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View Full Version : Theme Week posting is tomorrow, but...

05-17-2006, 08:14 PM
Uhmmmmm, are there any more suggestions for next week's theme? In a day or two, you all will be posting the re-enactments of covers. I usually write up the next theme and post it on Thursdays.

Just for the record, here are the OTHER ideas floating around.
-fave Joe vehicle
-fave Cobra vehicle
-Joe & Cobra females
-Create Your Own Core Team
-Specific scenario; rescue the hostage! Find the crashed plane! Etc!

Just added:
-Pairings. I don't know how specific you guys would want it. Set a standard of certain characters or do your own pairs. Scarlet & Snake Eyes. Duke and Roadblock. Ham and burger.
-Vipers. Show the speciality Vipers doing what they do best! That's different than the other Vipers idea which was more like, "create your own squad of Vipers...".


-VS. Speciality character vs speciality character or whatever. Airtight vs toxoVipers. Ace vs Wild Weasel. And my favorite, Ham and Burger!

I dunno, I'm at a loss on how to make some of these work well.

05-18-2006, 03:04 AM
Wasn't there an idea of doing favorite cartoon scenes?
I have an idea for that too.

05-18-2006, 09:10 AM
The Theme Week would be the fav comic cover (for tomorrow 19/05), or not?

05-18-2006, 10:18 AM
[QUOTE=ToneGuns]The Theme Week would be the fav comic cover (for tomorrow 19/05), or not?[/QUOTE]

I know that. Son is looking for ideas for future theme week projects.

05-18-2006, 07:34 PM
Here are just a few ideas to kick around:
favorite Joe or Cobra tank
favorite vehicle driver
favorite aircraft pilot
favorite sub group such as tiger force, python patrol, ninja force etc...
favorite year of figs
favorite year of vehicles
favorite specialty Joe such as Psych Out, Doc, Main Frame etc...
favorite named Cobra such as Crystal Ball, Croc Master, Fire Fly etc...
Favorite Joe or Cobra play set
favorite fig that came with an animal
Hopefully Son you guys can use these ideas. Just doing my part to help out.

05-19-2006, 10:57 AM
How about "re-accessorized Joes"?
Take one Joe figure (or more!) which you thought came with lackluster accessories, or no accessories, or that came with accessories but you didn't get them when you got the figure, give it new gear that fits the character, and take some cool pics of it.

Not much of an idea, but it's all I could think of.

The Leader
05-19-2006, 05:33 PM
I like the, create your own squad of Vipers idea, I think. Do you mean you make a special team of custom Vipers or just a squad of Vipers that you think would work well together, example: Viper, Frag-Viper, and a Saw Viper. If so, I vote for create your own squad of Vipers.