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View Full Version : Will there be any more Wave 3 produced?

05-19-2006, 11:59 AM
So... I ordered a set of 8 DTC Wave 3... they got sent to the wrong house and singed for. So the chances of me getting it are dead.
So I've tried everywhere, Brianstoys, Big bad toystore... Everywhere(I can't use Hasbro as they discriminate against non-us residents despite being a worldwide company) and I cannot find another case of 8... heck the lots of six are all sold out. So now I have to face thechance of buying them inidvidually and with $9.99 PER COBRA TROOPER , and $6.99 per Saw Viper as an average... I am none too pleased. I ended up paying £35 (about $65) for that case(plus shipping) and now I'm looking to be paying closer to £60 (over $100) to buy them individually.
This has totally ruined my weekend as I could get a set of 15 Convention exclusives for $200... that means that I'll be paying roughly the same price as convention exclusives for these regular figures.
But this is the knock-on effect that excessive troop building has on the rest of us. Whilst an army of 200 Cobra Troops may look cool for some of you... it means the rest have to pay sometimes over double the RRP.

And what's worse is that I can't order till June/July... meaning that wave 3 will be even harder to find... and even more expensive... So is there anywhere where I can get a set of 8 that will most likely have them by that time?
I've had to rewrite my future dios enough (and since they were meant to arrive in April... this has explained the absence of any issues since then. I just got tired of waiting a few weeks ago and started... however without Med-Alert and a Saw Viper I can't really progress much)
Thanks Cool

(copied from my topic at Joebattlelines)

05-19-2006, 02:30 PM
Raven, Smalljoes.com have the set of six for $35.99 US. I get heaps of my stuff from them without a problem, and I live all the way down in Australia. :D

05-20-2006, 01:36 PM
still in stock?
I'll have to give them a look in. I think things may be clearing up as the eBay seller who I brought them off is also going to look round for them again (if the mail didn't bounce back, which is what he believes to have happened... in which case he'll send back to us).
Just odd that he got in touch with us today... and I made this topic yesterday XD

05-20-2006, 03:14 PM
When I looked yeaterday, they were still in stock.

05-20-2006, 04:10 PM
I see it too. Mind you, you get 6 figures instead of 8, but that's just how most of the e-tailers play.

They also have the comic packs in but I doubt those will last long.

Lava Boss
05-24-2006, 06:33 PM
It was dumb of Hasbro to make the cobra trooper single carded, should've been a six pack. Okay, those would've sold quickly too, BUT they'd actually have probably manufactured more troopers overall.

Wondering what kinda twit keeps something someone else paid for that was sent to the wrong house by mistake. :mad:

05-24-2006, 06:52 PM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]Wondering what kinda twit keeps something someone else paid for that was sent to the wrong house by mistake. :mad:[/QUOTE]

The same kind that secretly thinks CobraLa was totally cool and the right way for GI Joe to go.

05-24-2006, 07:18 PM
Actually the problem w/ the Cobra Trooper was that it was the 1st wave to go back to stores. The average run for a single figure is around 80k. But with the DTC stuff, it was cut in half. So 40k had to get shared. While HTS might be out, the TRUs will still have them and most likely a large percentage are still sitting in their shipping warehouse.

That and a gentleman named Nomad happened to buy about 200 of 'em from HTS.

IF enough people complain about not getting enough of the Cobra Troopers, expect to see them come back but in another color. It happened with the Cobra Nite Watch 6-pack which unfortunately, was an inferior product.

Lava Boss
05-25-2006, 06:31 PM
I dunno about the TRU warehouse thing. Everytime the TRU near me restocked it's been with another wave. First wave 1, 3 cases or more of wave 2. If only I wanted more snow serpents...

05-25-2006, 07:11 PM
All I know is that Wave3 was fair game for everyone. Remember how the Viper Lockdown packs sold in less that 24 hrs? The CObra Trooper was gone in 3 weeks. (believe me, we were counting the days. Maybe someday I'll tell the story of who ordered the last of them were...) While HTS sold out quickly, a lot of it had to with TRU already emptying 'em out.

As for Waves 1 and 2, HTS still has 'em so TRU can grab what they want or feel like. Those 2 waves aren't considered 'new' tho it would make sense to me if TRU stocked all 3 as equally as they could to get the product out there. It's not like 7-yr old Bobby knew about HTS or DTC.