View Full Version : Off Topic: StarCraft

10-26-2007, 11:38 PM
Just an aside here....anyone else a StarCraft fan? I recently went back and started playing the game and I'm having a heck of a time with one of the Protoss Missions (#7 Homeland). I've read every stragety guide and tried every tactic I've read about and I still keep getting my @$$ handed to me!

General Jones
10-29-2007, 06:26 AM
I love Starcraft. I can't wait for Starcraft 2 to come out.

11-01-2007, 09:22 PM
I recently broke the game out and started playing again too, but I haven't gotten there yet Frank. Although, we should play some battle.net sometime.

11-02-2007, 12:11 PM
Well, the issue I had with mission 7, I figured out. I was trying to annhilate both the red and orange tribes nexus (S). The orange tribe had two and the red tribe had one...I knocked out the red tribes nearest one and thought I'd have to destroy the other and then the red tribes, too...but as it turns out, once either teams last nexus falls into the red zone (Almost Destroyed) Tassadar calls Alderis and says he can't stand seeing Protoss warriors killing each other and offers to surrender, ending the mission and giving you a victory. Thank God I didn't have to try to wipe out both tribes! I would not have been able to do it....I might write Blizzard and see if they made it impossible to do both! because when your enemy has carriers and can cloak and teleport strike forces into your base and you can't...you stand VERY little chance!

11-02-2007, 10:17 PM
That is, unless you break out the cheat codes.....
Power Overwhelming
Operation Cwal
Food For Thought
Black Sheep Wall

those ar the ones i use :o yes, i am a slacker :rolleyes: :p

11-03-2007, 09:07 PM
That makes the game better ! when you can just build a couple Zealots and scamper them into a base.

11-05-2007, 10:59 AM
[QUOTE=Mobius_1]That is, unless you break out the cheat codes.....
Power Overwhelming
Operation Cwal
Food For Thought
Black Sheep Wall

those ar the ones i use :o yes, i am a slacker :rolleyes: :p[/QUOTE]

Last time I played StarCraft, I couldn't get past mission 4 of the terran campaign and I used cheat codes to go through both StarCraft AND Brood Wars. I swore this time I was gonna win using NO CHEAT codes! And so far I have....ok, ok..I use Black Sheep Wall so the map isn't blacked out! But I don't consider that a BAD cheat! I'm trying to get good enough to go online and fight PVP!! Right now my 12 YO son hands me my @$$ everytime I play him, so I guess I have some learning to do!