View Full Version : Tattoos!

09-15-2007, 03:23 PM
Stormer and I were just blabbin away on MSN, and I had mentioned to him about my tattoo. What are YOUR tattoos, or what would you like to get? Here's the only one I have now, but I have every intention of getting the Arashikage clan symbol as well.


gung ho
09-15-2007, 03:31 PM
i don't have any but i plan on once i get older and get the money to get a skull with bat wings across my back and a petagram in the skulls forehead and also i know this ain't a tattoo but i also plan on getting my lip pierced and my ears peirced and stretched not very big but about the size of a quarter

09-15-2007, 04:14 PM
I have a tribal on my upper left arm and have plans for more on the right arm and chest.

09-15-2007, 05:32 PM
I've not got any tattoos, mainlly because I could never settle on a design and partly because I'd want to work out a LOT before drawing firther attention to my body...

I did get my tongue pierced about 6 years ago, though, and have only taken it out briefly on a handful of occasions. As far as I know, none of my grandparents has realised it's there yet...

09-15-2007, 08:18 PM
I actually have a few, 10 in fact. 8 complete and 2 in progress. I have 4 dragons adorning my arms, one on each inner forearm and one one each upper arm. I also have the Arashikage I-Ching symbol on my right forearm and a very large Cobra sigil on my left forearm. I also have an Ankh on my spine on the back of my neck and an aged granite Black Widow spider crawling down my spine. I am currently having two more done, dragons on my back, one in flight and one reared about to take flight, facing each other and breathing fire. It will take at least 4 sittings to complete the two of those.

09-16-2007, 07:40 AM
i have a couple, i have the kingdom come superman s on my right forearm my man written in arabesh on my left forearm the keywork from coheed and cambria on my left wrist and japanese kanji of the wolf on my upper left shoulder i have a few more planned but i need the money first

09-16-2007, 10:25 PM
...but I have one or two.

I think it was approx 24 at last count.

Head: Barcode

Left arm: Green man; Wolf; biohazard symbol; tribal design; hexagram from I-Ching )not the arashikage one); chinese writing

Right arm: Sleeve of Geiger/biomechanical stuff

Back: 5 heads of- Spawn; Hulk; Punisher (skull); Lobo and Venom

Backpiece: Wolverine

Chest: Dragon; tribal face; tribal design on sternum

Stomach: Chaos in gothic script; more writing around belly button

Right leg: large tribal design from hip to knee- next session Im getting it extended from knee to little toe

Left leg: Huge Spawn pic

Left calf: celtic design

I also have my tongue and nipple pierced, used to have a PA but I removed that.