View Full Version : The Comic Box #37!!!

General Scarlett
09-12-2007, 07:47 PM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

#37. Twin Brothers

~Short Summary~
Joe vs. Cobra at a circus.

~Notes of Interest~
Easy enough to figure out whos first appearance is in this issue. Just read the title. Also the first appearance of Flint and Footloose. The G.I. Joe Mini-tank and the Cobra Ferret 4-wheeler are first used here. We learn Bongo the Bear's first name, and she breaks up with Rip-Cord.
-summary courtesy of yojoe.com-


-image courtesy of yojoe.com-

Discuss away!

09-12-2007, 10:06 PM
Yeeeaaah! Flint and Footloose, two of the best additions to the roster from that super year of 1985. This is when the toys, and the comics, were at their zenith. :)

09-21-2007, 12:02 AM
I don't remember how I felt about this issue. It seemed like a depart from the story going on. I didn't understand the concept of 1-shots back then. But I wanted things to progress w/ the characters already used, not suddenly create new stories for these guys. I remember not caring for Flint in this issue, even if he gets pummeled. But I love Flint now and the twins... well, we can see how they evolved in the Hasbro Joeverse. Certainly, they aren't doing flips like in the cartoon anymore!

09-21-2007, 05:50 AM
This is one of my favorite issues!!! :D I'm a Big fan of Flint (like you couldn't tell) & twin Brothers. I also love the first meeting between Flint & Lady J and how Roadblock sets her straight about Flint!!! :D

09-21-2007, 06:24 PM
Another excellent issue, although a battle at an amusement park was a little over the top, it made for a good read and introduced new great characters.

What can I say? I loved the Marvel run at this point...

Lava Boss
09-25-2007, 12:09 PM
If any Joe's past besides Snake-Eyes' mattered, we might've learned what Flint, Duke and Roadblock did together in the past (if it was interesting).

The Twins seem to display psychic telepathy here and only here.

Crimson Guard drawn as HISS Drivers.

Footloose sans 'stache.

Would've made an interesting comic pack.