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04-21-2006, 09:01 AM
GIJoeDios.com Theme Week
4/21 – 4/29
Your Favorite or Best JOES

This week’s theme will be “YOUR FAVORITE JOES”.

Take pics of your favorite or the best Joes* in your collection. The number of Joes that can be used are 5-6 (or less). These are group shots of the Joes, which means, ALL 5 or 6 must be represented in each picture. Your team can be the Slaughter’s Marauders, the Renegades, Tiger Force, Night Force, Toxic Force or the infamous Panty Patrol (not to be confused w/ Bra Brigade), it’s up to you. Or maybe, just maybe, you have your own team. Please keep in mind, these are Joes, not Cobra. (Cobra can be another week… The 3rd week is being planned out already. Always open to doing something else.)

Pictures need to be posted 4/28 & 4/29. This is based on the U.S. calendar but due it accordingly to your own! The idea is to ‘flood’ the page w/ everyone’s fave Joe teams!

Post as many pics as you want. The sky is the limit. 12” and Sigma6 are welcome. Please keep the pictures clean. I’d hate to have Hammerfel gives us all warnings.

Again feel free to suggest any and all ideas. Things can always be changed for the next week. In this case, 4/29 – 5/6. Remember to have fun and the sky is the limit.

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]*Sidenote. Some people feel their custom figures are better than what Hasbro has to offer. If a custom or two are in your regular play, cool. But please try to limit to 2 customs as your faves. [/FONT]

[FONT=Trebuchet MS]**To anyone wondering why we didn’t go by a year, I figured people’s fave Joes cross all the years. It’s really your Top5 (or 6) and from what I’ve gathered from the boards, it’s not hard to come up with faves. Now, if your 6th man is Tunnel Rat or Falcon, well, that IS a tough decision. ;)[/FONT]

04-21-2006, 10:39 PM
Okay, let me ask a qestion:

Can I post pictures of multiple groups of Joes? For example, my favorite figures and then my favorite characters? It's a small difference, but for example, a couple of the very first Joes I ever owned are among my favorite figures for nostalgia's sake, but they aren't necessarily among my favorite Joes as characterized by the comics and cartoons.

04-22-2006, 08:55 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Please keep the pictures clean. I’d hate to have Hammerfel gives us all warnings.[/FONT][/QUOTE]

Just a question. What is a clean picture? My poor english didn't let me understand.

And about the next Theme Week, perfect.

Sonneman, thanks for take the drive seat on this theme week! :)

04-22-2006, 10:30 AM
Self Modifier - I'll leave it up to you. I was hoping that your favorite Joe figures would most likely be your fave characters as well. I know, there IS a difference. Think of the topic more as "List your Top5 Joes". You'd have to figure out which are your all-time faves, be it figure or character. Go ahead and shoot with what you want. The idea is if you can create your own subteam of your fave Joes (5-6) and shoot them in various scenarios.

TG - It really needed to be said, but sometimes it needs to be stated before something weird happens. "Keep it clean" means keep Joe (or Cobra) porn out of it. In Japanese, the word is HENTAI.

My own team would look like this...
Lt Graydon is a custom. He's in front.
Snake Eyes Stalker
Beach Head Bombstrike
Footloose GungHo

Not necessarily my faves, but the Joes I use for my RRTS (Rapid Response Tactical Squad). I have 2 squads, Roadblock shows up in the other as does Recondo, Barrage, etc. Anyway, these are the best Joes for missions based on speciality, looks, and utter kick bootiness.


04-22-2006, 08:02 PM
Sonneilon, I like your team you got there.

Myself, im still using the Snake-Eyes from the GvC series (o-ring, of course). I dremelled out the holsters on his thighs and customized him a bit.

Thats also my favourite Stalker your using too, except I have the one with the darker green and the ugly brown pants. For me it was a toss up, go for the one with ugly pants, or the one with the really bright green, so I picked the ugly pants version :D

question, whos the guy in the front, the one with Leatherneck's head? Duke or Hawk?

nevermind, I read your post, got it, no answer needed, mission accomplished

04-22-2006, 10:48 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Self Modifier - I'll leave it up to you. I was hoping that your favorite Joe figures would most likely be your fave characters as well. I know, there IS a difference. Think of the topic more as "List your Top5 Joes". You'd have to figure out which are your all-time faves, be it figure or character. Go ahead and shoot with what you want. The idea is if you can create your own subteam of your fave Joes (5-6) and shoot them in various scenarios.[/QUOTE]

Okay, gotcha. There are just certain figs, namely Short-Fuze, Grand-Slam, and Breaker, that were the very first Joes I owned and so I consider them among my favorites even though I probably wouldn't put them on a small team. But I think I can come up with one core group without those guys.

04-23-2006, 09:58 AM
It's Leatherneck's head. ONe of the few that I didn't totally screw up. lol. I did another custom with Leatherneck's head on Flint's body; Sgt. Obsidian (named after a buddy in Japan). I use Lt. Graydon quite a bit. He's a great custom for me because I didn't repaint anything (ie; no chipping). You guys get the idea of who I am using. They may not be my ultimate faves, but those are the Core group...

Maybe I should revamp the theme...

04-23-2006, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Maybe I should revamp the theme...[/QUOTE]...or your figure choices. I like the theme, damnit! ;)

We could go with "Your Core Group" or something similar next time; that way people like you would be free to actually just use your favorite figures for this one.

04-23-2006, 09:03 PM
Hi guys

How about for this week, favorite Joes
and maybe for week4 favorite customs??

04-24-2006, 08:45 AM
I'll keep your suggestion in mind. I'll be posting the next theme on the 28th (according to the US calendar...).

04-24-2006, 07:54 PM
Hey here are some ideas to kick around for up comming weeks.

1. Ninjas
2. Dreadnoks
3. favorite Joe Vehicle
4. favorite Cobra Vehicle
5. Joe & Cobra Females
6. Vipers

Like I said those are just some ideas to help the cause any other ideas I'll post them.

04-24-2006, 08:02 PM
I don't suppose you want to expand on those? I think it's far more entertaining to do semi-specific themes. I admit, doing "Your fave Joes" isn't all that interesting. We can go to any Joe board and see that thread a million times. But by adding in the stipulation that you need to group the Joes together to function as a team (like the Mighty Ducks or any reality show, lol), it'll take more thought. And who knows, some people might like how their new sub-teams look and run with a dio for it. (hint hint) I mean, the way I come up with half my stuff is fooling around with different character combinations and how they look together.

At least I didn't do a "Your most FUNCTIONAL Joes". Half the 2002+ stuff would fall right off the map! LOL! OR MORE!!! For myself, I admit that a lot of what has to do with fave characters/figures has to do w/ their poseability. Hasbro can create the greatest character of all time, but if he/she ends up with gorilla arms (see NeoViper, Mindbender, Claws Commander), the inability to stand straight, c-grip... You guys get the idea.

Please, expand on the ideas. I'll throw 'em in a hat and see what I come up with...

04-24-2006, 09:01 PM
Now your forcing us to think? Oh man!!! LOL!!! Ok, ok how about with the vipers make your own Viper group. For example, it would be kind of like what is going on this week but use Vipers. 5 or 6 in a group. You could have 3 Vipers 1 HEAT Viper, 1 Saw Viper and 1 Frag Viper and have them going around doing stuff. It wouldn't be limitted to those Vipers but hopefully you get the idea.

With the Vehicles have your your favorite Joe armored vehicle be it a tank the wart hog etc... doing something.

The Dreadnoks just lend themselves to having their pic being taken. We could focus on Zartan and his 2 siblings.

With the Ninjas you could take a picture but it can't be of Storm Shawdow or Snake Eyes to make it challenging. That maybe be a stupid idea but I think it could force you to be more creative.

Hopefully those ideas are little more specific and focussed.

04-24-2006, 11:06 PM
Ooh, I like ninjas! Maybe show a Joe ninja inflitrating a Cobra base or vice versa. Or just show a ninja doing something ninja-like. Anyway, I guarantee you Slice would be in mine somewhere.

04-27-2006, 08:57 AM

Aight... Tomorrow's the 28th according to the US calendar. You guys ready to post pics of your Fave Joes in action? (or sleeping, or eating, or playing darts or beating on Cobra or doing the Macarena???)

Keep in mind, the 3rd Theme has already been posted. Customs in action! That will be NEXT week, beginning of May. I hope I gave everyone plenty of time to do some fun, gnarly stuff. NOt everyone takes out the Dremel but we all know that customs can take forever.


04-28-2006, 07:51 AM
Slight Addendum if anybody notices...

It was suggested by Self-Modifer that we try to put which theme week (or theme #) your picture is part of in the KEY WORD area. I was pretty short-sighted when thinking about this. I thought flooding the area would be good enough. BUT SM said that, "what if you wanna go back and take a look at JUST the 2nd theme?" (not his actual words, but you get the idea)

I suggest that in the KEY WORDS, you type in THEME02 or THEME01 or whichever # the theme is. Just a suggestion of course... :)

04-28-2006, 10:46 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I suggest that in the KEY WORDS, you type in THEME02 or THEME01 or whichever # the theme is. Just a suggestion of course... :)[/QUOTE]
sounds good to me...