View Full Version : GIjoe Magazine?

Agent Viper
11-16-2007, 03:14 PM
Is there anywhere I can get a Joe magazine??
I can't afford the newsletter.
So is there?

11-17-2007, 08:36 AM

There's the comics, but GI Joe isn't a popular enough franchise to support the publication of a dedicated magazine. So unless someone knows of any fanzines that are being made somewhere, you're gonna have to make do with all the GI Joe-based websites out there which are free and can stay more up-to-date than any magazine could anyway!

11-20-2007, 05:46 AM
It would be great, even if it was a fanzine.

12-10-2007, 02:28 AM
well, the old one back in the 80's was pretty cool,.. but somewhat watered down to kids...

With the speed of the internet, and the Club's newsletter,.. its kinda a waste,....

...unless we get together and make our own....

12-14-2007, 10:35 AM
It has been requested and I am currently working on such an idea, Lord Raven has submitted a review of some of the 25th anniversary stuff. What I need from everyone else is some ideas for what to have, Shane suggest reviews of old vehicles and figures, I like the idea and am going to call the section 'From the Footlocker'. I would like to include everything Joe. Figures, Cartoon, Comic, Movie, Fan Fiction, Fan Art, Dios, whatever, I need contributors, this won't work if just a couple of people are doing it. I know there are alot of Joe fans out there so come on out and play.
I am calling the fanzine, The Command Post, from the original newsletter in the 80's. If you have ideas, or submissions, e-mail me at the fanzine e-mail addy: gijoecp@gmail.com.

P.S. If you would like to see the premiere cover design, and a rough, rough draft, e-mail me at the above addy.