View Full Version : Annika 2.0!

09-30-2007, 09:04 AM
I have a few of these from when they first came out. I, like you, was hesitant to buy them cause of the V crotch. Well, worry no more my friends


She's back and she can sit down now! I guess I'll be adding a few more of these lovely ladies to my collection, plus there's talk of new characters

Just thought you'd all like to know!

Urban Saboteur
09-30-2007, 09:29 AM
Is this 3 3/4 scale? If so she'd make an awesome Chameleon agent. :D

09-30-2007, 09:31 AM
She is in perfect scale with Joes, as I have used her in the past. Here's a few pics I've done with her.




09-30-2007, 10:36 AM
Geez, I almost deleted this thinking it was SPAM. It was right there with the tennis player name; it all started to look like one thing! :D

Urban Saboteur
09-30-2007, 11:52 AM
Actually Ms Kournikova wasn't blessed with the Good Wrack that Agent Annika has. :D
Still I'm wondering if i should get one, she seems to be .. matrixy.. :o

09-30-2007, 12:16 PM
I loved these figures. The only think that sucked was the leg articulation...that was the only reason I didn't buy one in each color. Now that they fixed that problem, I might just get a bunch of these!

09-30-2007, 12:28 PM
Heh heh... "Now with ninja sword!" That's a selling point if ever I've heard one. There are so many things I'm on the fence about buying, but if they came with ninja swords I'd snap them up in an instant.

Da Talent
09-30-2007, 10:35 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]Heh heh... "Now with ninja sword!" That's a selling point if ever I've heard one. There are so many things I'm on the fence about buying, but if they came with ninja swords I'd snap them up in an instant.[/QUOTE]

HAHAHA! thats what sold me too! gotta have that ninja sword!