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View Full Version : Photo Editing / Au Naturale?

Urban Saboteur
09-14-2007, 08:59 PM
Ok, Quick question for people paying attention and all the dioers here in dioland.
Who here uses photo editing software to enhance their images?

I don't mean just to crop them, or to resize.. I mean the whole kit kaboodle... lens flare, recolouring, changing lighting and advanced effects.. layering and what not.

I'd also like to hear which members dont use editing.. and just setup outside going completely natural shots.. no editing..

Also .. what do you have preferences over in dio shots? A shot thats completely natural and outside terrain.. or set built shots?

General Scarlett
09-14-2007, 10:18 PM

I use my own eyes and whatever clever props I have lying around.......most notably my old 'hair water bottle' that's red........gives me the 'Red Alert' effect that I sometimes employ.........

Other than that, just the 'fishing lights' to pinpoint light source...........

Then I crop my shots down to the size I am satisfied with.......

As for preference?? If anyone's ever paid any sort of attention to the pics I post.......then you know that I 'shake it up' and switch whether it's an outside or an inside shooting schedule......depending on what I want/need/am in the mood for..........

09-14-2007, 10:22 PM
I use MS Paint to add "special effects" where needed. It's mostly just adding muzzle flash or blood to a certain scene. Sometimes I need to crop out parts of the background, I do that with MS Paint too, so it looks very "low budget" so to speak...
I use very little digital modifications. I usually just try to get it right on camera.

09-15-2007, 12:02 AM
As you most likely have guessed, I am rather partial to a bit of photo editing. I use Adobe PhotDeluxe, which is a kind of like a Photoshop Lite. I love playing around with it just to see what it can do. I mostly use it for adding effects, but sometimes for some cut & paste, or to remove unwanted background objects. Having said that though, I still post plenty of shots with absolutely no re-touching whatsoever. Sometimes you just don't need it.
As for inside/outside preference, I mostly shoot outside, as I prefer natural light and natural settings. But I will certainly shoot inside on a set if the shot is meant to be indoors. Some night shots I'll do inside as well, especially in summer when the mosquitos are biting.

09-15-2007, 12:39 AM
The best program I have is MS Paint. haha

09-15-2007, 05:40 AM
Most of my shots are not edited. I have used MS paint to add little effects to my shots. I have made some shots darker using MS picture manager. I prefer to not edit, unless it is needed to make a shot look right. I would use photoshop if I had it. I like to take shots outside, but we have a big mosquito problem. For now I have to work on the indoors stuff.

09-15-2007, 07:06 AM
Most of my stuff is unedited. So far, the only things have done was add some "gore" to them.

As for preference, I like working outside. I'm not opposed to working with sets especially when it is called for.

09-15-2007, 09:41 AM
I don't have photoshop; just got a very basic editing suite that lets me resize, crop, etc. fine but in terms of effects it's extremely limited. The only time I ever did anything to a pic was on this one (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=6497&catid=member&imageuser=398) because even though I took it at dusk it really didn't look that different from any daytime shot. I wasn't overly impressed with the results and haven't bothered fiddling with anything since. I've never added SFX but I did use MS Paint to do speech/narrative and a fancy comm-talk panel for my mini-story (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=5871&catid=member&imageuser=398) and it took way too long for what I got!

As for location, I much prefer going outside. Natural light always looks best in my pics and I'm fortunate to have a back yard available with lots of different environments. Plus, being 6'4", it's nice to have room to stretch out when I'm lying on the floor looking through the viewfinder. Plus getting some fresh air and sunlight is always a good thing!

The main reason I prefer outside, though, is probably because I'm lazy and it means I only have to set up & pack away figures rather than mess around with sets & lighting too...!

09-15-2007, 10:35 AM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]Most of my shots are not edited. I have used MS paint to add little effects to my shots. I have made some shots darker using MS picture manager. I prefer to not edit, unless it is needed to make a shot look right. I would use photoshop if I had it. I like to take shots outside, but we have a big mosquito problem. For now I have to work on the indoors stuff.[/QUOTE]


Da Talent
09-15-2007, 11:23 AM
yea i don't have any fancy photoshop stuff either, like everyone else pretty much said, i open some files in ms PAINT just to add blood so i don't have to paint a fig and then repaint a fig, so tedious :) buts thats all i need, i'm a simple dude. I perfer just to look at other peoples pics that have all the cool glare effects etc. Knowing me and my commitment to obessions, if I did get some cool software I'd go over board and edit backgrounds with real battlefield shots and it would go so overboard it would lose the feel joe dios need. I think what makes a good pic so neat is seeing the innovativeness people have to create the shot and surrondings, not editing it. .........but blood is cool :D

09-15-2007, 12:35 PM
[COLOR=Red]i havent posted a lot of pics on here, but i think most of the ones i have i have used photoshop. although for the dio which should be finished in a lil over a week, i didnt use any special effects. all outside and natural.[/COLOR]

Lava Boss
09-15-2007, 12:48 PM
Microsoft Paint is all I really have, too.

So I rarely alter my photos.

09-16-2007, 07:04 PM
I use Impress from Open Office for word balloons and some sound effects. Paint's pretty much the only software I use for effects (muzzle flash, explosions). I tend to use effects sparingly because they tend to not look as good as I would like, but are needed so the reader can tell what is happening.

09-17-2007, 08:08 PM
I use paintshop pro to lighten/Darken pics. I also use it to add the explosion effects, tracer fire, blue, etc.

09-18-2007, 05:44 AM
As most of you - I only add some muzzle flash, explosions and blood here and there. Sometimes - I lighten my pics a bit. Nothing more because I'm a bit too lazy ;) And I spend too much time writing text lines ;)

09-26-2007, 10:19 AM
I use Photoshop quite a bit. Often to set an overall mood for the picture. Case in point. (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/showimage.php?i=2577&catid=searchresults&searchid=21839) The only thing in that pic that isn't some kind of photoshop job is the figure itself.

The background, the lighting effects...it's all been added.

Urban Saboteur
09-27-2007, 03:56 PM
Ok, This is related to the topic, however the photo's i'm showing are offtopic (none joe related).
I got using photoplus the other day. I took what I considered to be a decent shot of Marvel Legends Mr.Sinister. Across the Kitchen Window at around 2:40am with the moonlight behind him. The effect was fantastic. Yet again I was faced with hot pixel spots all over my photo.
See here:

Obviously I didn't want to trash this picture. I read up that these are stored spots for when the ISO setting is too high. However I only have 2 options on my camera. 100 or 200. So my actual options are limited when it comes to night time shots. :(

I had a quick mess around with Photoplus and decided to give colour pickup tool a bash. Using this tool is really good. It's like a select tool for colours that are in the photograph that aren't primary colours from the colour palette.
Using this tool, and meticulously picking each colour to replace the areas effected I redone the shot edited and attempted to turn it into a better picture.

It took me a while to go through and remove the spots, but i think the effort was worth it, has anyone here done something similar, even with a Joe related picture?

General Scarlett
09-27-2007, 04:33 PM
'Mr. Sinister' definately looks.......well, SINISTER!!!

Excellant job on this 'shopping............Way to go Rich!!! :cool:

09-27-2007, 08:24 PM
Sweet shot Rich, very atmospheric! That's the great thing about Photoshop (or PhotoDeluxe in my case); not only can it be used for creating effects, etc, but it is perfect for cleaning up/sharpening/clarifying pics. I use it to enhance shots in this way all the time. ;)