View Full Version : Guys.. can we cut it with the collection pics?
Urban Saboteur
11-04-2007, 12:16 PM
Ok I'm done.
11-04-2007, 12:49 PM
I have to agree with the sentiment here; I do find it pretty demoralising to come to the site and see multiple pictures where figures are just standing on desks or coffee tables or sheets, all on battle stands, and there's no context to the pic other than "these are my toys."
I don't profess to be the most artistic or most talented photographer here, but I do always try to think about the background/setting, what the characters are doing, the angle I'm using, etc. Then I pick the best shot or two of the setup to post here, because I hope to get feedback on these elements as well as just which figure(s) I included.
Don't get me wrong -- I truly LOVE seeing pictures with dozens of figures in, but in a diorama so they look like characters and not just action figures. Cobra rallies, Joe briefings or mission prep, that sort of thing. One of my earlier posts was of a setup I did with all my ninja characters & troops of the time and it was partly just for the sake of showing loads of ninja figures but also because I wanted to see them in some action. Other army shots with context that come to mind are Soundwave's Cobra Comm centre and Violentfix & Sonneilon's stories featuring a Cobra rally and a huge pile of dead Vipers respectively...
There are other sites geared towards showcasing collections, like's user pictures section, but it was the creativity and the imaginative dioramas that brought me to this site and that I hope to contribute to. But now I feel it's more likely I'll have the one or two shots I select to post get buried quickly -- wouldn't be so bad if everything were highly creative, then it'd be a challenge to up my game & get noticed, but there's a lot of shots that you can't even discuss the technique or ideas behind and the comments seem to be losing that element of criticism in general.
A slightly related note is regarding people who post a LOT of pics at once, like ten or more, whether they're collection pics or actual dioramas. I know there's no upload limit but surely the fact that we all post into the same photo section warrants some common courtesy? The site membership has increased quite a bit over the last couple of years and the way the pictures are stored makes it easy for individual shots to get buried under a couple dozen shots of the same setup. Just to save flooding the site, howsabout if you've got multiple shots of the same basic stuff, or just a lot of pics that you're ready to post at once, you post one here and the rest in somewhere like photobucket? You can link to the rest, or even embed the images in comments, making it easier to navigate through different user's work. Or at the very least, if you've got 20 pics ready to go, spread them out over a few days, or maybe a couple of days posting at different times, just to keep things varied? And to be honest, you'll probably get more comments per picture because everyone else won't see the block of 10 or whatever as essentially one post...
I'm not trying to offend anyone or pick on anyone in particular here; I've mentioned these feelings to a few other users here over recent weeks so figured since there's a thread addressing the issue I'd add to the debate to air my own concerns.
Da Talent
11-04-2007, 01:31 PM
I second both sentiments. Past couple weeks it has gotten really out of hand and I'm glad urbn sab stepped up to say something, I felt I haven't been here long enough to step up. But I started coming to this site daily because it was creative and the shots told a story. If you look at the pics from this weekends theme, you can really see some of the shots that make this such a fun thing to do. But the last few weeks when you log on all you see lame shots of 25th's standing around or *explitive* pics of a wall of 25ths still in there package, wow, if I wanted to see that I could go to retail website. second, I think it is kind of rude to upload 10 to 15 pics at a time and totally rape the 1st page of new uploads, like what was said it pushes good pics to the back alot more quickly than it should and not everybody goes through the back pages and gets to see it. This has really been bugging me and stiflied my inspiration, thus I haven't posted a new pic in 2 weeks because an hour later its pushed to page 3 because of 40 kitchen floor pics.
11-04-2007, 02:05 PM
If you didn't, I would Rich. I totally agree with you, Stormer and Fireflyed on this one.
11-04-2007, 02:26 PM
Ahem. As I have discussed this with Stormer already, when Hammerfel started this site, it was for all types of pictures. I have brought this issue to his attention tho he hasn't replied back yet.
Da Talent
11-04-2007, 02:32 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Ahem. As I have discussed this with Stormer already, when Hammerfel started this site, it was for all types of pictures. I have brought this issue to his attention tho he hasn't replied back yet.[/QUOTE]
maybe a new section would help Sonn
gung ho
11-04-2007, 03:40 PM
yeah i third this statement even though i have posted collection pics before just post them on the main forum
maybe scar or somone could make a thread for everyone to post there collection pics in
General Scarlett
11-04-2007, 03:44 PM
Okey Dokey, I've stayed silent for some time now....but no longer. You guys want to label me a bitch, go right ahead.
I haven't posted pictures on a regular basis in some time, for a few reasons. One is that whenever I post, my grouping gets shuffled off the front page faster than a dress on prom night. The second reason is, I don't know if you guys are freaked out or what by the fact that a girl posts the caliber of pics that I do, or if it's something altogether different......whatever.
I have asked, argued and reprimanded in the past about 'common courtesy' and 'respect'.......and I'm sorry, but since the whole 'Troll Incident' I've really felt neither from this site. Like I was the bad guy in all this somehow......
It seems that when I was trying to get everyone to 'play nice' I was berated for I said that I'd let you all 'police yourselves' to a broader extent. And this is what happens, so tell me, which way should it be done here??
I've deleted pics when they've been 'excessive' or whatnot........only to have them re-appear again right away. The response to my doing that? When I do post up a pic or so, I get sh*tty grading..........yes, I know, the 'grading system' sucks and it should go away altogether....but it's not, so we deal with it.
I waiver on just leaving this site from time to time-due to the 'alienation' treatment I feel that I've been getting.....but I know that I'd just be giving in, and I'm not that kind of woman.
You guys need to step back and realize that this is a community, made up of all sorts of different kinds of people.....and understand that it takes all kinds to make it work. I love all the 'new arrivals' to the site.......and I'm sure that some of them might have made their way here via other Joe boards that I've posted up a link to for JoeDios........
So, let's try to all get along here and respect everyone..........thanks
What does this have to do with this thread? Well, as was stated, this is a place to come for creativity......and I'm not feeling that lately..........because these thoughts have been racing around my brain for some time now.
So all the 'vets' need to embrace the 'noobs' and encourage them to want to stay here.........
In other words, remember your manners. And if you can't, then try harder...... ;)
11-04-2007, 04:26 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]You guys need to step back and realize that this is a community, made up of all sorts of different kinds of people.....and understand that it takes all kinds to make it work. I love all the 'new arrivals' to the site.......and I'm sure that some of them might have made their way here via other Joe boards that I've posted up a link to for JoeDios........
So, let's try to all get along here and respect everyone..........thanks
What does this have to do with this thread? Well, as was stated, this is a place to come for creativity......and I'm not feeling that lately..........because these thoughts have been racing around my brain for some time now.
So all the 'vets' need to embrace the 'noobs' and encourage them to want to stay here.........
In other words, remember your manners. And if you can't, then try harder...... ;)[/QUOTE]
You know I agree with you, and well now I know why I took my pics down and limited my activity here. It just doesn't seems very friendly here. :(
11-04-2007, 04:52 PM
Prudence, I'm sure most people would support your actions in deleting excessive pics when they are part of a batch of very similar ones, especially if there is little effort at being creative with the shots. If those people want to be vindictive and rate your pics poorly, that's their childish problem. Everyone knows the rating system sucks and is open to abuse; I pay it no attention at all, and refuse to use it. I'm glad you won't let them beat you, because the rest of us shouldn't be denied sharing your cool pics because of a few bratty malcontents.
As for the main topic of this thread, I agree in principle I've been away from the site for a month or so, so I don't know if this is has become a huge problem or not in that time. One pic is fine, especially if you drop in a link to a hosting site as already suggested. But seven or eight or more pics of figures on figure stands on a kitchen table don't grab my interest. I won't even bother looking at them or commenting on them.
Oh, and btw, that "dress on prom night" comment was a gem! :D
11-04-2007, 05:20 PM
I've fallen into that too, the prom dress thing. I've watched my shots (which i post rarely) get booted back right quick. I just figure that's the nature of the beast.
When I emailed Mr Fel about the Collections Issue, I did ask that he create a new section for just collections. That would be a better solution than telling people to stop.
11-04-2007, 10:31 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]When I emailed Mr Fel about the Collections Issue, I did ask that he create a new section for just collections. That would be a better solution than telling people to stop.[/QUOTE]
Urban Saboteur
11-05-2007, 12:42 AM
Waste of my time... clearly.. :rolleyes:
11-05-2007, 11:53 AM
I guess I'm a prime example of what Fireflyed refers to as posters who upload "*explitive* pics of a wall of 25ths still in there package".... Well, I like that kind of stuff and think it looks cool. My two favorite posters on here are Randy S. and Soundwave. I like looking at MOC figures in a Joe room or a bunch of figures in a shot. Why is that so bad, but something like "Dart crouched on a rock in my backyard" is better? Anyway, if you don't like something then give it a low rating.
11-05-2007, 01:21 PM
I have to admit, I'm not keen on collection pics in the photo gallery.
But I do tolerate them. Part of that reason why I tolerate them is down to the definition of the word diorama.
The meanings can be found here:
Since this place is called joedios, in keeping with the title of the web address for this site, we should all tolerate these contributions, like them or not.
As G has already pointed out, this site is for pictures of all kinds, which are Joe related. So fair play I guess!
D :D
Urban Saboteur
11-05-2007, 02:54 PM
Ok so I guess I should be more tolerable in future.. . what a ********
11-05-2007, 03:32 PM
Ok, we rationaly figured out that people can post their collection pictures without a theme at the joedios photo place, but we can go one asking why people come here post hundreds of pictures and don't left one small coment to the others. What did you think? (and most of the time the ones who don't give a post are the same that post hundreds of pictures.)
General Scarlett
11-05-2007, 04:55 PM
First of all, Rich-that was COMPLETELY inappropriate...........I had hoped that you had a bit more respect than least for me.
Secondly, I know that we are all a bit frustrated, let's face it, when there's this much talent on one site-it can get overwhelming........ :p
I will continue to edit and/or delete as I feel is necessary..........if you don't like it, then I'm sorry........but that's the way the rules of the site go........I'm the one who gets shafted by those who don't like the rules.........and if I can deal with petty bulls**t, then so can the rest of you..........
If people cannot use common sense, then that's their problem........let's not make it everyone else's problem as well, shall we??
Remember, all of us who are bitching on this thread are NOT the ones who are (for the most part), actually coming into the forum to puruse the threads......... ;)
So we're just venting to each other.......and the problem is not being solved........all it's doing is letting off steam. (Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.....let's just try to keep it civil, shall we?) :)
Ergo, don't come to the thread and sh*t on those of us who make the attempt to 'play nicely together'.............and I'm not trying to single any one person out here..........take the time to either post on one of the person's pics who doesn't make and effort to 'get to know us' and 'gently' let them know about the forum and the etiquette rules we all try to follow........and if that doesn't work, then send them a PM.........
Does that sound do-able to everyone???
Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.........
11-05-2007, 04:57 PM
I always love seeing collection pics. Especially army builder pics. I post a mix of collection and little dio pics. Sorry if i offended anyone with my collection pics. Someone even asked me on here to post a comparison pic of a night raven and phantom just to see the size difference.
Da Talent
11-05-2007, 05:11 PM
let me just say up front that I am not trying to offend anyone, and if I did, I do apologize. I understand this a place for everyone to post pictures (and what a great place it is :D ) . Like scarlet, sonn and company said early, it is frustrating when you put a lot of time in to the set and lighting and posing just to have it kicked to the back really qwik, and its nothing against the collection pics at all, as far as blk dragon is concerned I actually enjoy the giant collection pics. As far as what gen. scar said, it is an excellent point, we are really just venting to each other. As I said early, I'm not trying to be mean or not accepting of the new guys. I was just offering a suggestion for a new pic posting thread :) . I'm sorry if I pissed anyone off, and I'm not trying to push anyone away from the site. And like the general said, it would be easier to tolerate the 20 pics posted at one time if we at least had some idea of who they are. So I'll follow what scarlet said and attempt to get the silent guys involved in the forums. sorry again, I just wanted to make a suggestion and may have gone about it the wrong way.
ps. don't lose hope rich, we need you here!
11-05-2007, 07:42 PM
I have been a member here since the begining. I remember a time when there was no limit to how many photos you could post at one time and even enjoyed going through them when someone would post 15 or so of a dio that they took. I have never had a problem with the photos put up here and go back a few pages every time I log on. I might not post here alot but I do look at the photos everyday. I was actually offended the last time I uploaded some photos and about half were taken back down. It doesnt bother me now but at the time I was kind of pissed. I don't really care if either way but thought I would give my two cents...
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:19 AM
[QUOTE=fireflyed]let me just say up front that I am not trying to offend anyone, and if I did, I do apologize. I understand this a place for everyone to post pictures (and what a great place it is :D ) . Like scarlet, sonn and company said early, it is frustrating when you put a lot of time in to the set and lighting and posing just to have it kicked to the back really qwik, and its nothing against the collection pics at all, as far as blk dragon is concerned I actually enjoy the giant collection pics. As far as what gen. scar said, it is an excellent point, we are really just venting to each other. As I said early, I'm not trying to be mean or not accepting of the new guys. I was just offering a suggestion for a new pic posting thread :) . I'm sorry if I pissed anyone off, and I'm not trying to push anyone away from the site. And like the general said, it would be easier to tolerate the 20 pics posted at one time if we at least had some idea of who they are. So I'll follow what scarlet said and attempt to get the silent guys involved in the forums. sorry again, I just wanted to make a suggestion and may have gone about it the wrong way.
ps. don't lose hope rich, we need you here![/QUOTE]
As for the way you went about it, no... I believe you spoke your mind and was completely ignored for it.. why I don't know, but it does seem to be the criteria here.
My point earlier was to emphasize a growing problem, clearly those that are up in the high end of the boat don't think there is one, so when that's the case your point is rendered useless time or "petty"
As for me losing hope.. well check out my photo's check out my avatar.. as for the place needing me.. after last night... I couldn't give a s**t anymore.
11-06-2007, 10:14 AM
lol :D You know after reading all this i'm just not gonna post anymore collection pics. Kinda sucks cuz i took a sweet new shot of my Cobra Air Force with my rattlers and new night raven. I took so much time out of my day off to set them up to upset people too. :D But i should know better. I should be outside throwing all twelve planes up in midair to take a nice shot of them in the sky. GOD I"M SO STUPID!!! No creativity over here ladys and gentleman. Anyhoo i hope I see a collection thread started where i can show them off to whoever WANTS to see them. :rolleyes:
General Scarlett
11-06-2007, 10:30 AM
You know, I'm really sick and tired of all the pansy-assed whining that goes on with this board. I know, I'm supposed to shrug it off and whatnot.....but this is the only Joe site that I get treated like ass on........and I'm tired of it!
You want to stay, GREAT!! You want to leave? Then play on. But I will not stand for being grouped into some sort of 'psuedo-fascist' regime...........I'm a fellow collector who took the moral high ground to try and help a site maintain some sort of glory through the contributions of it's members.........
I don't deserve the 'cold shoulder' or other 'asides' to 'the upper levels'..........
If you can't respect me or the this site, then perhaps you should re-think the time you spend here..........
I don't want to lose any members, but to feel constantly like I do when I'm here? I don't get paid for that (I don't get paid at all-it's called 'love of a hobby'........)
11-06-2007, 10:31 AM
[QUOTE=Blackdragon]lol :D You know after reading all this i'm just not gonna post anymore collection pics. Kinda sucks cuz i took a sweet new shot of my Cobra Air Force with my rattlers and new night raven. I took so much time out of my day off to set them up to upset people too. :D But i should know better. I should be outside throwing all twelve planes up in midair to take a nice shot of them in the sky. GOD I"M SO STUPID!!! No creativity over here ladys and gentleman. Anyhoo i hope I see a collection thread started where i can show them off to whoever WANTS to see them. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Ok, and is this how new guys should behave here? Shouldn't them show some respect. Cut the sarcasm here, whatch out where are you stepping. People here knows that I'm not the one who come for a fight easy. I just did it once, but time proved I wasn't wrong and this behavior of yours proof them I'm not over reacting. S
So, look at your acts and do what a man should do after a rude post where you are a newbbie. Ask for apologize!
11-06-2007, 10:39 AM
"Ask for apologize"? uh yea. Not sure what that means. Anyway hope that new section gets started. But hey as newbie here i'll know my role until i hit three thousand posts lol Newbie.....give me a break :rolleyes:
11-06-2007, 11:23 AM
[QUOTE=Blackdragon] As a newbie here i'll know my role until i hit three thousand posts lol[/QUOTE]
Then your opinion counts (maybe) and you're in the running for mod status.
11-06-2007, 11:26 AM
My opinion counts regardless. :D Can't mod, i'm only here to offend people with my sarcasm.
11-06-2007, 11:44 AM
[QUOTE=Blackdragon]My opinion counts regardless. :D Can't mod, i'm only here to offend people with my sarcasm.[/QUOTE]
Isn't that what this site is based on Offending People :D
Hell it happens so much.
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited] Ok, and is this how new guys should behave here? Shouldn't them show some respect. Cut the sarcasm here, whatch out where are you stepping. People here knows that I'm not the one who come for a fight easy. I just did it once, but time proved I wasn't wrong and this behavior of yours proof them I'm not over reacting. S
So, look at your acts and do what a man should do after a rude post where you are a newbbie. Ask for apologize!
First: Learn to speak English and get a spell checker. To think your a teacher :rolleyes:
Second: WTF are you the forum bouncer ? Step off joker
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:05 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]Isn't that what this site is based on Offending People :D
Hell it happens so much.
First: Learn to speak English and get a spell checker. To think your a teacher :rolleyes:
Second: WTF are you the forum bouncer ? Step off joker[/QUOTE]
I can't think who you might be? :rolleyes:
However taking the piss out of someone's english because they are from a foreign country isn't cool. You should know that without stepping into any forum that would be frowned upon by most communities.
11-06-2007, 12:09 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]I can't think who you might be? :rolleyes:
However taking the piss out of someone's english because they are from a foreign country isn't cool. You should know that without stepping into any forum that would be frowned upon by most members.[/QUOTE]
Love the title "Respect" after looking at your track record aren't the last person to lecture anyone on respect?
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:10 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]Love the title "Respect" after looking at your track record aren't the last person to lecture anyone on respect?[/QUOTE]
Just because I don't respect anyone doesn't mean you should follow suit? :rolleyes:
11-06-2007, 12:10 PM
This is a great site! There is alot of talent here, I enjoy looking at each & every picture on here. I agree looking at 20 pictures in a row of the same 20 figures on stands on the kitchen table is boring. I do enjoy the pics of army builders lined up (that one with the 61 v1 BATs is sick, I could pay off the mortgage with that!) So get out your camera, shoot some Joes & lets have some fun. Oh, & Gen. Scarlett - you rock, keep up the good work!
11-06-2007, 12:13 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Just because I don't respect anyone doesn't mean you should follow suit? :rolleyes:
Wow, well unlike you I'll be the Bigger Man and walk away.
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:14 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]Wow, well unlike you I'll be the Bigger Man and walk away.[/QUOTE]
You do that.. and think carefully next time you open your mouth, ;)
11-06-2007, 12:17 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]You do that.. and think carefully next time you open your mouth, ;)[/QUOTE]
[SIZE=7]LOL!! Love the internet tough guys they are so entertaining[/SIZE]
Captain Max
11-06-2007, 12:18 PM
Geez LOUISE you guys! It's a wonder GS doesn't just ban EVERYBODY and start over with trained monkeys!
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:18 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire][SIZE=7]LOL!! Love the internet tough guys they are so entertaining[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
I guess you can't walk away after all.. :rolleyes:
11-06-2007, 12:20 PM
[QUOTE=Captain Max]Geez LOUISE you guys! It's a wonder GS doesn't just ban EVERYBODY and start over with trained monkeys![/QUOTE]
I agree given the amount of crap some people get away with.
11-06-2007, 12:23 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]I guess you can't walk away after all.. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] No because I just find you funny. I haven't seen a good comedy act in awhile.
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:26 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]No because I just find you funny. I haven't seen a good comedy act in awhile.[/QUOTE]
Feelings mutual. Although if your planning to stay.. I'd adopt a different strategy to the one your currently using..
11-06-2007, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Feelings mutual. Although if your planning to stay.. I'd adopt a different strategy to the one your currently using..[/QUOTE]
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? You barely have an inch of wiggle room to talk.
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:32 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? You barely have an inch of wiggle room to talk.[/QUOTE]
Didn't realise you specified colour in your preferences.. so your racist as well as disrespectful.. my my.. what a newbie we have here..
your forgetting that I don't have any preference on staying here.. assuming your wanting to stay.. my advice was based on that really.
I guess it must of slipped my uneducated mind that your such first class wazzock.. ;)
11-06-2007, 12:35 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Didn't realise you specified colour in your preferences.. so your racist as well as disrespectful.. my my.. what a newbie we have here..
your forgetting that I don't have any preference on staying here.. assuming your wanting to stay.. my advice was based on that really.
I guess it must of slipped my uneducated mind that your such first class wazzock.. ;)[/QUOTE]
Gee you really are stupid. That is not a racist remark it means you need to check yourself before you start giving advice. Oh BTW I am BLACK so maybe your a racist ?
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:38 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]Gee you really are stupid. That is not a racist remark it means you need to check yourself before you start giving advice. Oh BTW I am BLACK so maybe your a racist ?[/QUOTE]
Let me check... oh yeah it says right there in your profile.. lack of sense of humour too.. if you have a look at my post i was implying sarcasm.. I know what the phrase means.. :o
I guess the bit where I called myself uneducated threw you off?
So really.. aren't you going to be the bigger man and walk away like you promised?
11-06-2007, 12:41 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Let me check... oh yeah it says right there in your profile.. lack of sense of humour too.. if you have a look at my post i was implying sarcasm.. I know what the phrase means.. :o
I guess the bit where I called myself uneducated threw you off?
So really.. aren't you going to be the bigger man and walk away like you promised?[/QUOTE]
Nope because now it's gone to the personal side. You called me a racist I'm pissed and offened. I plan on reporting it to the mods hopefully they will do something. OH JUST BE CLEAR I'M NOT JOKING OR KIDDING :mad: :mad:
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:44 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]Nope because now it's gone to the personal side. You called me a racist I'm pissed and offened. I plan on reporting it to the mods hopefully they will do something. OH JUST BE CLEAR I'M NOT JOKING OR KIDDING :mad: :mad:[/QUOTE]
Ok what you going to tell them?
Your going to report me for being racist.. after you insulted a senior member?
Now who's the pot calling the kettle black.. :p :o
FYI I aint bothered about my staying here.. so do what you like.. :cool:
11-06-2007, 12:47 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Ok what you going to tell them?
Your going to report me for being racist.. after you insulted a senior member?
Now who's calling the kettle black.. :p :o
FYI I aint bothered about my staying here.. so do what you like.. :cool:[/QUOTE]
You crossed a line. It's up to the mods now.
Da Talent
11-06-2007, 12:49 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]Isn't that what this site is based on Offending People :D
Hell it happens so much.
First: Learn to speak English and get a spell checker. To think your a teacher :rolleyes:
Second: WTF are you the forum bouncer ? Step off joker[/QUOTE]
Man, when everyone is just talking about pictures, why do you have to turn it into a personal attack? I am not trying to start an arguement or antagonize you in anway, it's just that saying something like that displays a real lack of character. Tones is a good guy from what I can tell and (not trying to be insulting) but do you speak a second language? Why attack and put down someone that does something we should all try to do? Just kind of racial low blow. I had hoped this site was above this.
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 12:51 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]You crossed a line. It's up to the mods now.[/QUOTE]
And you didnt cross the line I take it? ;)
You was here for five minutes and insulted a forum members english as well as labelled them a joker for it.. so what goes around comes around pal.
Btw i know exactly who you are.. having multiple accounts isn't clever either. ;)
11-06-2007, 01:06 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]And you didnt cross the line I take it? ;)
You was here for five minutes and insulted a forum members english as well as labelled them a joker for it.. so what goes around comes around pal.
Btw i know exactly who you are.. having multiple accounts isn't clever either. ;)[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure you don't know who I am, multiple account ?? :confused: You seem a little paranoid. Again it's in the Mods hands. It was racist and offensive.
Also I would apoloize to Toneguns, but judging from your reaction it wouldn't be good enough.
As for you Fireflyed I'm not the only one making it a personal attack, I replied to Blackdragon's post. Just make sure you single Everyone out.
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 01:08 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]I'm pretty sure you don't know who I am, multiple account ?? :confused: You seem a little paranoid. Again it's in the Mods hands. It was racist and offensive.
Also I would apoloize to Toneguns, but judging from your reaction it wouldn't be good enough.
As for you Fireflyed I'm not the only one making it a personal attack, I replied to Blackdragon's post. Just make sure you single Everyone out.[/QUOTE]
On the contrary.. apologise to toneguns.. and that would be more than acceptable..
11-06-2007, 01:09 PM
[QUOTE=Blackdragon]"Ask for apologize"? uh yea. Not sure what that means. Anyway hope that new section gets started. But hey as newbie here i'll know my role until i hit three thousand posts lol Newbie.....give me a break :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Let me clear something here for you, as you are a new guy here. I don't have 3.000 posts, I've more then 4.000!!! Since you are new here is kind of hard to explain to you, but I will try, maybe you can learn something out from my bad english. I have had to change my first nick, because I reached the total size of posts of pictures. Judging by my first nick and this nick I'm using now, I have something around 4.500 posts of bad english, as you stated. However I have something that you, who has a perfect english and never spelled a wrong word in english, will never know what it is. It is called friendship.
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 01:11 PM
What you said started this off, you provoked the whole war.. and now you think I'm racist and your offended.. nope.. I was clear in my statement that I understood your phrase of the pot calling the kettle black.. ;)
You can't go into a community take the piss out of someone's english label them a joker when they are from another country.. and expect someone not to berate you for it.. :rolleyes:
If you think it's possible for you to do that and not get scolded for it.. then you clearly have alot to learn.
I have to go now, partly because of commitments elsewhere but i hope when i've returned you've thought about your initial post to toneguns and at least apologised to him :)
11-06-2007, 01:11 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Let me clear something here for you, as you are a new guy here. I don't have 3.000 posts, I've more then 4.000!!! Since you are new here is kind of hard to explain to you, but I will try, maybe you can learn something out from my bad english. I have had to change my first nick, because I reached the total size of posts of pictures. Judging by my first nick and this nick I'm using now, I have something around 4.500 posts of bad english, as you stated. However I have something that you, who has a perfect english and never spelled a wrong word in english, will never know what it is. It is called friendship.[/QUOTE]
Hey Tone, I made the remark about the bad english. Sorry
11-06-2007, 01:15 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]
I have to go now, partly because of commitments elsewhere but i hope when i've returned you've thought about your initial post to toneguns and at least apologised to him :)[/QUOTE]
That's done, but you STILL MADE A OFFENSIVE COMMENT AND I FOUND IT A LITTLE RACIST. Amazing how you want me to apoloize to Tone, yet you refuse to do the same for me. And since I had to make this statement if you do it now an apology from you would be worthless.
11-06-2007, 01:49 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]That's done, but you STILL MADE A OFFENSIVE COMMENT AND I FOUND IT A LITTLE RACIST. Amazing how you want me to apoloize to Tone, yet you refuse to do the same for me. And since I had to make this statement if you do it now an apology from you would be worthless.[/QUOTE]
Just to state, as I did with another user (or maybe it is the same), I do not forgive anyone. People need to think first and act later.
11-06-2007, 01:52 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Just to state, as I did with another user (or maybe it is the same), I do not forgive anyone. People need to think first and act later.[/QUOTE]
Well good thing I didn't mean it. You must be a very miserable person. So when you make a mistake (and I'm sure you do) I hope you don't expect forgiveness
11-06-2007, 02:01 PM
You know after reading a lot of these comments. No one respects, forgives in a nut shell everyone here is mean and nasty to each other. I know my comments didn't help, we tend to bring out the worst in each other. I'm sure the owner of this site didn't expect the members to act this way. Quit treating each other like shit. We all enjoy the same hobby. What we can't get along based on that?
11-06-2007, 02:20 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Let me clear something here for you, as you are a new guy here. I don't have 3.000 posts, I've more then 4.000!!! Since you are new here is kind of hard to explain to you, but I will try, maybe you can learn something out from my bad english. I have had to change my first nick, because I reached the total size of posts of pictures. Judging by my first nick and this nick I'm using now, I have something around 4.500 posts of bad english, as you stated. However I have something that you, who has a perfect english and never spelled a wrong word in english, will never know what it is. It is called friendship.[/QUOTE]
I don't care what your post count is or how bad your english is. Wow over 4,000. Well just pat yourself on the back their buddy, Congratulations :rolleyes: I don't care. Friendship? Friendship with who, people who insult me? Wow theres a loss. lol.
11-06-2007, 02:21 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Just to state, as I did with another user (or maybe it is the same), I do not forgive anyone. People need to think first and act later.[/QUOTE]
Yea take your own advice :rolleyes:
11-06-2007, 02:42 PM
I'll not play games here or, start using what people said out of context. What I'll do is let you, with 2 or hundred nicknames talk alone just like Rich did.
11-06-2007, 02:48 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I'll not play games here or, start using what people said out of context. What I'll do is let you, with 2 or hundred nicknames talk alone just like Rich did.[/QUOTE]
ok we'll do that, and you can stroke your 4,000 plus post.
11-06-2007, 02:57 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I'll not play games here or, start using what people said out of context. What I'll do is let you, with 2 or hundred nicknames talk alone just like Rich did.[/QUOTE]
Sure thing buddy :rolleyes:
General Scarlett
11-06-2007, 03:32 PM
Are we finished yet?? You guys need to chill out a bit........this is a site founded on taking pictures of A TOY LINE!!! You want to piss in each other's Cheerio's anymore, then take it offline.............
It's sickening how childish this has become........I'm ashamed for not only all of you 'slinging poo', but for myself that I even got involved in expressing my feelings.
Everyone needs a 'time out' and to just step back and chill the hell out!!!
11-06-2007, 04:01 PM
Is it childish....Yes
Is it uncalled for ....Yes
Is it offensive......Yes
Are we ALL guilty of it.....Oh Hell Yes.
But for some members to demand someone apoloizies, only to have it thrown back at you by some inmature brat because he thinks he's hot s**t. That's insulting. To have some jerk post you're a racist is out of line. For members to claim you have several accounts or brag about how many post they have compared to yours. Yeah that's a great way to treat newbies.
With all due respect General Scarlett, but like you we should be allowed to express our feelings too reguardless of our status be it Veteran or Newbie. I said this in a previous post WE ALL SHARE THE SAME HOBBY, WHY CAN'T WE GET ALONG? I'm disgusted with the fact that it's your number of post that count, and not the JOE PICTURES we take. I'm so glad I never posted mine here, after the way some of you act it would either get deleted or b***hed about.
11-06-2007, 04:23 PM
And to be fair i didn't sling any poo :D
General Scarlett
11-06-2007, 04:34 PM
Those of you who want to post your collections, please do so here:
This thread will take you to the direct link AND inform you on 'how' to find it every time............
Now, can we all get back to business???
Urban Saboteur
11-06-2007, 07:13 PM
[QUOTE=Tripwire]That's done, but you STILL MADE A OFFENSIVE COMMENT AND I FOUND IT A LITTLE RACIST. Amazing how you want me to apoloize to Tone, yet you refuse to do the same for me. And since I had to make this statement if you do it now an apology from you would be worthless.[/QUOTE]
I didn't say I'd refuse to do the same for you, I had prior arrangements elsewhere with friends and so I couldn't be online. :rolleyes:
As a matter of fact.. had your apology stood.. and you actually meant it.. yes infact I would of apologised in return. If you'd of known anything about this site you'd know I always apologise. :o
Ask Dave aka GIJOCK. Ask Outrider.. ask G.S ask most people here on Joe Dios.. I've made lots of mistakes.. and yet I always apologise.
The bottom line is your a new member, you claim you want respect but seem to show none to the people you expect to embrace you?
You insult a well known members poor language... and tell them they are a joker.. then tell me I'm racist because you brought up colour in a phrase?
Finally.. because you mentioned that your apology wasn't meaningful I only think it shows how true your intentions really are from the outset.
I can't then be sure how truthful your words are if you apologise to someone and then admit it's not true or meant from the heart.
As for me, you might of read elsewhere I wont be around here, so that's fine. You've been on here one night and claimed you would do this and do that, but what really have you achieved at all?
Your certainly not the bigger man you claim to be. And for the record yes I am going to apologise .. why? Because I feel it's necessary.
Tripwire and Blackdragon, I do apologise earlier for my actions, I did overstep boundaries but i done so protecting a well know contributor to this site. I'm sure in the light of day you've helped protect family or friends. Sometimes even then you'd be willing to overstep or break rules to help a friend out, that is all I was doing.
Was it right? No it wasn't but I couldn't just let you insult my friend. So in doing what I always do I insulted you back, Again I apologise.
I am very very sorry.
You are well within your rights to refuse the apologies, however it should be noted I have offered them.
I wish you both well on your collecting and your gi joe goals. whatever they might be.
Pru, I also apologise to you as well. I did email you earlier trying to explain my causes and my actions and believe me your work here is highly underated and I am sorry for any distress or aggravation i've caused.
11-06-2007, 07:25 PM
Darn! See, I end up playing Starcraft for a few days and look what I miss! LOL!
I agree that EXCESSIVE pics of collections can be annoying! I like them every so often, but to see 75 pics "heres my Hydro vipers", "heres my Vipers", "Heres My Night force Guys" gets to be a LITTLE much!
My two cents is this...If you're gonna make a pic of a collection of Army builders, be a little more creative with the so;
Perfect shot....shows army builders and looks VERY creative!
Or these on ViolentFX's site;
This site has no tried and true rules for what you can post and where, but I would think that if enough people say "Hey, could you please stop doing that", that the other party could say "oh, yeah sorry!" Or even "Sorry man, that's MY thing", but the mudslinging has got to stop. Please.
Everyone has the right to do as they please and say what they please, but realize, some people on here are offended easily and don't take criticism well. I offer my OPINION to whoever wants it, but I quit critiquing peoples work on a frequent basis.
1.) Enough of the Shelved shots/Army builder shots IN EXCESS! one or two is ok.
(Scarlett has put a link for those types of pics, and I think until we have a NEW section for collections, this is a great alternative!)
2.) Am I the only one who gets bothered by the pictures that should be posted in the photos section and end up in the Dios section? I THINK the dios section should be for a single shot that tells a story, a panel or group of panels that tell a story or a photo advertising a dio you have made and how to get it. Photos section should be for everything else.
Again, this is everybody's may personally not like my shots because I like to keep them dark and moody. You're free to express your opinion, but try to offer SOLUTIONS....otherwise, you're just making more PROBLEMS!
(I can't believe I'm trying to be the voice of reason! LOL!!!)
General Scarlett
11-06-2007, 08:01 PM
(Scarlett has put a link for those types of pics, and I think until we have a NEW section for collections, this is a great alternative!)
Ummmm........the link takes you directly to the 'Collections''s as permanent a thing as is going to happen here....... ;) :cool:
Read 'all parts' of my'll help make the transitions smoother..... :p
11-06-2007, 08:58 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]2.) Am I the only one who gets bothered by the pictures that should be posted in the photos section and end up in the Dios section? I THINK the dios section should be for a single shot that tells a story, a panel or group of panels that tell a story or a photo advertising a dio you have made and how to get it. Photos section should be for everything else.[/QUOTE]
I've stayed out of this entire brouhaha because I don't think I'm a large enough presence here to try to throw my weight around-- However, I have to chime in in response to this one point, because it does indeed irritate me when I post a few pages of my Joe/TF crossover and they get bumped off the main page almost immediately by bunches of seemingly unrelated images that should probably be in the "Photos" section.
That's all; just wanted to toss in my two cents on that matter.
EDIT: On a side note, all this talk of post counts and whatnot just made me realize I've been a member of this site for longer than pretty much all of you, but I still have less than 1000 posts. There's really no point to be made there; just a little observation.
General Scarlett
11-06-2007, 09:07 PM
Point well taken SM........when I have the chance, I try to move pics around to the 'appropriate' areas....but it's a big ship and I'm so busy and/or aggravated by bitchfests, that I have to force myself to work on my own pics (which I've been neglecting as of late)
Again, I ask the 'vets' to be helpful to the 'noobs' in such a way as posting up positive suggestions of not only photo tips, but locations of certain shots and forum etiquitte, et cetera.........
Just because not everyone can 'edit' and 'delete' certain things, doesn't mean that they shouldn't attempt to help make 'their site' a better, more productive and creative place!!!
Thanks for the co-operation and support......
Edit to an Edit: The begining of next month will be 1 year since I joined this site.....and my post count is nearing's not about 'how many' posts you's about HOW PRODUCTIVE you are with them......... ;) Food for thought people........ :cool: Peace
11-06-2007, 10:06 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]Ummmm........the link takes you directly to the 'Collections''s as permanent a thing as is going to happen here....... ;) :cool:
Read 'all parts' of my'll help make the transitions smoother..... :p[/QUOTE]
Oh, yeah! How bout that! Darn! I need to lurk a little more often! I take a few days off and the site gets a total makeover!! LOL! Thanks GS! :D
11-07-2007, 06:09 AM
Yeah, well, I like boobies, so there! :-P
Just had to make a smartarse comment.
11-07-2007, 12:50 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Yeah, well, I like boobies, so there! :-P
Just had to make a smartarse comment.[/QUOTE]
I...................I love them too
11-07-2007, 02:54 PM
I like pie. :)
11-07-2007, 04:46 PM
Just to clear it a little more. I wasn't the first who brought my post numbers first. I just had to correct the user about my real number of posts, because I think it can show them that I'm an active member here and I'm ALWAYS trying to help people with my 2 cents.
Take a time and look all of my posts here, if anytime I tried to be better then anyone, because of them!
11-07-2007, 08:57 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]...
Edit to an Edit: The begining of next month will be 1 year since I joined this site.....and my post count is nearing's not about 'how many' posts you's about HOW PRODUCTIVE you are with them......... ;) Food for thought people........ :cool: Peace[/QUOTE]
Wow I've been here a month longer. I don't post much though. I like looking at all the cool pictures. I just don't have the setup, know how, or time to make the über pictures that some other members make.
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