View Full Version : Convention

10-01-2007, 09:46 AM
Just Saw A Picture Of Thanks For The Memories. The Cobras Were Junk. What Did You Think Of The Joes?

General Scarlett
10-01-2007, 09:49 AM
From the pictures I have seen, it looks really good...........but as with anything, until I have physical proof-I will not give a final statement.......... ;)

10-02-2007, 01:33 AM
Well, with all the money I saved by not buying the 25th anniversary rubbish, I went and forked out for a convention set, so I'll let you know once I get 'em. The Joes look great (especially Clutch!), and I'm looking forward to having a commander for my army of Shock Vipers. ;)

Lava Boss
10-02-2007, 12:50 PM
I don't understand why flamethrowers need a commander, I think someone forgot what Shock Vipers were.

I'm wondering what people who bought the Maulers will wind up with. Sluggers painted blue and green? :p

Sometime I'll pick up at least one female trooper just to have one. Claymore...I just see Balrog on Shock Viper. I could make one of those with a head swap. Rip-it, unless some foreign seller comes through, they'll never go for under $20.

Sparks and Doc look alright, but I think they'll be sought after more, outside my price range. Grand Slam and Starduster will likely always go for more than I'll pay.
The rest aren't that interesting, maybe if I'm feeling rich and the price is right. I've only ever acquired 3 convention peices and all in this year. I bet Rock'n Roll is among the less popular, but again, I could just make a good enough approximation of that figure with a comic pack head (i have an extra) and one of the three tundra Stalker releases. You can say that about a lot of convention releases. If Aero Vipers were common, Dread Heads would be easy to make. If Mega Vipers weren't so brightly colored, Swamp Vipers wouldn't seem as cool.

10-02-2007, 01:33 PM
I just want four figures from the set. Flash, Grand Slam, Clutch and Doc.

Anyone doesn't want theirs? :o

10-03-2007, 01:34 AM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]I don't understand why flamethrowers need a commander, I think someone forgot what Shock Vipers were.[/QUOTE]

I use my Shock Vipers as mechanized shock troops, and leave the flame throwing to the Incinerators. ;)