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View Full Version : Comic Pack FireFly anyone????

09-03-2007, 08:12 PM
Just a heads up folks...our good ol' beggin friend is back under a different alias. Below is a series of PM's that he instigated and I just kind of strung him along until he revealed himself. Now he wants Storm Shadow on top of Firefly. Next he'll want the kitchen sink... Mods...can we ban him again???? and again???? and again?????

Originally Posted by Agent Viper
Can you help me out?
I can't find any 25th A figures anywhere!!!
Can you help a guy out and find a 25th A stormshadow?

Originally Posted by Fantom
You looking for the v1 or v2 single pack figure????

Originally Posted by Agent Viper
the single pack.
I don't have anything to trade and I'm dirt poor

Originally Posted by Fantom
I may be able to get my hands on one. I know of a store here in my area that has them as well as some of the comic packs in stock. Its like no one knows about this place. They even have the Comic pack with fire fly that I was thinking about picking up. I'll keep you posted if I find Storm Shadow there.

Originally Posted by Agent Viper
Could you get the firefly cpack and send him to me?

09-03-2007, 11:02 PM
Hmmm, I had my suspicions.... :rolleyes:

09-04-2007, 04:52 AM
I have to apologize to everyone. I knew who he was. And after I lead the charge last time to out this guy, and started the great "Troll Inquisition" I was weary that outing him again would get everyone suspicious and start accusing some of our austounding new members of being a "cloaked troll".

I went out of my way to help this guy this time! I told him to chill out and I would help him and if he was a good member and got found out, I'd talk to General Scarlett and say "He's been good so far.....let's let him stay and see if he can't become one of us!" I felt bad after the last "Troll Inquisition"because I started such a wave of paranoia that I believe we may have scared off potential new mambers who could have been as good as the members we're seeing now! I DON'T want that to happen again.

I even went on ebay and found (don't laugh) a comic Pack firefly for him. And as some of you know I recently moved and I'm having to redo my display of joes. As I went through standing them up and aligning them on shelves, I found some I had doubles of figures I set aside with the intent of sending them to him. I hoped he would use them to FINALLY take some pictures and contribute to this site. Instead, after I TOLD HIM I had recieved his Comic Pack Firefly and was gonna ship it out, he commences begging! For the same figure I just spent my hard earned money for!

Now, I wonder if I shouldn't break out the old "Troll Busters" avatar? Nah..it just aint worth it! I say that rather than have General Scarlett ban him and lock his account, we just ignore him. At least we won't have to worry about when he'll "Pop Up" next!

Here's the skinny starting with what I just PM'd him with!


How about I send you squat? What did I tell you about begging? I was hoping to hook you up with some figures, hoping you could post a few pics, contribute a little and then I was gonna tell everyone "Hey, guess who this is?.....Look, he's changed his ways and he's being a productive member of the site, and not just an annoying mooch!" and look what you go and do!


I even got you a comic pack firefly out of my own pocket! Oi Vay! When someone goes out of their way to help you out, you crap on them. And Why were you asking Fantom for a Comic Pack firefly after I told you I HAD one for you? You don't trust me? If I was gonna stick it to you, I would have let everyone know who you were a few weeks ago when you contacted me, but after the last time I outed you and started the "Troll Inquisition" I feared that outing you would make everyone suspicious of the new members.
You should take a look at some of these new members! What they have done. What they have to offer. How they DON'T beg! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????


[QUOTE=Agent Viper][QUOTE=ender098][QUOTE=Agent Viper]Have you heard anything about Firefly?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. He got here on the 26th. I had him and a few other figures packed up before I read your PM about wanting PTE guys. I'm sending you Dusty (VvsV) Dusty (Spytroops) a Stalker and firefly. I shoul have them in the mail Wednesday![/QUOTE]

Sweet dude!!
so, your sending them and PTE guys?
or are you just sending them?
It doesn't really matter.

09-04-2007, 06:57 AM
Well, maybe this is his chance to just come clean and be honest with us. What is your deal Agent Viper??? How dirt poor can you be that you consistently beg for figures that you can get your hands on for less then $10 bucks???

When I was only 13 I was an avid comic collector. That can be an expensive hobby. I worked mowing lawns and doing yard work to support that hobby and later went to flipping burgers. My mother was a singel parent of 3 so she did not have extra money to spare.

I just don't understand the whole begging thing and the expectation that people are going to send him stuff for free. I guess its one of those cases where you give an inch, they'll take a mile.

So, Agent Viper, be honest with us and just explain what you are all about here and maybe you'll find the exceptance that you are apparently seeking. Oh, just so as not to confuse you, this won't mean that people are going to start sending you free stuff, but maybe we will be more understanding and try and help you acquire it for yourself.

09-04-2007, 07:31 AM
[QUOTE=Fantom]Well, maybe this is his chance to just come clean and be honest with us. What is your deal Agent Viper??? How dirt poor can you be that you consistently beg for figures that you can get your hands on for less then $10 bucks???

When I was only 13 I was an avid comic collector. That can be an expensive hobby. I worked mowing lawns and doing yard work to support that hobby and later went to flipping burgers. My mother was a singel parent of 3 so she did not have extra money to spare.

I just don't understand the whole begging thing and the expectation that people are going to send him stuff for free. I guess its one of those cases where you give an inch, they'll take a mile.

So, Agent Viper, be honest with us and just explain what you are all about here and maybe you'll find the exceptance that you are apparently seeking. Oh, just so as not to confuse you, this won't mean that people are going to start sending you free stuff, but maybe we will be more understanding and try and help you acquire it for yourself.[/QUOTE]

Well put I'm wondering what his deal is too. I read through all the post and I don't get it. I remember having a paper route to support my Joe hobby. So what's you problem Agent Viper?

09-04-2007, 07:53 AM
I wouldnt get caught up in all "Im skint.." or "My mothers ill stuff" here.
What he really wants is the drama of causing an upset and all the fall out that comes with it.
Frank- I cant believe what you did.
It was a fantastic thing to do and truly demonstrates your character as a stand up guy.
Funnily enough though, its the last thing this guy wants.

If I had to diagnose him, Id say its likely he has a personality disorder, and a true case of self-loathing.
He needs to perpetuate this self-loathing and continually confirming his worthlessness, by getting others anrgy at him.

By showing sympathy and patience, and trying to help, you have actually caused the guy more pain and confusion, as what he wants is to be hated, reviled, punished and ridiculed- as it confirms his own negative self image.

Unfortunately the only constructive way to deal with this guy is to completely ignore him- and deny him the oxygen of publicity-
the minute anyone realises its him, dont chastise, ridicule, name-call or anything- just ignore him.

Things may get worse for a wee while, but eventually he`ll give up and find another site where he can start all teh drama again.

I wish him all the best in teh future, but give it up already.

09-04-2007, 09:02 AM
[QUOTE=Misfits]Well put I'm wondering what his deal is too. I read through all the post and I don't get it. I remember having a paper route to support my Joe hobby. So what's you problem Agent Viper?[/QUOTE]

Uhm...I'd have to say it the problem all American kids seem to exhibit...."I want it all, I just don't wanna EARN it...that's WAY TOO MUCH like REAL Work!" . Bunch of Xbox playing, Starbucks sipping, Ipod a Listening to SLACKERS!!!

[QUOTE=bigtattoo]I wouldnt get caught up in all "Im skint.." or "My mothers ill stuff" here.
What he really wants is the drama of causing an upset and all the fall out that comes with it.

Sort of a Munsch@$$hole by Proxy thing? LOL!

Yeah, I'm begining to think he's one of those obsessive compulsives with no control of his inhibitions...obviously he doesn't really want what he asks for!

09-04-2007, 09:05 AM

If I had to diagnose him, Id say its likely he has a personality disorder, and a true case of self-loathing.
He needs to perpetuate this self-loathing and continually confirming his worthlessness, by getting others anrgy at him.

So that's where all those guys who pay $14.99 a min to get humiliated on phone sex lines come from? I always wondered!!!

:D :eek: :eek: :eek:

Yes, I went there!!

09-04-2007, 09:15 AM
Unfortunately the only constructive way to deal with this guy is to completely ignore him- and deny him the oxygen of publicity-
the minute anyone realises its him, dont chastise, ridicule, name-call or anything- just ignore him.


Remember the good old days when if kids wanted to be ridiculed and talked down to they'd just go play a game on XBOX Live? And yes, Frank, i do realize i'm proving your point more lol

09-04-2007, 09:21 AM
So, I was right about this suspicious Agent Viper contacted me the same way he did in the past with you guys. What I can say is that no one here is a dump that will not see what you are doing Agent Viper.

Frank send them to me, LOL. (just kidding!) LOL.

G told me about a problem thats going on on USA (but I can assure you here in Brazil we have the same thing), something like the "ME GENERATION". They can only look to themselfs! WTF man, is wrong man? I did the same as you did in the past Fantom, supported my hobby workin'. I can say that having someone like Frank around is a bless. I really don't know how much things he took for me, but the least that we can do is pay him his money back!!! And look, he never chrged me about the time he spend searching on stores for figures that I can't find here in Brazil. What can I say for G., Fantom, Frank, JJsvipers, Craig, Buyer and the others who helped me out (there are so many names). Sometimes sending some stuff for free!!!!

Agent Viper, stop beggin' work your @$$ out to a store and buy your figures. I wish I could do the same, unfortunelly Brazil doesn't have Joes being sell right now on the stores.

09-04-2007, 11:16 AM
[COLOR=Red]i knew who he was when he asked for a pic to add words to and then asked for a storm shadow. i didnt say anything because i hadnt thought he had been bugging anyone. im with most of you that i want to give him another chance and hope he makes the best of it.[/COLOR]

09-04-2007, 02:17 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh]Im with most of you that i want to give him another chance and hope he makes the best of it. [/QUOTE]

I think he blew that "another Chance" but my recommendation is NOT to ban him...let's just ignore him.....sound like a winner?

I'm even thinking of sending those figures I told him I had for him....then if he starts begging, we can scold him by saying ;

You got what you want......BLOW!!!


09-04-2007, 03:44 PM
so all of us got p.m. what i got from him was he is trying to help this guy out, something about his mother or something,
frank what i think you did wasn't a bad thing, its his part to do right, if he wants to do it, and not someone doing it for him,

09-04-2007, 03:49 PM
SERGIO JOES :confused: dose any one know who this guy is, all he says is I'm a collector too. i got like 2 p.m from him. just wondering..

09-04-2007, 04:34 PM
This is kind of sad, when the generosity of members is abused or solicited.

If I get a PM from a contributor, or someone I know, I reply.

If I get PM's from junior members with no (or few) posts...ignore is the way to go.

Not going to characterize the person we are referencing, and diagnosing their mental capacities would be difficult without clinical assessment. Maybe they can get some help from professionals, rather than figures from the generous.

Take it easy fellas... Frank is the point man...move out smartly...and watch your step. ;)

Agent Viper
09-04-2007, 04:46 PM
I'm sorry,
i truly mean it. :( :(
I know I have went under different aliases in the past and no I have saw what kind of he## I have caused.
So if you all will find it in your hearts and let me stay I promise I swear to the Holy Bible I will stop begging for G.I.Joes.

So, If I beg 1 more time I'm gone from here, and all the other G.I.Joe forums and message boards.

So this is my open apology and I say i'm sorry.


09-04-2007, 05:12 PM

Not going to characterize the person we are referencing, and diagnosing their mental capacities would be difficult without clinical assessment. Maybe they can get some help from professionals, rather than figures from the generous.

Take it easy fellas... Frank is the point man...move out smartly...and watch your step. ;)[/QUOTE]
Man, you are absolutely correct.
My apologies.

09-04-2007, 05:28 PM
[QUOTE=Agent Viper]

I'm sorry,
i truly mean it. :( :(
I know I have went under different aliases in the past and no I have saw what kind of he## I have caused.
So if you all will find it in your hearts and let me stay I promise I swear to the Holy Bible I will stop begging for G.I.Joes.[/QUOTE]

Uhm, a litle late for that! Didn't you swear last time everyone gave you a chance that you would stop begging? Don't bring up the bible...I don't want you to go to hell when you can't keep your word.

[QUOTE=Agent Viper]

So, If I beg 1 more time I'm gone from here, and all the other G.I.Joe forums and message boards.

So this is my open apology and I say i'm sorry.

-Matt [/QUOTE]

Hopefully NOT! Why ban you? You just change screen names and come back under a different name and start over. You're stuck. You're NOT getting banned (If I can talk to General Scarlett and have anything to do with it!), you're gonna be stuck here where everyone knows who you are. We're just gonna ignore you....well, except ME....I'm gonna send you those figures you asked for.....I'm going to show you how to get respect...it's by keeping your word no matter how the other party has acted toward you! You're gonna contribute and become a valuable member of this forum, or I'll drive you nuts filling your PM box with motovational speeches and sayings!

And you're GONNA come clean and tell us what the real deal is with you....why do you do this? Do you think it's funny to cause drama and discontent? Why can't you keep your word and follow the rules? I WILL set the example you are to follow....I'll show you the path.....now all you have to do is follow!

Agent Viper
09-05-2007, 02:51 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Uhm, a litle late for that! Didn't you swear last time everyone gave you a chance that you would stop begging? Don't bring up the bible...I don't want you to go to hell when you can't keep your word.

Hopefully NOT! Why ban you? You just change screen names and come back under a different name and start over. You're stuck. You're NOT getting banned (If I can talk to General Scarlett and have anything to do with it!), you're gonna be stuck here where everyone knows who you are. We're just gonna ignore you....well, except ME....I'm gonna send you those figures you asked for.....I'm going to show you how to get respect...it's by keeping your word no matter how the other party has acted toward you! You're gonna contribute and become a valuable member of this forum, or I'll drive you nuts filling your PM box with motovational speeches and sayings!

And you're GONNA come clean and tell us what the real deal is with you....why do you do this? Do you think it's funny to cause drama and discontent? Why can't you keep your word and follow the rules? I WILL set the example you are to follow....I'll show you the path.....now all you have to do is follow![/QUOTE]

Ok I will follow the rules of the forums and stop the whining.

Heres why I continued to annoy everybody here,
I was to frickin lazy to get off my a** and get a job.
I have got a job working at the School that pays 25 bucks every 2 weeks.
So when I am looking for a Joe, i'm gonna buy him, not beg, not cheat, BUY.
So, Ender098, thanks for the figures and for putting up with me.
I will become a member here and be post in the forums and upload pictures off my camera.
So, thanks for everything you all have done.
-Matt Morelock.

09-05-2007, 02:57 PM
Matt, Just FYI...I put your figures in the mail about 3 hours ago...should be a week or less.

09-05-2007, 10:35 PM
You know, I tried to help this kid out before too. He tried to get me to add him to my myspace page, I got to looking at his, and I used to work with the kid's dad. Now, this kid's dad, he is a cool guy, and I know he would attempt to instill some better values such as work for what you want in life rather than beg, borrow, and deal for it.

Here are my past dealings with him. I even made sure that the guy who ran the shop had more than one loose Firefly before I sent this to him.

Originally Posted by Fisher
Originally Posted by night creeper
hey, can you send me some directions to that heros comics place?

[COLOR=DarkGreen]Heroes Headquarters is really easy to find. The phone number is 423 245-0900.

When you go to Kingsport, as soon as you cross the Virginia/Tennessee State Line, be alert. The store is about a mile from the state line on the left. Once you enter TN, you will come to a traffic light, go through that traffic light and go to the top of the hill. On the left hand side is a HUGE church, then a McDonald's, and then Heroes Headquarters. If you pass a gas station on your left, you went too far.[/COLOR]

thanks for the directions, I don't really know when I'm going out to tenn though
By the way, which part of wise do you live in, anywhere near big stone gap? Thats where my mom lives.

And then, a day later:

Originally Posted by Fisher
Originally Posted by night creeper
Originally Posted by Fisher
Originally Posted by night creeper
Hey man, I can't get to the place you where telling me about, so can you buy the firefly for me if I send you a v2 lowlight, the lowlight has a thumb broke off.

So if the firefly is loose and crappy then I will send it to you with the thumb broke off.

If you can send firefly in good shape then I will replace the arm and let you repaint the figure.

[COLOR=DarkGreen]I have no need for the lowlight, so don't worry about that. Do you need better directions?[/COLOR]

I have the directions, its just that my car messed up on me again.

never mind, I hooked up with v1 firefly from ender098,
so don't worry

Can you send me the firefly?

[COLOR=DarkGreen]I am not heading that way for at least 2 weeks, actually.[/COLOR]

So, his car messed up on him, but yet, Frank hooked him up with a Firefly on March 28th of this year, and I get to looking at the myspace profile, this kid cannot be over 11 or 12 and is in the 7th grade according to his myspace profile.

It's like Frank said, accept the figures you will receive, contribute some, stop begging. I don't even show up here everyday and I am sick of the PMing and whining. And as for your above post, you are in middle school, they don't have jobs that pay $25 a week in the Commonwealth of Virginia. More than likely it is your allowance, and rather than spend that on your hobby you choose to beg grown men that work for their hobby?

That's just my take.