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09-07-2007, 12:06 PM
hey everyone i read on HISSTANK that the movie will not focus on an American but international team instead because in a nutshell America has a bad stigma in foreign markets and it's all about the mighty dollar not what fans want to see...this is sad, that greed would make them change a bona fide sure hit into who knows what of course everyone involved is tight lipped about plot points plus there is no script to read the whole story go to HISSTANK...and on that note let the sadness begin :(

General Scarlett
09-07-2007, 12:57 PM
Oh lord, I really hope this doesn't end up like the threads on JBL and HISS have........ :p ;) :rolleyes: :D

09-07-2007, 01:06 PM
i'm sorry it's not my intention to stir anything up i just thought you guys would like to know..plus i got my sourpuss comments out of the way and i'm just gonna wait and see but if they say that they are going the international way well that makes me sad

General Scarlett
09-07-2007, 01:08 PM
Oh no, gogorobo......I'm jest headin' it off at the pass......... ;)

I KNOW that here on JoeDios we are a fantastically even tempered, mature group of hobbyists!!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :p

Play on brutha....... :cool:

09-07-2007, 01:50 PM
Even with the focus on the international aspect, I still believe that this movie can be good. Granted, it won't be the movie the fans are looking for with all of the characters of our youth or the team being based in the states. But we do have to make concessions if we want to see any incarnation of G.I. Joe on the big screen. Hopefully the team thats writing this comes to their senses and changes around the current theme, but even if they don't it can still be a good movie. Maybe they'll combine different exclusives from the various nations that released figures (ex. Quarrel or some of the Brazilian figures) into the film and they'll use the Oktober Guard as well. All hope is not lost.

General Scarlett
09-07-2007, 01:56 PM
I say go with an all girl team............then you'll see what chicks can accomplish!!!! ;)

09-07-2007, 02:00 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]

I KNOW that here on JoeDios we are a fantastically even tempered, mature group of hobbyists!!!! :rolleyes: :eek: :p


AM NOT!!! LOL! :p ;)

Yeah, I heard those rumors about the way they were gonna do it...I say wait until It gets approved and starts filming, and then we'll see. It's been rewritten more times than Keith richards Obituary! No need speculating too much...Last week wasn't the main Character gonna be Rex or something!

Imagine that! "Here Rex! Here boy! Good counter terrorist Rex! Good Boy!" LOL!!

[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I say go with an all girl team............then you'll see what chicks can accomplish!!!! ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm down with that....and we could have them all in black leather...TIGHT BLACK LEATHER,....with Terri Hatcher as the main character and the final fight being in aJello Factory where they all get covered in Jello and.....Uh Nevermind.....wrong stream of thought!! LOL!

09-07-2007, 02:04 PM
GIJoe... A Real American Hero!

err... not anymore, according to Hollywood. It's G.I.Joe, not G.I.J.O.E.


I saw someone saying, it wouldn't be a big deal if Flint was British on another board. It'd be a big deal to me because that's not part of his character history.

Leave it to crackpot liberals in Hollywood to ruin a good idea.

09-07-2007, 02:21 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]I'm down with that....and we could have them all in black leather...TIGHT BLACK LEATHER,....with Terri Hatcher as the main character and the final fight being in aJello Factory where they all get covered in Jello and.....Uh Nevermind.....wrong stream of thought!! LOL![/QUOTE]


General Scarlett
09-07-2007, 02:27 PM
Sadly, as I know I perpetrated this...........I can not chastise you 'boys'........ ;)

09-07-2007, 02:35 PM
Well, my point is no matter what, I don't think they (Hollywood) can do it justice....so I might as well have a laugh with it!

It would be cool if at the last minute they rewrote it the right way!

09-07-2007, 02:40 PM
I completely understand why others would have issue with this but I can't say I mind the idea of an international team since I grew up with Action Force. For years, I didn't know any different to the following nationalities:

Hawk (JAMES Abernathy) - Warminster, England
Flint (DAVID Faireborn) - Lincoln, England
Ace - Montreal, Canada
Lift-Ticket - Wimborne, Dorset (UK)
Blizzard - Leipzig, Austria
Shockwave - Manchester, Greater Manchester (UK)
Repeater - Penrith, Cumberland (UK)
Wet-Suit - Toronto, Canada
Airtight - Munich, W. Germany
Alpine - Grenoble, France
Barbecue - Naples, Italy
Budo - Osaka, Japan
Downtown - Luton, Bedfordshire (UK)
Dusty - Alice Springs, Australia
Fast Draw - Bracknell, Berkshire (UK)
Recoil - Clifton, Derby (UK)
Sci-Fi (Sebastien Fine') - Strasbourg, France
Countdown - Cardiff, Wales
Lady Jaye - Cork, Ireland
Quick Kick (Lee Ho Ito) - Canton, China

And more that I never had Action Force filecards for...

I don't think a character's nationality is really going to make much difference to how their character is portrayed, the relationships between them and how the team actually operates. The only problem to me with an international team is the name GI Joe being used since that's a 100% American nickname for a soldier, what with the USA being the only country that uses the term GI!

09-07-2007, 03:18 PM
soooo in a nutshell were getting Action Force but told it's G.I.Joe :mad: .....while i am happy for Action Force fans as a fan i can't help but feel riped off ,especially since paramount has said that the team will be international oh well....so will Duke be a British guy wearing a powdered wig ( oh my!! ) :D :p LOL..sorry i couldn't help myself ;)

09-07-2007, 03:55 PM
Quick Kick (Lee Ho Ito) - Canton, China
Ito is a Japanese name, not a Chinese one... And why'd they change his first name?

And hey... Ace is from my hometown. :p

Frankly, I don't mind the "International" thing, as long as it's not overwhelming. I mean if they decide to throw in Storm Shadow with the good guys and he's a Japan native rather than being from St. Louis (which makes me go WTF constantly), or if they decide to make Lady Jaye Irish, as long as it doesn't interfere with their actual CHARACTERS, I don't think it'll be a big deal...

I just hope they keep Action Man the bloody fudge away from this movie...

09-07-2007, 04:10 PM
Yeah, I firmly believe Action Man should have nothing to do with this. You can change nationalities without much else changing -- hell, I was reading US Marvel GI Joe reprints in Action Force Weekly and imagining international accents in my mind but it didn't change the stories! Sticking in a super-agent-type who's never been a part of it beyond that Night Force 6-pack would take it too far from the core concept, though.

And from Quick Kick's Action Force filecard:

"Subject's Japanese father and Korean mother owned a grocery store. Not accepted by the Chinese because of his mixed ancestry, Quick Kick turned to martial arts. All martial arts." -- then it continues as the US version. I assume he was born after his parents migrated, but why they'd migrate to China I don't know... I guess the change from a westernised name makes sense with that bio, though; they did alter a few to make them suit their birthplaces more.

09-07-2007, 04:10 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]I say go with an all girl team............then you'll see what chicks can accomplish!!!! ;)[/QUOTE]
Girls In (tight) Jeans On ........

Id like to see that.
I have to say, Im with Stormer (and probably all the others from Europe).
I think this could be good news.
We've always had an International Team, so its nothing new over here...

09-07-2007, 04:11 PM
And from Quick Kick's Action Force filecard:

"Subject's Japanese father and Korean mother owned a grocery store. Not accepted by the Chinese because of his mixed ancestry, Quick Kick turned to martial arts. All martial arts." -- then it continues as the US version. I assume he was born after his parents migrated, but why they'd migrate to China I don't know...[/QUOTE]
Freaky to say the least.
I could buy such a family moving to Hong Kong, but most certainly not to Canton...

09-07-2007, 04:12 PM

"Subject's Japanese father and Korean mother owned a grocery store. Not accepted by the Chinese because of his mixed ancestry, Quick Kick turned to martial arts. All martial arts." -- then it continues as the US version. I assume he was born after his parents migrated, but why they'd migrate to China I don't know...[/QUOTE]
I think he was meant to be modelled on Bruce Lee, so they may have meant Hong Kong.

09-07-2007, 04:18 PM
[QUOTE=bigtattoo]I think he was meant to be modelled on Bruce Lee, so they may have meant Hong Kong.[/QUOTE]
It's a possibility, but Bruce Lee was born in San Fransisco. :p

I think the TOY was obviously designed to be a pastich of Bruce Lee, but Hama made the character considerably different. Thanks to his characterization I never think of Lee when I think of QK.