View Full Version : Other lines
05-23-2006, 09:25 PM
I was curious to know if someone else it's buy other toylines to have weapons, vehicles or even figures for your Joe collection.
I've some Chap Mei itens from DinoQuest, WildQuest and Soldier Force, more of them are vehicles, fences and birdcages. The weapons are to oversized, but computers, antennas and backacs are perfect to upgrade some Joes/Cobras .
PTE it's great on his vehicles and sio acessories, but I've just 3 marine/rangers in jungle camo and 6 deltas on desert camo. They have very cool acessories: machineguns, rifles, backpacks with straps and some playsets like watchtower, a Command Base, Bunker Bed Sets (I'm really waiting for this one!) and I remember that I put my eyes on a SKYcrane in 1/18 that was promised by PTE.
I also add some national toy companies acessories and some Lanard CORPS figs. Lanard have 2 outposts, I can remember the name, but it can be found at, they are must have.
So, what are you using with your joe'verse?
Well, I use a lot of weapons and accessories from BBI and PTE (as well as the great guys at Marauder Inc). PTE is definitely my favorite thanks to the nicer scale of the weapons (the BBI guns are a bit larger than they should be), as well as the inclusion of gas cans, oil drums, ammo boxes, barbwire posts, tank traps, etc. with all their products. You always get a good bang for your buck with PTE.
I use a LOT of vehicles from Chap Mei, PTE and Corps, mostly to replace Joe vehicles that either don't interest me or that I can't afford:
PTE Little Bird
PTE Buggy (replacing the AWE Striker)
Chap Mei Chinook (replacing the Tomahawk)
Chap Mei large tank (replaces the MOBAT/Mauler and is used as the Joes' main tank)
Corps small one-man gyrocopter (fills out the FANG force)
Corps patrol boat
Corps mini-jet
And, while I don't have it yet, I plan to use a Corps large copter instead of the Dragonfly, mainly because of its smaller size that makes it easier to store, as well as the fact that it's more solid than a Dragonfly.
I've stayed clear of BBI vehicles, because of the insane prices they go for, and I hear they aren't very durable.
That's about it, I think.
05-24-2006, 02:56 AM
Most of the vehicles I have are Joe. I do have a Huey made by 21st Century Toys and some BBi weapons (which break if you breath on them wrong)I have seen the PTE stuff but by the time I decide to get one it's gone. I have no idea who Chap Mei is and I don't remeber seeing any of their stuff. As for Corps I'm just not interested in them.
[QUOTE=Blowtorch]I have no idea who Chap Mei is and I don't remeber seeing any of their stuff.[/QUOTE]
Chap Mei is the name of a toy company based in Hong Kong that specializes in making a wide variety of 3 3/4" toys, from dinosaurs to pirates to soldiers...
There's a website dedicated to cataloguing all their products, you can visit it at
05-24-2006, 07:10 AM
I use Stargates Dune Buggy as part of my Desert Patrol Force
since it is based on the GIJoe AWE Striker
Mortal Kombat & Street Fighter figures are also integrated into my Joe-verse
In regards to weapons, some Elite Force weapons, some Corps weapons
some Power Team Elite vehicles & playsets ~ but none of their figures
05-24-2006, 08:14 AM
I use a few BBI weapons but only bought 1 pack of 'em. (give or take 3 figures whose weapons became Joe property) I don't care for the BBI stuff.
I AM all about the Marauder Inc weapons. Decent prices and $1.45 shipped worldwide, it's NOT a bad deal. You guys have seen his stuff used in my dio. I have 4 sets of the NCMs (the Pulse Rifles from Aliens; I need 1 more set), 1 set of MP5s (which the Joes use as their primary) and then a couple assorted weapons from him. The Sig550 is LowLight's weapon.
I mentioned to GIJock yesterday that I was considering using SW CLone Troopers. Don't ask how cuz that would be revealing. They wouldn't be your average run-of-the-mill heavy armored warriors running around. I see them having different uses.
05-24-2006, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=Jay]Chap Mei is the name of a toy company based in Hong Kong that specializes in making a wide variety of 3 3/4" toys, from dinosaurs to pirates to soldiers...
There's a website dedicated to cataloguing all their products, you can visit it at[/QUOTE]
I've seen these. Duh !! I've seen the Pirate ones at the drug store. Thought they were pretty cool. I've only seen the arctic figures at Big Lots, but I never knew about the other sets.
The Leader
05-24-2006, 11:47 AM
Marauder Inc., Chap Mei, Lanard, BBI, Power Team Elite, thems alls in my forces o’ Joe and Cobra alike. All of the pics that I’ve posted here have had at least one Marauder Inc. weapon in them.
05-24-2006, 11:48 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I use a few BBI weapons but only bought 1 pack of 'em. (give or take 3 figures whose weapons became Joe property) I don't care for the BBI stuff.
I AM all about the Marauder Inc weapons. Decent prices and $1.45 shipped worldwide, it's NOT a bad deal. You guys have seen his stuff used in my dio. I have 4 sets of the NCMs (the Pulse Rifles from Aliens; I need 1 more set), 1 set of MP5s (which the Joes use as their primary) and then a couple assorted weapons from him. The Sig550 is LowLight's weapon.
I mentioned to GIJock yesterday that I was considering using SW CLone Troopers. Don't ask how cuz that would be revealing. They wouldn't be your average run-of-the-mill heavy armored warriors running around. I see them having different uses.[/QUOTE]
I'm replying on a general basis here but Sonneilon raises the crossverse question which I'd like some opinion on. First I gather equipment and accessories everywhere. Marauder Inc. will be seeing my business very soon for some of their more exotic equipment. I've picked up some Chap Mei stuff from odd sources, GI Joe and Lanard (Corps) equipment from I did try a direct buy from Hasbro but was not impressed with the customer service/shipping costs of my order.
On the crossverse use of non-GI Joe or GI Joe-esque figures - such as StarWars or the like. If we can incorporate them in a plausible storyline what are some opinions on this?
05-24-2006, 12:58 PM
[QUOTE=The Leader]Marauder Inc., Chap Mei, Lanard, BBI, Power Team Elite, thems alls in my forces o’ Joe and Cobra alike. All of the pics that I’ve posted here have had at least one Marauder Inc. weapon in them.[/QUOTE]
As long as they're reasonably realistic and properly scaled, I'll use anything that expands the range of vehicles and weapons available to my Joeverse. When it comes to figures, though, I only use the real thing.
05-24-2006, 01:23 PM
I'm one of them dio guys so I have to make due with what's available, y'know? Drives me bonkers sometimes because there isn't a toy company out there that makes what what I need. I think SW figures can be worked into a storyline but it's not like Anakin is Anakin in my JoeVerse. NOT that he is, but just saying. It's hard for a lot of us to see something that a toy is not. Anakin showing up in 'verse, it'd be REALLY hard for any viewer to not think that's Anakin. I could call him Carl and everyone would be like, "dude, whatever, that's Anakin you dork." But I bet if you used Mon Motha or some of the other lesser known characters, it'd work.
I'm gonna start working on a dio for someone on the JBL and his prologue has news reporters. Swapping physical bodies would be too much of a headache as would be photoshopping the stuff. Be much easier if some toy company had a few generic reporters. (lol) As if THOSE would sell, right? Anyway, if I were really into SW, then I'd probably be able to shove in a few figures that people won't recognize right away. But as it stands, I have Dooku, Mace and ObiWan who might just get used as reporters. ;)
And let's just say, when Chapter3 of Transformation (titled "Hell Is From Here To Eternity") is posted, you'll see that I use a couple of other toylines to make things work. The key is, will people accept them as what I want in the story or as things from another toyline?
*ah geez, I got off-topic. There are a couple of other toylines I'm using and have also considered trying to plug in Microman. ;)
05-24-2006, 02:21 PM
When it comes to re-arming my Joes & Cobras
basically, if it looks good to me, its staying no matter what line its from :)
I never thought of incorporating Corps weapons into my collection
but the mini-MP5s were just too sweet to pass up
THEN i discovered that the bigger rifles looked awesome with new sculpts
especially when i needed to re-arm my Cobra CLAWs...
cuz trying to buy the HKG-36 rifles in bulk are kinda pricey :mad:
Lava Boss
05-24-2006, 06:29 PM
I liked Lanard when their figures were o-ringed, the new one are too big. I liked the MP-5s I got with the one new figure I tried. Most of their vehicles are tired and outdated, at least the ones readily available. I wouldn't mind the army ambulence, which I used to own, but sold for some dumb reason.
BBI weapons are okay, though I only have the target ones. I passed up some of BBI realistic vehicles on clearance because they are TOO realistic to really be used with GI JOE.
PTE has good vehicles and okay figures. Get them for the vehicles and still have some poseable, useful figures.
Chap Mei, can't get past the useless figures with over sized guns, so I haven't bought any of their stuff in some time. the figures have more personality than PTE, but 5 points of articulation and preposing doesn't cut it.
21st century, again, too realistic and I hate angled cut- joints on action figure arms.
The Leader
05-24-2006, 07:23 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]As long as they're reasonably realistic and properly scaled, I'll use anything that expands the range of vehicles and weapons available to my Joeverse. When it comes to figures, though, I only use the real thing.[/QUOTE]
I'm the same way. In my previous post, I was only referring to the vehicles and weapons of those toy lines.
05-24-2006, 08:35 PM
This is a great topic!!! I have Lanard, BBI, and Power Team. The Lanard guns that came with the non o ring figures are realy over sized but are still cool. BBI I have a few of their figures and their gear is neat but you have to be careful that it doesn't break. They had some weapon packs which I got but I don't know if there is any more of them out in stores but if you see one it wouldn't hurt to snag one. BBi's figs are made differently than the Joes and it takes a little getting used to. Lanard has some cool vehicles and if you are on a tight budget Lanard can work. Power Team figs have great posibility and I know you can maybe get 3 figs in a pack. Alot of people use these guys as mercenaries, bad guys, hostages or even on the Joes Team. I think if you have a use for them as a named charecter, custom foder etc.. then their value increases to the person who uses them. If you want to use SW figs by all means. They got some great detail and cool gear though there posibility as figs are not as great as the Joes. When I was younger I used some SW figs with my Joes and it worked out fine. I think what it all boils down to is what you want do with your Joes, what kind of budget (if you have one), and your imagination. There might be other factors that play out for other people but these are just the ones off the top of my head. The most important thing to remember is to have fun and enjoy yourself. Now you know...
05-25-2006, 08:40 AM
About oversized weapons: The G.I. Joe collection didn't have any oversized weapons? Look at Barrel Roll Sniper rifle from DTC. Lanard from no o-ring aren't that big when side by side Barrel Roll rifle.
05-25-2006, 11:53 AM
pretty much any other line in scale and with decent articualtion. I really like BBI figs also
[QUOTE=ToneGuns]About oversized weapons: The G.I. Joe collection didn't have any oversized weapons? Look at Barrel Roll Sniper rifle from DTC. Lanard from no o-ring aren't that big when side by side Barrel Roll rifle.[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, GIJoe had more than its fair share of giant weapons.
The SAW-Viper's rifle, the Rock-Viper's sniper rifle, v1 Shockwave's MAC-10 and handgun, the 90s Gung-Ho's machine gun, Tunnel Rat's M-60, the new MP5K that the last VvV Duke and the DTC Range-Vipers had, Spearhead's rifle, 91 Dusty's submachine gun... the list goes on and on.
Barrel Roll's sniper rifle from DTC, it's based on this design: and from what I've seen of it, it looks to be in close scale with the real deal.
That's a friggin anti-tank sniper rifle! You know, you can blow a Cobra's head off with that. Literally. But anyway I prefer Barett M82 :P
Back to topic - I use some Corps figures (o-ring ones), REMCO Outpost (can be seen in Devil's Ground dio) and RARELY some not-joe weapons.
Basically - I use only Joes and original stuff. Mostly because in Poland there is no other similar stuff.
And - I don't use new Joes. Despite Blackout, Flint and Viper - I have only "the old good Joes from my childhood"
Lava Boss
05-25-2006, 06:52 PM
I had that Remco outpost tower and some others, plus the figures, some of which were cool, some okay...but their tumbs broke too easily.
I used to mix just about everything I could, which meant, yeah, it became a fantasy world where monsters and aliens co-existed with GI JOE and such.
05-25-2006, 09:31 PM
[QUOTE=Jay]Oh yeah, GIJoe had more than its fair share of giant weapons.
The SAW-Viper's rifle, the Rock-Viper's sniper rifle, v1 Shockwave's MAC-10 and handgun, the 90s Gung-Ho's machine gun, Tunnel Rat's M-60, the new MP5K that the last VvV Duke and the DTC Range-Vipers had, Spearhead's rifle, 91 Dusty's submachine gun... the list goes on and on.
Barrel Roll's sniper rifle from DTC, it's based on this design: and from what I've seen of it, it looks to be in close scale with the real deal.[/QUOTE]
I remember that SAW Viper rifle. A guy would have to be a steroid filled mutant just to lift it, let alone carry it around and fire it! :eek:
05-26-2006, 01:47 PM
I have some Power Team figures, I like the weapons and accessories and I use them as my green shirts ....
By the way ... great topic! :)
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