View Full Version : What got you into dios?

Agent Viper
11-10-2007, 01:24 AM
Me, it was the reativity I saw around this website and got the joes to do something besides collecting dust. :D :D :D :D
Lets here from you all.

11-10-2007, 03:29 AM
Yeah, it's a good excuse to play with my Joes.... err, pose them! :D

11-10-2007, 07:46 AM
I had some ideas for Joe fanfiction, but it was hard to get motivated to sit in front of a computer and type. Then I saw Violentfix's Operation Rapier and thought it would be a great way to tell my stories. It's cool to walk around outdoors scouting for locations and building sets, and shopping for props. And it's alway cool to see the final product come out just like I see it in my head.

I like to see what other people can do with their Joes and a digital camera too. Joes aren't meant to stay in the package.

Prince Adam
11-10-2007, 08:10 AM
[QUOTE=Swindle]Yeah, it's a good excuse to play with my Joes.... err, pose them! :D[/QUOTE]

Ditto! :)

gung ho
11-10-2007, 09:03 AM
[QUOTE=Swindle]Yeah, it's a good excuse to play with my Joes.... err, pose them! :D[/QUOTE]

i second "ditto" that lol

11-10-2007, 10:13 AM
Luke Ellison.

Seeing what he was throwing down on the JBL, it opened my eyes to what could be done. I had a camera. I had a few figures. I could do the same thing! And then I realized that 1) it was a chance to play with them and 2) it gave me a reason to collect what I needed.

As for doing an actual story, I'm not sure how that came about. I was just having fun goofing around with little stories. The ideas are there, the execution is often poor.

11-10-2007, 10:44 AM
[COLOR=Red]im a mixture of playing with them and a great chance to tell a joe story the way i want it with the characters i want as the center. i love setting them up, although its not the same as playing its as close as a grown man can get. and the dio itself is far better, imo then a fan fiction. most people dont like to sit and write all the detail needed without visual pictures and a lot of the readers dont like to read 10 pages detailing the setting when one actual pic can do it.

i hope to get back on track on my next dio after tonight. ive been training for a title shot and tonight is the night. hopefully ill be bale to finish the story before all the vegetation dies out.[/COLOR]

11-10-2007, 11:07 AM

11-10-2007, 11:51 AM
It is a excuse to play with Joes and give a reason to my wife, in why to spend so much money on toys :D.

11-10-2007, 12:10 PM
I used to take photos of my Joes way back in the pre digicam days. I have always been a keen photographer, and I've always loved my Joes, so it was a natural progression for me. Plus, of course, as everyone has said, it's a cool excuse to play with your Joes! ;) :D

Da Talent
11-10-2007, 12:15 PM
I didn't really have a huge hobbie since I sold a car I fixed up and got out of the car restoration scene. One day this summer I was being "retarded" as my girlfriend called it, and got all my old joes out of storage and set them up everywhere through our house, my girlfriend kept making fun of me for making "noises". You know gun shots explosions etc. We just bought a house and moved in together and I've always had my own space, so it was a challenge finding time to set joe stuff up without her yakin at me. Then I found this site. I showed her the site and said this is my new hobbie, please don't touch, I'm gonna "waste" as she called it, lots of money on supplies. She frowned, I handed her a giant Coach purse I bought her and said "yes, ill clean up the newspaper and paint when i'm done each night, she smiled walked away, and I have been at peace ever since. Joe dios is my escape from the monotany of my real life. Thats what got me into dios. She gets to shop and I get sunday all to myself to watch football and take pics :D

11-10-2007, 04:37 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Luke Ellison.

Seeing what he was throwing down on the JBL, it opened my eyes to what could be done. I had a camera. I had a few figures. I could do the same thing! And then I realized that 1) it was a chance to play with them and 2) it gave me a reason to collect what I needed.

As for doing an actual story, I'm not sure how that came about. I was just having fun goofing around with little stories. The ideas are there, the execution is often poor.[/QUOTE]

I have the same basic reason. I found sites with these great stories and started to look into doing it myself.

Agent Viper
11-10-2007, 05:57 PM
I guess I got into photos was....

I was searching for gijoe websites on yahoo, then this site popped up so I got to lookin and discovered what I ca spend my freetime doing!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

11-11-2007, 12:43 AM
I'm a half decent writer. i cant draw but i figure "hey i have a camera and some of these here Joes and i miss play.......errrr collecting them". if that made any sense some one tell me heh

Lava Boss
11-12-2007, 09:42 AM
Just to do something with the figures. Keep my interest in the hobby. Now that it's icky outside...it's hard to get motivated to take photos.

11-13-2007, 03:21 PM
hmmm....Well, like a lot of people, I was surfing Joe sites and noticed some of the links for Dio Stories. Unlike some, instead of saying "This is cool, I can do this." I saw a lot of poor dio stories and thought "I could do better than this!". There were a LOT of good Dios....Luke Ellison and ViolentFX come to mind, but some were just a few figures stood in a backyard firing at each other, with no plot. I wanted to see this hobby evolve into an artform, so.......

I had a huge collection and like my wife kept asking me "What are you gonna do with them all?, there's too many of them to play with" . Yes, true dear.....But it gives me a cast of THOUSANDS for dios, babe! LOL!So, ....

I originally started collecting because 80's StarWars guys articulation SUCKED! I kept collecting because I had friends who were into it with me. When we all grew up and they got rid of their collections, I figured I give mine to my son when he was old enough. When he outgrew toys, I had no reason to keep them, but this hobby allows me to keep my childhood friends AND get some use out of them still!

11-13-2007, 05:04 PM
I'm not sure how I found General Joe's (Justin) site. Possibly from yojoe.com. I read his stuff and he had links to other dio-sites, including joedios.com. I read fantastic stuff here and spent hours looking at other's pictures and finally was brave enough to sign up and join in the fun.

My Joes were boxed up when I went away to college, but not pitched. (Thanks goodness my mom's a pack-rat...) When I got the first house, she moved the Joes over to my place...

Now I spend way too much time on this site... Thank you all for making this a great place to be...
