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04-19-2006, 02:10 PM
Have we a theme for the next week?

04-19-2006, 03:16 PM
We do. But PLEASE suggest any ideas you (OR ANYBODY) have. It's been talked about a little bit in the other thread. I'll be writing it up tomorrow and then posting it Fri or Sat (21st/22nd, by the US calendar). The idea is to take your fave/best 5-6 JOes and shoot them in different scenarios. Be it portrait, in action, sleeping, getting drunk, whatever...

04-24-2006, 11:05 PM
well, doesnt look like too many people are in favor of the
favorite customs theme :(

how about a theme week dedicated to favorite scenes
in the first two GIJoe Movies?
GIJoe A Real American Hero and Revenge of Cobra?

like the scene of GungHo, Lady Jaye & Shipwreck escaping from the Temple of Doom
holding the fragment of the weather dominator while the temple collapses
the fight of Duke & Snake Eyes vs the Cobra Troopers & Seegies on top
of the truck to protect the other fragment of the WD at the beginning of R.O.C.

04-24-2006, 11:13 PM
Hey, I like that idea! Someone else had said something about re-creating favorite comic book covers; we should do this and that on back-to-back weeks!

04-24-2006, 11:31 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Hey, I like that idea! Someone else had said something about re-creating favorite comic book covers; we should do this and that on back-to-back weeks![/QUOTE]
i would like to suggest that if we do these ideas, that we have some sort
of master list so that we dont get duplicates & we feel bad that our setup
is not as good as another, ya know :o
i dont want this to turn out like some competition

04-25-2006, 08:57 AM
Trust me, I'm taking notes. I have an idea for the "Customs" theme. I just want to make sure a majority of people can join in. It's no fun to do a really narrow theme and have 2-3 guys posting. "Post MedAlert in ACTION!!!" isn't the best idea for a theme, y'know whatta I mean?

Ideas so far?

-Fave scenes from comic book (Marvel and/or DDP)
-Fave comic covers (marvel and/or DDP)
-Fave scenes from 1st to Joe movies
-fave JOE vehicle
-fave Cobra vehicle
-Joe & Cobra females
-Vipers (I'm leaning toward this one myself simply cuz BKC has some interesting ideas.)
-Create your own CORE Joe team (or Cobra)

Like I said, I'll write 'em out, drop 'em in a hat and see what I come up. I do like the fave covers and scenes from the comic too. You guys will know by Friday.

As it stands, this week is "Your fave/best Joes" in action. Well ok, they can be at rest, working out, drinking, watching movies, whatever... The key is to make it a coherent group. :D

04-26-2006, 10:59 PM
Wasn't sure if I should start a new thread or put this in one of the many existing Theme Week topics, but I figured I'd stick it here. Anyway, I had an idea regarding theme weeks.

As you all know, we can put in keywords for our pictures when we post them. I was thinking it'd be cool if we all tried to remember to put a theme week keyword for the pics we post. That way, if we ever want to go back and look at all the pics for a particular theme week, we can do so.

Since the keyword feature only works for single words, I would propose that we put it in as "Themeweek#", where # is the current theme week (i.e., last theme week's keyword would be "Themeweek1", this week's would be "Themeweek2", etc.).

Of course you could put in other keywords specific to your particular picture as well, but if we could all remember to do this, it would be very easy to search for past theme weeks in bulk. The trick would be remembering to put the keyword in, though, since for some reason none of us seem able to go back and alter our pictures once they're posted.

Hopefully this is something you'll all go for!

04-27-2006, 07:20 AM
sounds like a great idea

so no spaces right? so this week would be Themeweek3 ~ correct?

04-27-2006, 07:42 AM
Parings. Say two figures who you think look well together in an action pose.
Scarlett and Snake-Eyes, Barrage and Tunnel Rat etc.

Specialists troops. We get a group of specialist (Cobra) troops and show them carrying out their function. Like what Violentfix has on his website.

04-27-2006, 08:50 AM
I like that idea, Raven.

And no, Customs is NEXT week. You guys will be posting pics for that one in the beginning of May. This week is Favorite Joes. Everyone should be working hard on getting their faves together for group action shots. I gave more time for the customs in case people were making special figures just for the week. I extended the time to 1.5 weeks as opposed to the usual 1 week.

Self-Modifier... I thought about how we could work that. I thought if we flooded the pages with the theme, we wouldn't run into any problems. But I have considered that maybe the term "THEME" should be thrown in the posting.

04-27-2006, 09:20 AM
[QUOTE=donsbabyboo]sounds like a great idea

so no spaces right? so this week would be Themeweek3 ~ correct?[/QUOTE]

Actually, this week would be Themeweek2.

[quote=Sonneilon]Self-Modifier... I thought about how we could work that. I thought if we flooded the pages with the theme, we wouldn't run into any problems. But I have considered that maybe the term "THEME" should be thrown in the posting[/quote]

Right, I understand that, and it works great for the first time all the pics go up, but what I mean is that for later on, if someone wants to go back and look at all the pics for a particular week, a week-specific keyword would be very helpful to pull up just those pictures without going back through all the days, plus it would weed out pics that were posted around the same time but aren't part of that week's contributions.

Anyway, if anyone wants to try it, I think it'd be a good idea. I'll try it anyway.

04-27-2006, 11:49 AM
Ohhhhhhh... Hadn't thought of it that way. Personally, I'd think it'd be cool if there was a whole new section opened up for JUST the theme weeks. In any case, you make a good point. I'll do an addendum to the original post. :D

04-27-2006, 12:06 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]a whole new section opened up for JUST the theme weeks. [/QUOTE]


04-27-2006, 09:18 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Personally, I'd think it'd be cool if there was a whole new section opened up for JUST the theme weeks.[/QUOTE]


Yeah, I wonder if Hammerfel is reading this...?

04-29-2006, 09:53 PM
why are there pics posted for themeweek03 already?

thought we were just on themeweek02?
or am i not counting right again? :confused: :p

04-30-2006, 09:21 AM
Week 3 are customs in action. As far as I know, nobody's posted their customs yet, but their fave Joes. I did add in that people could use up to 2 customs in their faves. Seriously, there are guys out there who prefer their own customs (uh, their own made-up characters) over what Hasbro has dished out for us.

04-30-2006, 03:03 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Ohhhhhhh... Hadn't thought of it that way. Personally, I'd think it'd be cool if there was a whole new section opened up for JUST the theme weeks. In any case, you make a good point. I'll do an addendum to the original post. :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah ... that s right!

04-30-2006, 03:32 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Personally, I'd think it'd be cool if there was a whole new section opened up for JUST the theme weeks.[/QUOTE]...who's actually running this site? Hammerfel? Is anyone running this site, or are we just a bunch of fans taking over someone's conveniently-themed but abandoned message board? :confused:

04-30-2006, 04:03 PM
I pm'd Mr. Fel over a week ago and have yet to hear from him. I dunno. Maybe he's really busy or something. *shrug*

05-10-2006, 09:57 AM
i got another idea for a themeweek
how about ULTIMATE ENEMIES in their element?

and I am NOT talking about Muskrat vs Voltar :rolleyes:

am talking about Countdown vs AstroVipers or Blackstarr
or Airtight vs the ToxoVipers etc etc

05-10-2006, 01:22 PM
[QUOTE=donsbabyboo]i got another idea for a themeweek
how about ULTIMATE ENEMIES in their element?

and I am NOT talking about Muskrat vs Voltar :rolleyes:

am talking about Countdown vs AstroVipers or Blackstarr
or Airtight vs the ToxoVipers etc etc[/QUOTE]

It's a very good idea! Have my vote!