View Full Version : The Comic Box #41!!!

General Scarlett
10-25-2007, 04:37 PM
Welcome to The Comic Box. This is a discussion thread for the GI Joe comics. We start at Marvel’s #1 and move thru the series every Wednesday. It’s a chance to give your thoughts, opinions and remarks about the comic in question.

# 41. Strategic Diplomacy

~Short Summary~
The battle for the island begins, but the Joes are forced to withdraw when Cobra agents in the USA, Mexico, Cuba, and the United Nations arrange for the island to be declared sovereign of Cobra.

~Notes of Interest~
The rise of Cobra Island. A lot of fierce fighting of all kinds.
-summary courtesy yojoe.com-


-image courtesy of yojoe.com-

Discuss away!

10-25-2007, 04:47 PM
I love this story arc just because it shows the reader that world politics are stronger than any army. The cover always gave me trouble though...GungHo and Snakes are cool in their active state, but it makes Tripwire look like a wimp.

10-26-2007, 09:17 AM
I'm a big fan of actual battles in the comic book. This was a great issue and the cover really did it for me. A lot like that cover with Roadblock on the TTBP.

Prince Adam
10-28-2007, 11:14 AM
This is a great issue! I think I liked it so much because the bad giys won, which kinda happens a lot in the Marvel run. It looks it's finally going to cme to a head when the Joes are ordered to pull out becasue Cobra Island is no a country. Also it's the last one with Snake Eyes in his v1 duds.