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View Full Version : Theme Week 03 : 04/26/06 - 05/06/06 : Details Inside

04-25-2006, 02:53 PM
GIJoeDios.com Theme Week 03
04/26/06 – 05/05/06

[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]This week’s theme will be “YOUR CUSTOMS IN ACTION!!!”[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

We’re jumping the shark on this one (whatever that means). It’s time to show off your customs. But who wants to see them just standing there, posing like it’s their senior photo for the yearbook??? We want to see the customs in action! What can they do? What weapons do they usually use? I’m starting this one early because I know customs can sometimes take a long time to do. Talk to the right people, they’ll tell you it takes weeks, if not months.

Let’s get to the definition of CUSTOMS. Customs are not swapping out a weapon or two nor is it just adding a hat or vest to a character. Customs must include at least 1 of the listed:
-Frankensteining (switching out body parts)
-Adding ‘stuff’ to them. See my DialTone for an example.
-Customs can be of an existing Joe/Cobra character or someone new that is only for your ‘verse!
-OTHER. (I’m outta of ideas, you guys decide.)

It will be asked that you supply a name for your custom and what you did to it. This is especially important if you are swapping out parts. If you can't remember, that's ok too. I don't think I can remember half the time!

Pictures need to be posted 5/5 & 5/6. This is based on the U.S. calendar but due it accordingly to your own! The idea is to ‘flood’ the page w/ YOUR best customs!

Post as many pics as you want. The sky is the limit. 12” and Sigma6 are welcome. Please keep the pictures clean. I’d hate to have Hammerfel gives us all warnings.

Again feel free to suggest any and all ideas. Things can always be changed for the next week. In this case, 5/5 – 5/11. Remember to have fun and the sky is the limit!

Quick example.
DialTone. Communications for the Jungle Strike Force (JSF)
Head - Shipwreck
Chest - Torpedo
Arms - Torpedo
Legs - Grunt
Beret - BBI
Pistol & Shoulder thingy - BBI



Just for the record, here are the OTHER ideas floating around.
-fave Joe vehicle
-fave Cobra vehicle
-Joe & Cobra females
-Comic cover(s)
-Scenes from the cartoon and/or comic
-Create Your Own Core Team
-Specific scenario; rescue the hostage! Find the crashed plane! Etc!

[SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Just added:
-Pairings. I don't know how specific you guys would want it. Set a standard of certain characters or do your own pairs. Scarlet & Snake Eyes. Duke and Roadblock. Ham and burger.
-Vipers. Show the speciality Vipers doing what they do best! That's different than the other Vipers idea which was more like, "create your own squad of Vipers...".[/FONT][/SIZE]

Party on.

04-26-2006, 04:39 AM
I may not be able to do this week's one, but I just have to do the customs one.
Great excuse to show off my (bad quality) customs... But which one to do?

04-26-2006, 08:05 AM
All Of Them!!!


04-26-2006, 12:47 PM
Custom showcase starts TODAY right?
Cuz am confused where you say 5/5 to 5/6 :confused:

kewl, will upload my photos soon as I get home from work... :D

04-26-2006, 01:04 PM
I usually give a week for people to get their stuff together and then we all post about the same time. Everyone will post their pics 5/5-5/6 so it will be flooded with customs. It's the only way to keep some continuity when viewing the theme. It's no fun if you have to look every 5th or 7th picture for the theme. By giving everyone 1.5 weeks, it'll be a chance to do last minute customs or prepare those gnarly shots.

04-26-2006, 02:37 PM
ahh gotcha...
will take more pix then... :cool:

04-27-2006, 07:37 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]All Of Them!!!

Awesome, let's see if I can get some suprises up next week :D

05-04-2006, 12:49 PM

This Friday and Saturday, it's your chance to show off your customs in action! YO SNOW!