View Full Version : what's keeping you into G.I. Joe at thw moment
10-13-2007, 08:46 PM
[COLOR=Red]just like it says. since so many hate DD's comics and hate the new 25th and everyone thinks the movie will suck and there is no cartoon. just what is keeping you into G.I. Joe at the moment. myself i love the 25th, i like DD's comics. would love it if they added some characters. i love reading dios and looking at the great pics. love knowing that there are other joe fans on here even if we dont agree on a lot of stuff. im gonna give the movie a try and hope for the best. im praying that there will be a cartoon more then anything.[/COLOR]
10-13-2007, 08:56 PM
Y'know, this topic comes up every now and then on the JBL when things are low. Like when VvV came out! (LOL!) Seriously tho, what DOES keep people into this franchise? I mean, we both see so many people griping about things, we know Hasbro will never do right in the end.
I guess I'm just a GI Joe fan. However, JoeDios is an isolated community in that we are in the game because we enjoy taking pictures of our figures in action. (well, most of us do). I like the hunt, unfortunately. I LIKE the figures too. Seeing what's coming gets me, for the most part, excited too. THe next couple of selections aren't all that great, imo.
Y'know... I think I like the updated molds simply cuz I like to see old stuff updated. I mean, I'd love it if Metallica went back into the studio and redid Ride the Lightning and Kill 'em All cuz man, James's voice is just horrible, y'know? Or like, Iron Maiden playing The Prisoner live and putting it on a cd. Maybe it's just modernization? I'm sure KMFDM would love to go back and redux their material so it doesn't end up sounding half-@$$ed and dated!
10-13-2007, 09:29 PM
I actually like Devils Due's comic...a little too fatalistic, maybe, but it's gritty and raw like real military. The 25th sucks......if the movie doesn't suck, it's gonna be a Miracle!
The thing that's keeping me in is the fact that Mastercollector will get wave 4 DTC!!! And eventually, Hasbro will change things to something other than the 25th stuff (remember the 2000 collectors stuff, the abysmal 2001 junk, the arguments about new sculpt, Spytroops, Valor vs Venom, Sigma six) and HOPEFULLY make something;
1.) that's not so delicate I'm afraid to take it out of the package
2.) that isn't on Version 1,987 ( Duke, Cobra Commander, Snake eyes or Storm Shadow anyone????)
3.) That hasn't been done before
It's like Video game consoles with these soon as you get a few figures, they change the line and you gotta start all over again Try playing Halo 3 on Sega Genisis!) .....well SMACK YOU HASBRO! I'm done collecting until you get back to "making ARAH-like NEW figures!" until then, make mine MasterCollector!!!
10-13-2007, 10:33 PM
For me, it's the 25th. I love them. I was prepared to never buy another G.I. Joe item when VvV ended, and we all thought 3-3/4" was done forever. But the 25th has reignited my interest in G.I. Joe more than anything else in the past several years, and I find myself looking forward to new 25th merchandise with far greater anticipation than any of the other toylines I currently collect!
10-13-2007, 11:30 PM
I'm pretty well covered by what Frank said. If it was just the 25th garbage I'd be long gone. I haven't read the DD comics for years. The upcoming movie holds no appeal for me from what I've heard about it. The lack of a cartoon doesn't bother me, because I was never into the 'toons anyway. Like G said, at the end of it all I'm a Joe fan. This year's con set has been a breath of fresh air that has certainly revived my interest in the line, and the promise of wave four is a carrot on a stick that will sustain my interest. But the main thing keeping me in the hobby is this site. The great pics which inspire me to improve my own work, and the great folks who hang out here and make it all worthwhile! ;)
10-14-2007, 03:30 AM
Just to echo what others have said --
I'm a comics freak so I'm well into the DDP stuff; even if I don't like all the creative decisions I still follow it as the GI Joe continuity canon. And the current World War III storyline has me stoked.
25th would have me if the mid-torso joints looked properly attached instead of the figure-8 look most have (Serpentor and Zartan seem OK; apparently body armour is necessary to save them) and, most importantly, if they actually were at a 3.75" scale. That said, I do feel like I have all the figures already -- I miss the updated costumes and new characters, and I'm sad we're not likely to see more DDP-design figures any time soon, if at all. The stuff from MasterCollector, though, I really do like a lot. The only problem for me is the price; bad enough it's basically $20 per figure for the smaller sets and over $200 for the main Con boxes, but the Club charges truly extortionate fees for international membership that are way above the cost of mailing 4 newsletters and a figure.
It basically is JoeDios that keeps my interest up. I have all these toys lying around and taking up storage space, but my collection is validated by coming on here and getting inspired to do something with them now I'm all old & grown up without the imaination to just play like I used to!
10-14-2007, 08:09 AM
For me it is the potential. I mean I've always been a fan. I was 13 in '82 and the StarWars thing was very big, but everything was based on the movie line (EVERYTHING). GI Joe had always been the 12" series and suddenly there were these tough looking guys (and girl) out there who could fight anything from a horde of stiff stormtroopers, to exploring an ancient temple, to defending against the Micronaut threat (anyone remember these guys?).
As I didn't have access to the comic line until later and while the cartoon series that followed was OK but not the beat all end all, I fought in the backyards of my neighborhood against any threat and in any kind of environment. To me, these guys (and later, girls) allowed me a chance to explore my imagination - where were the Joes going to be next? What were they going to be doing? Who were they fighting?
10-14-2007, 08:24 AM
I love the DDP comics, Stormer and I have talked many an hour away about the happenings in there. I'm going to get to meet one of the artists who did most of the issues with the Phoenix Guard at an upcoming Comic Book Convention here. I will ALWAYS love G.I. Joe. I might not be taking as many pics right now, with work and the fact that 90% of my stuff is still in Nova Scotia at SilentDusty's house. Work has been REALLY hectic and I come home WIPED out. But I am really going to try to get some more photos done, i'm just sick of lookin at the same 20 Joes I have with me here.
10-14-2007, 09:59 AM
For me, first of all, it has been & always will be the cast of characters & they're chemistry that were created for them in the Sunbow & Marvel Comics. I Love the DD comics (Just wish they wouldn't have killed all those characters, especially Lady Jaye), Love the Cartoons, I Love what I've seen so far with the 25th stuff(Just wish it would come to my area faster) & I Love JoeDios(you guys make it fun & interesting with all of your creative ideas, also so many different ways to look at G.I. JOE)!!!! :D
On a personal note: One on the Most important reasons I'm into G.I.Joe so much is my GREAT friendship with my partner in crime General Scarlett!!!! :D We have been friends longer than ARAH's been around, we've created this Awesome Joeverse of our own for the past 25 years and still going strong(which were starting to post our story on the dios here)!!!! :D So here's to another 25 YEARS, Let's hope were all still here wishing they would make more stuff we all want!!!!!!! :D
YOJOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
10-14-2007, 03:09 PM
What is keeping me into Joe right now? Hmm... To be honest... Not a lot.
As usual I have been lurking and keeping up with the forums and pics but just now, I'm finding it difficult to keep my interest up.
The reasons for this? I suppose life is getting in the way a little, the 25th stuff is a hutch of crap and the convention... I was left disapointed by it. I almost went... But I'm so glad I didn't... Don't get me wrong. I'm sure the people in attendance and the atmosphere would have been great. I don't even mind the cost of the pieces so much. But I thought for the lines 25th anniversary, the stuff on show and premiums were kinda crappy. The figures were great. I just whis there was more! I can't help but feel more should have been availible at this special time for the collector. In other words... I don't think Hasbro or the Joe Club pushed the boat out at all... I mean would it have hurt to add a woodland camo Tomahawk or WHALE to proceedings? :cool: I Major Bluddy wish! Hehehe!
So what is keeping me interested? Buying a big chunk of Urban Saboteur's collection probably! :D
I'm not going to moan in a new thread I'm about to start! I'd love all your input on it too! Look out for it! :cool:
D :D
Urban Saboteur
10-14-2007, 04:09 PM
Actually.. Nothing. Before I begin..
*please note* my outburst isn't meant to offend anyone reading, however it is purely my own experiences and own opinion, of which I believe i'm entitled to.
Which is why I'm quitting. I'll probably keep one or two figures but i've had it, bored of the constant trype hasbro keeps feeding and expecting consumers to pay good money on.
They don't release such utter bull crap in any other toy line other than the GIJOE one.. I don't know what everyone see's in the 25th.
They have b**** ***s.. and bandy legs.. and also are completely poorly designed in the characters view too.
Baroness & Gung-Ho are quite possibly the worse of these.
There's nothing to keep me into G.I.JOE, all hasbro has done is cast out cheap, dry coloured crap and everyone seems to like it.. hmm I might go into the s**t shovveling business and repackage it with a hasblow logo.
The only decent figures that they released were back in the late 80s.
The figures and vehicles have to change with the times and modernise.. How true.. I agree but not under the guise or sacrifice of quality and decent releases.
The problems that have plagued the 25th line.. I hear excuses such as:
1) ooh just sand down some of the torso or dremel a bit away..
2) they'll get it right come wave 4 or 5.
Oh wonderful so not only is the collector dillusional and stupid but hasbro are too. Obviously you'll have to give hasbro time to perfect these soldiers.. because they've never released figures to a mass market before :rolleyes:
Pur-lease.. hasbro has experience and the financial clout to give us what we want... but they lack however one main ingredient.. control over their own greed.
They want us to buy this hunk of crap and hutch of pish.. and as long as there are the severe deluded out there high on the wave of the 25th celebrations all to willing to part with their cash.. and take their soldiers home to fix hasbro's problems... why should they change?
Hasbro are completely ignorant to the GI JOE line, they have been since the last waves of the 90s. I didnt want neon figures.. and i dont think many other kids did too, but we still got them.. I'm slowly beginning to hate something that I once loved.
10-14-2007, 04:44 PM
[COLOR=Red]yeah, uh. tell us how you really feel. seems someone else has caught jay's nay saying. and everyone talks bad about me for hating snake eyes,lol.[/COLOR]
Urban Saboteur
10-14-2007, 04:49 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]yeah, uh. tell us how you really feel. seems someone else has caught jay's nay saying. and everyone talks bad about me for hating snake eyes,lol.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Yeah everyone talks bad about you for hating snake eyes.. :rolleyes:
Please we aint even aloud to speak up without getting our arses handed to us.. :cool:
10-14-2007, 05:45 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]They want us to buy this hunk of crap and hutch of pish.. and as long as there are the severe deluded out there high on the wave of the 25th celebrations all to willing to part with their cash.. and take their soldiers home to fix hasbro's problems... why should they change?[/QUOTE]
I like the 25th figures, but I hardly think I'm deluded... Are there problems with them? Yes, I've admitted as much many times. But in my own, personal, non-deluded opinion, they still look a lot better than any ARAH or JvC produced in the past.
I think the sculpting is top-notch, and though there are some unfortunate articulation cuts, I don't believe that detracts from how great these figures look-- And I haven't even altered any of mine! ...Except to put a comic pack head on Duke, but that's only because I love that the comic pack head was based on the cartoon character design. I really have nothing against the head it came with.
I'm very pleased to have all my 25th figures standing on the filing cabinet next to my desk. I'm also willing to respect the opinions of those who don't like them, but what bothers me is when such persons (and I don't mean only you, Urban Saboteur, because certain others do it too) state as absolute fact that these are "trash" or "crap" or whatever. I think they're great, but I always make certain to use those words-- "I think" or "in my opinion", rather than just outright saying "they're the greatest figures ever" without leaving room for friendly disagreements.
Anyway, that's my two cents.
EDIT: In the interest of making sure I get the full truth out there, I must admit that I did make one mod to one figure that I forgot about-- I put gloves on Flint.
Urban Saboteur
10-14-2007, 06:11 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]I like the 25th figures, but I hardly think I'm deluded... Are there problems with them? Yes, I've admitted as much many times. But in my own, personal, non-deluded opinion, they still look a lot better than any ARAH or JvC produced in the past.
I think the sculpting is top-notch, and though there are some unfortunate articulation cuts, I don't believe that detracts from how great these figures look-- And I haven't even altered any of mine! ...Except to put a comic pack head on Duke, but that's only because I love that the comic pack head was based on the cartoon character design. I really have nothing against the head it came with.
I'm very pleased to have all my 25th figures standing on the filing cabinet next to my desk. I'm also willing to respect the opinions of those who don't like them, but what bothers me is when such persons (and I don't mean only you, Urban Saboteur, because certain others do it too) state as absolute fact that these are "trash" or "crap" or whatever. I think they're great, but I always make certain to use those words-- "I think" or "in my opinion", rather than just outright saying "they're the greatest figures ever" without leaving room for friendly disagreements.
Anyway, that's my two cents.[/QUOTE]
*shakes head* I can't believe this place houses so many plebs... tut tut..
10-14-2007, 06:22 PM
[COLOR=Red]im with you self-modifier, i like the 25th. i know there are those who don't, just like most on here don't like the cartoon, only the comics. i dont like snake eyes when most do, i like QK when most don't, heck in most joeverses he's dead. i hated sigma 6, people like graham liked them. i hated a lot of the later stuff hasbro did, a lot of others liked it. like most i think hasbro can and should improve a lot of stuff, will they? i do not know. i cannot say they are doing the same trash they always have because not a single person on here can honestly say they have only done trash. if that were true then why would we be on anything related to joes when all it has been is trash.[/COLOR]
What's keeping me into GIJoe?
My current collection.
Re-reading the old Marvel comics.
The cool Sigma 6 stuff that's cool but I will never be able to get (mostly due to lack of funds and lack of distribution here). Still doesn't hurt to salivate over it. :p
The people here and at Joecustoms.
That's about it. Haven't bothered to read DD stuff beyond back issues (Frontline and Special Missions only), new sculpt has been a side hobby at most and I just plain don't like 25A stuff. Can't even take the bastards apart without bashing em with a hammer, how are you supposed to customize effectively with them?
10-14-2007, 07:54 PM
It is nice that we have a place to all voice our own opinions without fear of a knock on the door and being taken away never to be heard from again!
I'm not going to drone on and on.
1) First, I whip out the old Marvel series for a read now and again.
2) Second, I have dubbed a heckuva lot of the old cartoon episodes onto a single VHS tape which has been played so many time it is starting wobble... (keeps originals lasting longer...)
3) Shouting "COBRAAAAAAAAA!" when driving in traffic. (I must not be well...)
4) Humming the theme song from time to time...
I always will like the old school figures most of all. But I'm giving the 25th a chance. I read reviews and let others give advice on which are better figures of the bunch. And yes...I'd rather play with a 25th A Beach-Head right now than risk snapping the thumbs or crotch of my beloved 1986 version 1.
My only regret is, I think I started my sons too early. My oldest is 6 and my youngest is almost 4. Thinking back, these came out in 1982, and I was 10 or 11. I could process guns and pretend versus reality. I hope the kids will be able to play well in the future.
Okay, I guess I droned on and on anyway. :o
I like this site and the forum discussions...but mostly the dio-stories and photos that tell a mini-story. I appreciate the hard work in posing and the photography.
I don't race to when I log in. I come to :)
Let's continue the excellence!
10-14-2007, 08:42 PM
I'd rather play with a 25th A Beach-Head right now than risk snapping the thumbs or crotch of my beloved 1986 version 1.
wow, how true is that. thats another reason i want new figures, most of the old ones i have have broken crotches, which really doesnt bother me much as i got use to it when i was a kid. but i would rather have new stuff to p[lay with then risk breaking my old very hard and costly stuff.[/COLOR]
10-14-2007, 10:44 PM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]But in my own, personal, non-deluded opinion, they still look a lot better than any ARAH or JvC produced in the past.
I'm also willing to respect the opinions of those who don't like them, but what bothers me is when such persons (and I don't mean only you, Urban Saboteur, because certain others do it too) state as absolute fact that these are "trash" or "crap" or whatever. I think they're great, but I always make certain to use those words-- "I think" or "in my opinion", rather than just outright saying "they're the greatest figures ever" without leaving room for friendly disagreements.[/QUOTE]
Gotta disagree on the first point, Self Mod. As for the second point, I absolutely respect anyone's opinion to like or dislike figures from certain eras. People liking different things is what makes the world go round. But, in my humble opinion, the 25th stuff is a steaming heap of poorly articulated, fragile, unadulterated junk. :)
10-15-2007, 08:49 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]But, in my humble opinion, the 25th stuff is a steaming heap of poorly articulated, fragile, unadulterated junk. :)[/QUOTE]
And I respect your opinion on the matter, Outrider. :D
See? Friendly disagreement!
10-15-2007, 11:57 AM
Absolutely Self Mod, and that's how it should be. We should all remember, at the end of the day, a toyline isn't worth getting upset over. There's plenty more important things to worry about! ;)
Da Talent
10-15-2007, 07:40 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider] But the main thing keeping me in the hobby is this site. The great pics which inspire me to improve my own work, and the great folks who hang out here and make it all worthwhile! ;)[/QUOTE]
well said! I love the community of the joe world thats what keeps me in it
edit: and I like to paint. :) Its very soothing and releases alot of stress for me to sit and really cocentrate on something besides college and work.
Urban Saboteur
10-15-2007, 08:01 PM
My second thoughts are that I probably only pay attention to customs and ARAH figures. Especially the Firefly in the forest/camo design.. He's really good.
10-15-2007, 08:02 PM
gee i guess hunting down older figures i never got as a kid or just trying to get figures to replace older ones is what has kept me in the hobby, also the comics i like what ddp is doing with the team and making Cobra a real threat again and last but certainly not least is joedios this site has let me create things and explore doing stuff that is just really cool being able to see everyones work gives me ideas and inspires me to do better :D
10-15-2007, 10:26 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Actually.. Nothing. Before I begin..
*please note* my outburst isn't meant to offend anyone reading, however it is purely my own experiences and own opinion, of which I believe i'm entitled to.
Just FYI, Urban Saboteur DID make that statement before his "Rampage" (This is a little good natured ribbing, not a flame attack...I just know you can't see my chubby lop-sided smirk as I write this!! ;) )
I agree with you whole heartedly U.S. . It seems like we've kinda polarized here....Love the 25th or hate them, seems to be NO middle ground. (Kinda reminds you of S6, huh? ) But that's was said, we all have a right to our opinion.
What I DON'T like, and again, this is MY OPINION, is people who say "Yeah, I don't like (Sigma Six or the 25th) I just buy them to keep the line alive...I mean, what can you do?" And then Chastise me for not jumping on the Hasbro Bandwagon and accuse me of not being a REAL fan! (This doesn't happen on THISforum, but it has happened to me! )
It's like Reality TV....YOU CAN STOP WATCHING IT !! (OR IN THIS CASE, STOP BUYING CRAP!!) I hear people say all the time "Reality TV sucks, but it's all that's on". Well...quit watching!! If you don't, you add to the neilson ratings of who's watching, the @$$-Clowns in holllywood see the numbers and cancel good shows to put more crap on, because they think that's what YOU want!!!
Don't like the 25th? Don't buy it! Don't do it just for the sake of the line, I'd rather see it die strong than go down the 1992-1994 path it did last time, jumping on every desperate bandwagon trying to boost sales! The more you buy the crap they put out, the more they say "Eh....fixing the 25th line will cost thousands and take weeks away from productivity, let's just keep making B.S. promises and shoving sub-standard crap down their throats!" I'm so sick of seeing hasbro do things like when they cancelled wave 7.5 of Spytroops with the cool viper/alley viper 2 pack and rushed to VvsV and had Coil Crusher/Wild Bill warming the pegs in TRU and whining about slow sales!
I got back into GI joe again big time in 2001, and after about 2 weeks of being on the forums, I KNEW exactly what collectors would pay for....and what would make money....are you telling me their harvard educated sales team isn't as smart as a Marine with a Degree from a state school? What a bunch of idiots.....
I HONESTLY think they just wanna run the line into the ground so they can go back to making money on Star Wars and Transformers!
Do you know how hard it was to pass up a "Cobra Legions" 5 pack to keep my integrity? I could have used the excuse, "I just wanted to see what they were like" but I used that excuse for the first two more..I'm only gonna buy single packs and only if they are new Characters or new updates (like Serpentor in the DD attire) .
Da Talent
10-15-2007, 10:54 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]....are you telling me their harvard educated sales team isn't as smart as a Marine with a Degree from a state school? What a bunch of idiots..... .[/QUOTE]
I could not agree more. I have bought ONE 25th fig. And I guess I'm in the middle, I don't hate them, but there just not for me. I just don't think they look as cool in a good photo with a good setting.
But I too just got back into joes in June. I'm just an Airman about to get his degree from a state school in May. (yes we beat the #1 team in the nation this week, and it was incredible.) But I know...I KNOW, I could (and do)create better figs than the crap they put out and re-put out. lets all hope I get my internship at Hasbro this spring. Cross your fingers!
Urban Saboteur
10-16-2007, 07:56 AM
It's like Reality TV....YOU CAN STOP WATCHING IT !! (OR IN THIS CASE, STOP BUYING CRAP!!) I hear people say all the time "Reality TV sucks, but it's all that's on". Well...quit watching!! If you don't, you add to the neilson ratings of who's watching, the @$$-Clowns in holllywood see the numbers and cancel good shows to put more crap on, because they think that's what YOU want!!!
Don't like the 25th? Don't buy it! Don't do it just for the sake of the line, I'd rather see it die strong than go down the 1992-1994 path it did last time, jumping on every desperate bandwagon trying to boost sales! The more you buy the crap they put out, the more they say "Eh....fixing the 25th line will cost thousands and take weeks away from productivity, let's just keep making B.S. promises and shoving sub-standard crap down their throats!" I'm so sick of seeing hasbro do things like when they cancelled wave 7.5 of Spytroops with the cool viper/alley viper 2 pack and rushed to VvsV and had Coil Crusher/Wild Bill warming the pegs in TRU and whining about slow sales!
You know man this is exactly what I believe., Hasbro know's what we want, and as long as people go out buying the junk they release that's all we are bound to get in the future because of it.
I'm airing more towards keeping a boxful of joes and some cool vehicles. As an assault team to counter attack my ARAH cobra forces.
Some of my members will be customs (LBC's mainly) and so I will be staying in GIJOE for a while. The answer to the question I guess is that it's only my own view of GIJOE that's keeping me interested, Hasbro certainly doesn't have my attention with the 25th line, the film sounds to me like it's going to stank really badly...
As i reiterated in my first post, I do have strong feelings towards the GI JOE releases and my opinions aren't meant in any ill way.
I do retract anything I may of said in a harsh way that could of offended any of the readers of this thread.
10-16-2007, 08:28 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]Just FYI, Urban Saboteur DID make that statement before his "Rampage" (This is a little good natured ribbing, not a flame attack...I just know you can't see my chubby lop-sided smirk as I write this!! ;) )[/QUOTE]
Hmmm... I missed that when I read the post the first time. I guess I just skipped down to the negative parts. Sorry, U.S.!
[quote=Urban Saobteur]As i reiterated in my first post, I do have strong feelings towards the GI JOE releases and my opinions aren't meant in any ill way.
I do retract anything I may of said in a harsh way that could of offended any of the readers of this thread.[/quote]
The only thing that offended me was the statement that I was "deluded" for liking something that I genuinely think is really cool. Other than that, as you said (and as I missed), everything else was your opinion, and though I disagree strongly with it, I do respect it.
10-16-2007, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]You know man this is exactly what I believe., Hasbro know's what we want, and as long as people go out buying the junk they release that's all we are bound to get in the future because of it.[/QUOTE]
Exactly the reason I won't but any more 25th anniversary figures. ;)
10-16-2007, 11:57 AM
For me, it's army building!
10-16-2007, 02:01 PM
Personally, I think it's the people who are working GI Joe that are keeping it from reaching its full potential. Harvard educated businessmen and marketers? Maybe, but from what I've learned since I got back into the line in 2002, each head of GI Joe wants certain things. Some guys are into the nu skulpts and probably have some anime influences (Sand Viper, for example). But there are guys who grew up with the classic line. Unfortunately, SOME guys jumped on in 1986, some in 1982, some in 1993, y'know?
I'm guessing whoever thought up the DTC era stuff was trying to bring back a semi-classic look.
It's possible the boyz at Hasbro DON'T know what we really want. There are ton of online fans who love the classic ARAH and want to go back to that. There are others who were cool with the expansion themes starting in 2002. Fred and Justin might be able to back me up on the fact that each sculptor has their own ideas and each director has their own ideas. It might be backwards. It might be forward thinking. In the end, I believe there's a lot of butting of heads on how to handle the franchise.
Agent Viper
10-16-2007, 02:08 PM
I'm staying on on joes cause I like them.
The 25th Rock, ( at least in my opinion ) they are just giving us newcomers a chance to catch up in what we missed! :D
Da Talent
10-16-2007, 03:00 PM
so i know I said I don;t like the new 25ths but, Agent has a good point, it is giving the younger gen. new toys to explore and get them into the line. I know I wouldn't give my son my classic joes because he is still a boy who will do what i did and throw them up in the air as high as he could. And lets face kids don't have loads of money to ebay all the classics when they just wanna play with them in the dirt. So that is one good thing these seeming crappy figs do.... they let kids enjoy the same thing we all played with as kids, instead of pokemon crap :D
on a side note.... I actually bought a 25th today, I'm sorry. I had to go to target to get some poster board and they had one firefly. I bought it. 25th haters like myself, please don;t call me a hipocrit, I just thought his gear would look really good on the firefly custom i have! please forgive!
10-16-2007, 03:15 PM
on a side note.... I actually bought a 25th today, I'm sorry. I had to go to target to get some poster board and they had one firefly. I bought it. 25th haters like myself, please don;t call me a hipocrit, I just thought his gear would look really good on the firefly custom i have! please forgive![/QUOTE] biggie..I bought all but the hooded commander for the first wave..I HAD to at LEAST give them the chance to impress me....
And I bought Serpentor (Despite his saggy faced expression) because he has the new DD type uniform!
10-16-2007, 06:10 PM
Da Talent
10-16-2007, 07:55 PM
exactly my point, it gives my son something to play with, very similiar to what i played with, without damaging the real goods :D
Uncle Flint
10-17-2007, 07:39 AM
Joedios is keeping me into GI Joe at the moment. I've been taking more photos lately, working on a longer story. I may never post them. It may never see the light of day, but I enjoy taking the photos and this site gives me a place to let people who will appreciate it see them. And I love seeing what others are doing with their stuff.
I don't want Hasbro to attempt another cartoon. I don't think the studios of today are capable of producing a cartoon as good as the 1980's cartoon.
The movie may be cool. We've got to all remember that a lot of what we are hearing about the movie is unsubstantiated rumor that was started to gauge our reaction.
The 25th stuff has no appeal to me. Hasbro is pushing crap and they know it. What kills me is that kids and adults are eating it up like it was ice cream. Hasbro recognizes that the golden age was 1982-1986. They said so in the original announcement regarding the 25th stuff. Sculpting technology had come a long way by the time the line died in 1995. Why did Hasbro feel the need to jump to yet another and inferior figure construction? I just don't get it.
Hasbro's approach to GI Joe compared to how they handle Star Wars or Transformers tells you what they really think of us, what what they want to succeed.
General Jones
10-17-2007, 08:00 AM
I first got back into G.I. Joe to collect all of the Joes that I did not have as a child, and to fix up all of the old ones that I had that were really loose. I am pretty close now thanks to this site, and I had originally not wanted to get new vehicles or fix up the old ones that I had that were broken, but again this site has sparked my interest in taking pictures of Joes, so now I am trying to complete some of the vehicles that I already have. I have bought some of the 25ths, I was really against them in the beginning as well, but I am warming up to them. :)
10-17-2007, 08:22 AM
[QUOTE=Uncle Flint]Joedios is keeping me into GI Joe at the moment. I've been taking more photos lately, working on a longer story. I may never post them. It may never see the light of day, but I enjoy taking the photos and this site gives me a place to let people who will appreciate it see them.
The movie may be cool. We've got to all remember that a lot of what we are hearing about the movie is unsubstantiated rumor that was started to gauge our reaction.
i agree. if not for joe dios i wouldnt know anyone other then myself who does anything with joes anymore. so i would not be nearly as into it.
as you say, the movie could be cool. i think were just expecting the worst, which is what we should do. that way if its any good, well think it to be even better. and most of what i have herd on here i have read interviews from hasbro that state something different.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=General Jones]I first got back into G.I. Joe to collect all of the Joes that I did not have as a child, and to fix up all of the old ones that I had that were really loose. I am pretty close now thanks to this site, and I had originally not wanted to get new vehicles or fix up the old ones that I had that were broken, but again this site has sparked my interest in taking pictures of Joes, so now I am trying to complete some of the vehicles that I already have.[/QUOTE]
[COLOR=Red]sounds so much like my story. i bought a few joes in 2000, not many because i was the only person i know that had any interest in them. still had 10 or 12 from when i was a kid. then i found joe customs one day just wanting to look back at the greatest toy ever. it eventually led me here. now im trying to get the old joes that i loved so much, not every joe, but at least the ones i had as a kid. as a kid neither i nor any of my cousins collected vehicles, but with this site im wanting them more and more. i will never have a fulfilled collection anywhere as close as frank or probably any other on joe dios, but having what i had as a kid and some new stuff will be a life dream come true.
the worst thing i have to say about the 25th is this. the figures are ok with me, i do like the oldies better but still. so many others hate them, that i am starting to worry if we will lose so many more people on here. ive been here right at 2 years, longer then a lot. but so many of the ones who i got use to seeing post and pic from have left. now im worried that with the 25th people that im use to seeing on here, even if i dont talk to them may be gone.[/COLOR]
10-17-2007, 09:05 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Personally, I think it's the people who are working GI Joe that are keeping it from reaching its full potential. Harvard educated businessmen and marketers? Maybe, but from what I've learned since I got back into the line in 2002, each head of GI Joe wants certain things. Some guys are into the nu skulpts and probably have some anime influences (Sand Viper, for example). But there are guys who grew up with the classic line. Unfortunately, SOME guys jumped on in 1986, some in 1982, some in 1993, y'know?
I'm guessing whoever thought up the DTC era stuff was trying to bring back a semi-classic look.
It's possible the boyz at Hasbro DON'T know what we really want. There are ton of online fans who love the classic ARAH and want to go back to that. There are others who were cool with the expansion themes starting in 2002. Fred and Justin might be able to back me up on the fact that each sculptor has their own ideas and each director has their own ideas. It might be backwards. It might be forward thinking. In the end, I believe there's a lot of butting of heads on how to handle the franchise.[/QUOTE]
But still you would figure the bottom line in any Business (We all know Hasbro ain't no charity or non-profit organization) is money!! If these guys had HALF a brain, they could keep the profit margin and please consumers...(I know, there are ALWAYS some people you CAN'T Please no matter what!). Take the DTC line......4 individaul figures and two Army builders per wave.....let's face the builders typically sell better than individual figures. How many viper pits and shadow guard packs are still warming pegs? And how long does it take any noob to this hobby to figure that out? 10 min?
why didn't they do a 4 army builder / 2 individual Character split? That would mean MOST collectors would buy more of 4 of the figures, rather than 2? Why? Probably because it would take imagination and foresight on the part of Hasbro! I love the way they don't Advertise the Joe Stuff (other than collectors who knows about HTS??? And Have you seen the Hasbro catalog? pages of Star Wars and Transformers stuff..and barely one of GI Joe??) and then cry it doesn't sell good! And funny they are having distribution problems with GI Joe but NOT Transformers, Star Wars or Spider Man!! Hell, the Spider Man Movie opened in the spring and the shelves are STILL overflowing with THAT crap!!
They would have to research and come up with NEW army builders! Notice how almost all of the DTC Army builders were nu-sculpt remakes of OLDER figures (Range-Viper, Snow Serpent, Crimson Guard, Cobra Soldier, Saw Viper).
How about a Sniper-viper? Or mortar Viper? How about a drop ship (Ala Aliens or could modify a DragonHawk to have a cargo crate for personnel)? Or Mech-Vipers and Mechs for them to Drive? How about an update to those incinerators? Or Flak Vipers with reloadable Stinger missiles? How about Arctic Frag Vipers? Or Jungle Heat Vipers? It's not that hard to come up with something new or at least a variant that people will buy......why run ONE questionaire on their website every 6-9 months with only ONE question?? Why not a HUGE questionaire with a TON of new ideas asking what we like/wanna see?
Well, because that would be like work and we're hoping the GI Joe line will fail so we can move our resources over to StarWars and Transformers and make BIG MONEY!!!
When a Dumb-@$$ Marine can figure out how to give the people what they want AND boost profits and their high priced marketing/research teams can't...Huston, we have a problem!!!
10-17-2007, 09:16 AM
Well, because that would be like work and we're hoping the GI Joe line will fail so we can move our resources over to StarWars and Transformers and make BIG MONEY!!!
[COLOR=Red]ive saw this posted on more then one thread. im not saying their not, but does anyone really think they want GI Joe to fail so they can focus on star wars. i mean many have mentioned that the star wars figures are everywhere. heck, in my wal-mart theres like a whole section of the stuff that never sells. although there are collectors out there, it seems that only they buy star wars. no wonder, at 8 or 9 bucks a figure who beside the die hard would. they dont sell here. i would like to have some, but not gonna pay that. from what i know of what ive saw at my local stores and the guys who are now selling the ones they bought around here for 3$ each they seem to be losing money on star wars. maybe its not like that everywhere, just here. thats why when i see people say that hasbro wants GI Joe to fail makes me wonder. if the star wars and transformers arent selling and they cant keep the 25th on the shelves does anyone really think they want the line to fail? there wasnt any joes a few months ago and the star wars still didnt sell, i can take some pics of the section of my wal-mart and show you. they've been there for a year now collecting dust.not saying anything here, just wanting to know if people are using that as an example or is that what so many really think.[/COLOR]
10-17-2007, 09:23 AM
I was gonna bring up the lil fact that maybe George Lucas is pushing his weight around again.
10-17-2007, 09:53 AM
[COLOR=Red]another good point. lucas gets a big part of the profit from star wars. smarter for hasbro to let star wars die out and focus on the joe line. from the circle i travel in online DD's comic outsells star wars. theres going to be a joe movie, no more star wars movies. logic tells which is going to be bigger. everyone i know loves the star wars movies, but how many of them but the figures? 0. [/COLOR]
Uncle Flint
10-17-2007, 12:40 PM
I can't quite figure out what Hasbro is doing with the GI Joe "brand." They're not producing crappy product in order to kill off the whole line. I mean, why bother with the crappy product when they could just kill it outright. They could do that at any time.
The brand itself is a valuable asset. Plus with the movie on the horizon it simply doesn't make any sense. But there is obviously a huge difference in the way the company treats GI Joe as compared to Transformers or Star Wars. They kind of treat GI Joe like the ugly step-sister. I don't see why they needed to switch to yet another construction format for the 25th stuff. (Its not like the VvV stuff wasn't selling because the figures had an o-ring. Its not like the increased detail in the 25th stuff required the deletion of the o-ring. You can't tell me the public was clamoring for spindly legged, fragile figures with goofy looking heads that couldn't sit or hold their guns.) If Hasbro really wanted the line to succeed we wouldn't see these distribution problem, and they would already have new vehicles and new playsets on the shelves. Instead we're waiting for a re-issue of the Shark and Hiss tank. Come on. If they were serious they would be giving us some fresh stuff, like a new Tomahawk, Whale, or Terrordrome. Instead were getting small cheaply produced remakes.
Maybe it has to do with a lack of creative ability. With both Star Wars and Transformers, Hasbro is producing figures from movies someone else has made. Not a lot of creativity involved on Hasbro's part. Or, maybe the Star Wars and Transformer fan base is less fragmented and fickle than the GI Joe fans.
I don't know. I wish someone would really hold the Hasbro-execs feet to the fire and find out what they are really thinking.
10-17-2007, 02:27 PM
Actually Lehsreh, there are supposed to be upwards of 3 live-action SW tv shows. Or maybe it's 2 cartoons and a live-action. I don't remember, I'm not a SW fanatic.
IIRC, when VvV went down the tube, we had that 'hiatus'. IF I can remember the timing, Star Wars Ep3 was due to come out and there were many stories of how Lucas wanted to pave the way for HIS toys and have no competition. We would later see the online campaign called DTC pop up a few months later. I DO remember buying a lot of Clone Troopers because there were NO small Joes available for retail.
It's my belief that the GI Joe fans are quite different than SW fans. We can say we want army builders, but are "WE" really gonna jump at a yellow webgeared Cobra Trooper, a gray Cobra Trooper, a gas mask trooper, etc? That might work for Star Wars, but I could care less about those 'variants'. I'd rather see them put out a bunch of black-webgeared, red chest Blueshirts. Screw the collector's base and forget the scalpers. They make THOSE suckers easily available, I'll build.
And hey... Wasn't the head of GI Joe the head of Star Wars a few years ago? Or is it vice versa? In any case, what works for Star Wars doesnt' necessarily mean it works for GI Joe. And yes, the #s for GI Joe are considerably smaller than TF or SW.
I think in the future, we'll see ideas that Frank has thrown down. But for now, it's about revisiting the past. We already know that the Big 3 didn't seem overly excited by what was being down with the 'theme' years, yah?
BTW, anyone notice that MOST of the current Joes available were all part of America's Elite? Flint. Snake Eyes. Scarlet. Roadblock. Storm Shadow. Duke. Shipwreck. Stalker. The only no-show would be Kamakura and I DOUBT Hasbro will make him anytime soon.
10-17-2007, 03:16 PM
[QUOTE=Uncle Flint]
I can't quite figure out what Hasbro is doing with the GI Joe "brand." They're not producing crappy product in order to kill off the whole line. I mean, why bother with the crappy product when they could just kill it outright. They could do that at any time.
The brand itself is a valuable asset. Plus with the movie on the horizon it simply doesn't make any sense.
I'd agree with you except this movie has been in and out of "In the works" since like about 1987!!!
[QUOTE=Uncle Flint]
But there is obviously a huge difference in the way the company treats GI Joe as compared to Transformers or Star Wars. They kind of treat GI Joe like the ugly step-sister. I don't see why they needed to switch to yet another construction format for the 25th stuff. (Its not like the VvV stuff wasn't selling because the figures had an o-ring. Its not like the increased detail in the 25th stuff required the deletion of the o-ring. You can't tell me the public was clamoring for spindly legged, fragile figures with goofy looking heads that couldn't sit or hold their guns.) If Hasbro really wanted the line to succeed we wouldn't see these distribution problem, and they would already have new vehicles and new playsets on the shelves. Instead we're waiting for a re-issue of the Shark and Hiss tank. Come on. If they were serious they would be giving us some fresh stuff, like a new Tomahawk, Whale, or Terrordrome. Instead were getting small cheaply produced remakes. [/QUOTE]
No kidding! I AM Sooo tired of Remakes! And worse yet....New Versions!! I mean who needs a "Special Missions Siam" Duke? Make some new Characters and vehicles!! Glad to see I'm not the only one not gobbling up Hasbro's crappy excuses!!
[QUOTE=Uncle Flint]
I don't know. I wish someone would really hold the Hasbro-execs feet to the fire and find out what they are really thinking. [/QUOTE]
Please...these guys are like all exec's....they pay them outrageous salaries for their "expertise" ...then when they run the company into the ground, they get seven figure severence packages....Think "Disney, WorldComm and Enron"
Urban Saboteur
10-17-2007, 03:29 PM
The knock on effect is that disinterested fans (even new fans) can be disinterested enough to turn their attentions to the PS3 or X-box instead..
kids will undoubtedly grow up quicker / faster and therefore the chance to please them has gone.. partially because the executive types aren't really bothered about putting in 100%
If the line had 100% effort put into it, we
A) Wouldnt have the distribution problems
B) wouldnt have the production errors.. pur-lease hasbro has made figures for over 20 years.. so the mistakes these guys are making are first time run errors that should be sorted in the R&D stage.
C) Wouldnt be getting cheap repaints every wave
D) wouldnt be sat on a forum bitching about how crap the line is, instead we'd be discussing how great the toys are and be eager for hasbro to please us more.
I think GI JOE fans.. aren't fickle.. i think they were spoilt really too early on.. we got a great product from 83 onwards and had some good figures, no we did didn't we?
Sure some of them sucked.. I mean raptor was never going to be a big hitter but even some of the neon figures had a cool design and sculpt.
Hasbro has the muscle to give us what they want, but they continue to churn out
A) Gash, B) Pish and C) Tosh.
Why? I don't know why.. as fans we can only speculate, we aint in control and they are.. but it speaks volumes when Transformers or Star Wars fans dont have the same production or advertising issues.. :(
I'd like to say forget it.. and I don't care.. I have done.. but thats far from the truth.. it breaks my heart to see the line so wrecklessly abused and cast aside.. :mad:
10-17-2007, 03:33 PM
it breaks my heart to see the line so wrecklessly abused and cast aside..
Amen Brother.
D :D
10-17-2007, 08:41 PM
WELL not too much really , i hate 25 th figures , but i really love the comic ( well marvel era rules) DDP isnt bad at all , i always want the joe team more realistic and really like VvV lines , ( WELL the humvees rocks) old school figures are so cool why Hasbro why ? , im going to wait for the movie ( well maybe as cool as tears of the sun )
10-18-2007, 06:11 PM
I made a comment earlier about how the different GI Joe staff is into different aspects of GI Joe. I think Blaylock even admitted coming in 'late' to the GI Joe universe. The example that was used was that Blaylock chose Lifeline over Doc because he was familiar with Lifeline but not Doc. If you guys read some of Justin's reviews, he gives a little bit of insight on what the sculptors really preference. There are, apparently, some DD fans there and the DD influence crept into the toyline. Zartan, Serpentor and even Firefly are prime examples.
10-18-2007, 06:21 PM
I've been watching the collector realm for a very long time and have noticed something...there is a mentality among some collectors that figures MUST NEVER be removed from its package. This is especially true in circles like the Star Wars and Star Trek collectors. If this belief has infiltrated the minds of the Harvard/Yale MBAs running the show at GI Joe HQ, this would explain the "Show Case" that the five packs are all being packaged in. The 25th anniversary single packs are all glossy and showy and can easily be hung up to display.
Now I like to "play" with my figures. This means they rarely stay in their packaging unless I have multiples of them or they are common enough that I feel that I can find a MOC later. I know that all of us have loose figures, but I think the reason we're seeing such poor quality in these new figures is that;
A) They are not being play tested at a level close enough to the directors that they can see the short-comings, ie. the directors don't have children of the right age to take these toys home to them.
B) The directors have adopted a "Never Open" stance in a way of "better supporting" the collectors - not that they know what the majority of GI Joe collectors really want.
C) The line needs an enema. A strong backstory and someone with a firm grip of the vision behind the story to direct the development of the line and direction the line should go in.
Star Wars has been held up as the figure line to beat. Yes, Star Wars was the first widely accepted 3 3/4" figure line in the US...but they have had to adapt the line to kids who remember the old GI Joes with swivel battle grip and articulated knees and elbows. Eventually, even Lucas (George Lucas has final say over the toy designs that Hasbro releases - a deal he didn't have back in the Kenner days) had to acquiesce to the demands of a fanbase who wouldn't accept the same stick figures that started the line.
The real problem comes back to the Hasbro GI Joe Directors who are under pressure to reduce the cost of the individual units. If tooling and molds similar to the ones used for the Star Wars line is utilized then a separate design and engineering department doesn't have to be hired to maintain the line and research the materials needed to produce the line. The legal department doesn't have to follow up on every potential figure patent and design infringement - there is only one way to produce the figures so no matter which line, if the patent is infringed upon it is very easy to prove.
There are multiple business reasons that GI Joe has suffered. It looks like Extensive Enterprises won in the end.
Da Talent
10-18-2007, 07:26 PM
wow. well put Bayer.
10-18-2007, 07:52 PM
I've been watching the collector realm for a very long time and have noticed something...there is a mentality among some collectors that figures MUST NEVER be removed from its package. This is especially true in circles like the Star Wars and Star Trek collectors. If this belief has infiltrated the minds of the Harvard/Yale MBAs running the show at GI Joe HQ, this would explain the "Show Case" that the five packs are all being packaged in. The 25th anniversary single packs are all glossy and showy and can easily be hung up to display.
this is most likely the reason to be honest. i bought some star wars figures at a local flea market from a collector who still had them mint. as soon as i got them i opened them where i was so i could touch them. he wondered why i did that when they were mint. i told him a toy untouched wasnt a toy at all. since this is the 25th hasbo is probably think most people will buy them to keep, which i believe a lot are. with this mindset the toys really dont need to do much, like sit properly since in their minds their never gonna be posed.[/COLOR]
Da Talent
10-18-2007, 08:13 PM
i have to agree with hershel. I attempted to "play" with a 25th firefly this evening. like i said earliar this is one of two 25ths i own. I really do like the gear, but... so im watching tv and fooling around with new set i built, and i was attempting to pose F.F. knocking out chuckles. I now have a new hate for this series. Like what was said, they do look amaing in th package, but the damn articulation doesn't allow for good elbow movement! and his fists are so frickn small!!!! tiny handed bastard!
its true! these figures are not ment to be played with. heaven forbid my son throws a parachute on him tosses him straight up. the damn thing would shatter! I just want something fun to play with, and thanks to this damn 25 f.f. i ran to my laptop and just spent a crap load on evil bay getting con figs to release my frustration. Sometimes I'm just like my girlfriends, shopping does get rid of stress.
10-19-2007, 04:13 AM
he wondered why i did that when they were mint. i told him a toy untouched wasnt a toy at all. since this is the 25th hasbo is probably think most people will buy them to keep, which i believe a lot are. with this mindset the toys really dont need to do much, like sit properly since in their minds their never gonna be posed.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Maybe, the execs at big H should watch Toy Story 2 again to review.
Buzz: "You're not a collector's item. YOU - ARE - A - TOY!"
My question is: Why can't they give us both? Something that looks good MOC that is also useful to pose out. I hardly have any MOC, as I like to use what I buy. Otherwise, aren't you just collecting dust?
It's nice to see pics of a collection MOC, but what interests me is whether a picture tells a good story or not, or could be part of a dio some day. Even collections posed out in rows are decent pics, as they could serve a purpose in a dio. Pics of MOC don't do that for me. Nice to see, but I move on quickly.
I am glad there are people who enjoy posing figures, and I'm glad there are people who keep things MOC. And we can all peacefully co-exist for our love of the Joes!
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