View Full Version : ARAH Single figures?

10-22-2007, 10:19 PM
I'm gonna let you all in on a little secret. On eBay, there is one seller I have bought littlerally hundreds of dollars worth of Joes from. She usually sells in small lots and I have NEVER had issues with her. She has a Large stock of ARAH figures CHEAP!!


I highly recommend this seller! For those overseas, you can have this stuff shipped to my hacienda and I'll forward it to you in small parcels!!


P.S. Don't outbid Ender098!! That's ME!!!! :p :eek: :D :cool:

Urban Saboteur
10-22-2007, 10:26 PM
I've seen their stuff on ebay a few times doing the rounds, I'm way put off by the feedback though.
As good as some items are, they just aren't worth the hassle. To have 27 negatives in the last 6 months they must be doing something wrong.

Btw if anyone is interested they have a cool Wreckage figure listed. ;)