View Full Version : Fragility of the 25A?

10-13-2007, 10:01 PM
I won't pretend to know how you guys handle your GI Joe figures, but I tend to take care of mine. As a kid, I wasn't overly mean to them. I didn't throw them or crush them. I did submerge them in water and played with them enough that the joints got loose and the paint apps were worn off easily. But I never twisted them up so hard the o-ring would snap, y'know?

So there's been a lot of worry over the figures themselves. That people feel the figures will break when played with. I don't know about you guys, but I've been playing with them a bit and once you break the seal on the joints, they seem pretty durable. Now, we're adults so I can only assume you wouldn't play with them as hard as a 7 yr old. Or an m-80 minded 12 year old! I've been playing with Firefly and Beach Head and v2 Snake Eyes quite a bit and they have yet to 'break'. I've barely even loosened Beach Head and Firefly up.

Personally, I think they are durable enough. They won't fall apart like Microman figures. For us fotographers, they should hold up well enough.

10-13-2007, 11:35 PM
They feel fragile straight out of the pack, for sure. Mine will never get enough use to loosen up, because there's so many other things I dislike about 'em, that I never use 'em! :D

10-14-2007, 08:15 AM
They're very light. When I used to pull the new figs out of the package, there was a certain weight to them. They seemed durable simply because they were heavy. Now the fig is almost lighter than the package they come in. I like the articulation and the detailing. I'm not fond of their construction because they sit and pose differently than the older lines, but even so, given some care, they have all the potential for playability that the older lines have.

Lava Boss
10-14-2007, 01:20 PM
SInce my Cobra Legions set trooper's right hand has nearly twisted off, I'd say they aren't that durable, or Hasbro quality control still needs work. :(

Watch out for stuck joints like that.

I had a single pack Night Creeper's hand do that, too. But at least it was only a $2 figure.

03-04-2008, 09:35 PM
I had a Cobra Officers thumb break of when I put his gun in his hand. I really had nostalgia, I thought it was 1982 again! :rolleyes:

03-04-2008, 10:10 PM
I find the quality of the joints differs greatly from figure to figure (even multiples of the same figure).

My 8yr old son plays with them quite a bit, and for instance, I have a cobra trooper that is nice and tight all over, but another same figure from the same batch is completely loose in the knees and hips and therefore won't pose quite as well as the others. ~ just our experience.

Overall tho - I gotta say I am crazy-in-love happy with how these figures turned out and that Hasbro is even making them. It's like my own personal time teleporter came true! Wootolicious!

Cheers! ~ Paul

03-04-2008, 10:39 PM
I have been reading reviews here and elsewhere and steering clear of figures known to have serious flaws.

I picked up a comic pack Fred and Scar-Face at TRU for 9.99. Fred is exceptional and better than I hoped, except of course from having a Civil War revolver and WWII era M-1 Garand! (Both nice weapons, just not for an elite trooper...) Scarface is nice, but his leg (knee joint) was "flopping" right out of the package. I haven't checked, but I imagine I could just get another Air Trooper and headswap him.

None of my other troopers had that loose knee-joint syndrome. I can see if I experienced that right away like Craig did with the 5 packs, that could sour someone right away.

So I guess, pick which ones you are looking for carefully.

Oh, and Wal-Mart raised pricepoint on single figs from 4.88 to 5.44. Single pack Dukes, RB's, Scarlett and GH are starting to peg warm...

Urban Saboteur
03-06-2008, 07:53 AM
I just won in a competition on yojoe.. i'm getting a 25th Anniversary Storm Shadow figure sent to me.. i have held off buying the line.. i will probably take a long look at the figure before deciding on what to do.. i'll probably review it fully before i make a complete decision.

General Scarlett
03-06-2008, 07:56 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]I just won in a competition on yojoe.. i'm getting a 25th Anniversary Storm Shadow figure sent to me.. i have held off buying the line.. i will probably take a long look at the figure before deciding on what to do.. i'll probably review it fully before i make a complete decision.[/QUOTE]

CONGRATS Rich!!!!!! I hope that you enjoy the figure......I look forward to hearing your thoughts!! :cool: ;)

Urban Saboteur
03-06-2008, 06:02 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]CONGRATS Rich!!!!!! I hope that you enjoy the figure......I look forward to hearing your thoughts!! :cool: ;)[/QUOTE]

Thank You!
I was quite pleased, I've always finished second or third in competitions and never won anything, I was pleased to win.. but mainly so i can take a "in person" look at the 25th and analyze them.. honestly .. and give them a fair slate and see what the buzz is about without it effecting my wallet.

I look forward to getting him and seeing how this articulation holds up.. I'll naturally return here and post my thoughts. :cool:

Agent Viper
03-07-2008, 05:11 PM
Well my CC's arm fell off when I got him out of package!!

03-08-2008, 09:25 PM
the real problem is that the plastic is just too soft. I fear that over time these figures will not hold up like the originals from 1982 have and are still ...