, based in the UK/Europe. They'd expand to fill the anti-Cobra void left by the Joes, even bringing in former Joes as specialists when the missions called for them. The existing Action Force roster was basically any character from the Palitoy days (including Americans like Blades, since it IS an international organisation) and I added any non-US citizen Joes who couldn't have easily been integrated into the US military after the Joe team shut down.

I still have Action Force, with its ranks again swelling when the Joe team was downsized for the America's Elite series, and I've also come up with stories for many of the "reserve" Joes which would run concurrently with AE (a little like the Special Missions one-shots, but with a twist). Hopefully someday everyone'll get to see these stories in an Epic Dio-Saga and until then I hope DDP doesn't bring General Flagg III into the comics continuity otherwise I'll have to start over!

I also have the Oktober Guard out there as Russia's elite special missions squad, now consisting of just Red Star, Dragonsky, Misha and Big Bear. They'd work alongside the Joes or Action Force due to current political climates as well as past personal allegiances.

Oh, and when I say I do stuff with the characters who never made it into the comics, I don't mean the most out-there sci-fi stuff. I'm with Hama on disregarding Cobra-La and while I don't own any Lunartix I'm in no hurry to ever get any... Mega-Monsters, though, conceptually actually work as early V-Troop experiments. Even if the figures look daft!

08-21-2007, 01:27 PM
Well my Joeverse pretty much resembles the current Marvel-DDP Joe world with a few exceptions. For starters many of the Joes dead in the comics are still kicking like a chicken in mine. The few notable exceptions are the Battle Force 2000 guys, I only own two of them Blocker and Maverick...they are the only ones who survived in my universe. I also decided to keep LJ "dead" cause I have decided to make Flint basically the Punisher of the Joe world...he has gone off the radar but shows up to kick a little butt. Later it will be learned she didn't die and well it will be interesting how and why and flint will be, well, happy and a little ticked to say the least.

Storm Shadow never was captured by Cobra like the end of the marvel run and brainwashed back into service, instead he was able to rescue billy and escape the commander's clutches. He along with Snake-Eyes, Scarlett the rest of ninja force joined with Budo, Quick-Kick, and Jinx and open a global bounty hunter service. They also open a new Arashikage Ninja school in the High Sierras. All of them are reserve members to G. I Joe.....they only accept certain missions, (even though SS and SE are my favorite Joes I like to give the other guys more attention from time to time)

Any repeat guys I own or re-deco figures have been given new code-names and I wrote the file cards for them including my greenshirts, so no 15 versions of Duke, etc.....some guys do have multiple outfits, but some are just new characters. I have the galoob figures of the A-team, which I modded their heads to fit Joe bodies and they have been pardoned by the President and work as a special urban task force for the Joes.

October Guard is still in full force and certain (Joe) members like Big Ben and Action man lead Action Force.

I was actually working on a WWIII story in my Joe world a few months before the actual story was even announced by DDP in mine Cobra has convinced China, North Korea, and Iran to join him in all out war against the rest of the world.most of the former Soviet union has been over run along with countries surrounding Iran and Eastern Europe as well.

Destro has fully pulled his allegiance from Cobra and has to help defend Scotland from Cobra aggression.

Serpentor is around as well and has been building his own (Coil) Force, he uses the same type of troopers and plans on overthrowing CC from power.

The biggest difference is in mine it is learned that Tomax and Xamot are in fact working for the Red Shadows, and the Crimson Guard are actually Red Shadow troopers (they have split off and are the Red Shadows).....blame hasbro for not releasing Red Shadow figures since I don't have the original action force ones. In response to this CC creates the Shadow Guard (those CG loyal to him) to become his personal troopers. CC replaced Storm Shadow as his personal bodyguard with a quartet of individuals.....Slice, Dice, Slash, and they are led by Blackout.

The soon to be released red ninjas(I will be getting at least 20 of these bad boys) will be their be apart of SS and SE rebuilding of the Arashikage ninja clan....I will be removing the Cobra symbol from their chests.....I already did that with the red ninja 6-packs I got last year.

The Black Dragon and the Nightcreepers are private contractors that work exclusively for Cobra.....or whomever pays them the most.

The Dreadnoks have cut all ties with Cobra and have been building up their ranks all across the nation. Zartan has gone completely crazy and has decided to kill Storm Shadow and has put a hit out on him....so I am preparing Nok-ninja action!!!!

That's all I can think of right now......I am going to incorporate my Marvel Showdown figures into this world as well so stay tuned for that!!!

08-21-2007, 05:34 PM
Well Mine Is All Over The Place. With Customs Involved. I Try To Go Off Of Whats Current With The Devils Due Run, But I Will Go Back And Try To Reaserch From The Marvel And Even The Cartoon Sries.
The Main Thing For Me Is I Get A Story In My Head And Just Start Writing And Shooting Shots. Just Cause One Thing Has Happend In One Set Of Photos Does'nt Mean It's Set In Stone. Then I Could Never Use My Figures In Other Dios Cause I've Killed Someone Off.
main Thing I Do Is Just Have Fun With An Interesting Story!!

08-21-2007, 07:36 PM
I never put a lot of thought into the full scope of my world, but it more or less follows the comic book continuity. All the major events of the Marvel run happened in one form or another, except for the killing off of several characters. But I tend to use the cartoon characterizations more than the comic book ones (except for characters who were barely in the cartoon, like Stalker). I disregard everything that happened after Marvel (Devil's Due, I'm looking at you!).

As you can tell from reading the TF crossover, my main Joe team consists primarily of the members who were featured in the cartoon (1982-1986), with the latter-year characters serving as reservists and expanded team-members who are called in to augment the existing team. The new characters from the JvC/Spytroops/VvV years are new recruits to the team. I actually wrote up a chain of command for my Joe team some time ago. I think I know where it is, and if I can find it, perhaps I'll post it here.

Cobra in my world is run by the triumvirate of Cobra Commander, Destro, and the Baroness. Major Bludd, Scrap-Iron, Firefly, Tomax and Xamot, and Dr. Mindbender are the second tier of the main Cobra leadership, with other named Cobras augmenting them but holding no real place in the chain of command (Slice and Dice, Scalpel, Interrogator, Croc-Master, etc.). Serpentor happened, as did Fred VII, though maybe not exactly like in the comics. Cobra Island is their base, though they have strongholds all over the world. The Cobra Consulate Building in New York City also exists, and Tomax and Xamot pretty much run it.

Action Force is in my Joe world, and much like msu44 said, it includes members like Big Ben and Action Man. The leader is Lt. Stone, based upon the Sigma Six character. I don't have them very fleshed out, and I don't even have figures of some of them, but I'd get/make them if the need ever arose. Action Force's main enemies are the Red Shadows, though I don't own any of those either. Action Force is mainly there to be spoken of and not actually seen in my world.

SKAR (of G.I. Joe Extreme) probably also exists, though again, they'd probably just be mentioned and never actually seen.

Finally, though my stories pretty much take place in the modern-day real world, there is one big difference-- In this universe, the Soviet Union still exists, and therefore the Oktober Guard are around and just as formidable as they ever were.

Oh, and in case you couldn't tell, the Transformers are there too! As I've said ad nauseum-- If the Punisher and Galactus can exist in the same world, and if Batman and Superman can exist in the same world, there's no reason why G.I. Joe and the Transformers can't exist in the same world!