View Full Version : The Comic Box #40!!!

General Scarlett
10-10-2007, 08:29 PM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

#40. Hydrofoil

~Short Summary~
Cobra Hydrofoils vs. the Joes' Battle Platform. Cobra tricks the Joes into detonating a fault line in the Gulf of Mexico that will create Cobra Island.

~Notes of Interest~
First appearance of Shipwreck and Barbecue. First use of the transportable Air-Sea Base. This issue is the first major step in the creation of Cobra Island. It also is the point where Buzzer escapes from the Pit with Candy. Some more killer sea battle action.
-summary courtesy yojoe.com-


-image courtesy yojoe.com-

Discuss away!

10-10-2007, 09:24 PM
yup..starting with 39 and this issue is when i really got into the comics, plus it was cool seeing characters that you loved from the toon making there way into the comics, the battle on the platform against the hydrofoils was cool and it was great seeing characters like cutter and shipwreck really getting a chance to shine which as the series progressed they were kind of put on the back burner still these issues are what really got me into joe as a kid ,cool action and a great story to boot :D

10-10-2007, 11:05 PM
Gotta agree with Gogorobo, the storyline started getting really good from this point on again. Great as a stand alone issue as well!

10-11-2007, 09:17 AM
This whole arc was awesome. We got the TTBP and Devil Fish (wait, next issue?) and all sorts of way cool stuff! This was one of the best ads for the toys ever!

10-17-2007, 09:07 PM
woow really good story , shipwreck rules , doc is the man , some down joes too , i really like that snake eyes version ....spirit and mutt make a good team