10-31-2007, 01:07 PM
I started my next dio. Oh yeah... Finally got off my butt and threw down. Uhmmmm, don't ask when the first episode will be out. I talked to a few guys here, running ideas pass 'em and I guess it's a sound enough plot. So check this out. I'm doing 2 different GI Joe eras. GI Joe Classic which will be 25A heavy and GI Joe Modern Age which continues my weird scifi-horror storylines. The dio currently being worked on is Classic.
Think of an expanded version of the plot from JvC where it was Gung Ho vs Destro. Classic goes back in time to help lay the foundation for my 'verse.
Modern Age... Well... Hmmmmmm... It'll be heavy on the 2002+ figures with some 25A thrown in since some figures ARE better than what we got since 2002. Destro, Firefly and Zartan in particular. (Don't know if Zartan shows up, just an example.)
Yup. Word.
Think of an expanded version of the plot from JvC where it was Gung Ho vs Destro. Classic goes back in time to help lay the foundation for my 'verse.
Modern Age... Well... Hmmmmmm... It'll be heavy on the 2002+ figures with some 25A thrown in since some figures ARE better than what we got since 2002. Destro, Firefly and Zartan in particular. (Don't know if Zartan shows up, just an example.)
Yup. Word.