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06-04-2006, 12:16 PM
Theme Week 08
06/04/06 – 06/11/06
Movie ReDux!

Looks like the winner for this week’s theme was Movie ReDux. Just to clarify this theme, this is where you take your Joes and Cobras and redux scenes from ANY movie. Will someone be able to do a Neo vs Agent Smith where both are flying in the air, pistols firing (and missing)? Can someone throw down the huge defensive scene in Starship Troopers (where the troopers are fending off the thousands of bugs from the outpost)? How about… You guys get the idea.

No parameters or guidelines this time. Do whatever you think will look cool!

For the TITLE: do whatever

For KEY WORDS: Theme08 should at LEAST be in it.

*note. It would be kinda nice to say what movie you are referencing, just in case we aren’t familiar with it.

Aim to post Saturdays/Sunday; 06/10/06 – 06/11/06 by the US calendar. Post the pictures according to your own calendar, please! Post as many as you want!

Good luck and have fun.

BTW, the new poll is up. We're just whittling down the ideas, I'm sure everything will get it's time. Eventually. Expect the poll to be closed Sat, 6/10/06.

Lava Boss
06-04-2006, 03:17 PM
I voted Ninjas because...ninjas can be evil or totally awesome. :p

06-04-2006, 03:32 PM

06-04-2006, 04:06 PM
Specialty VS!
Hopefully we won't get too many Snake-Eyes vs Storm Shadow from this one. :p

06-04-2006, 06:09 PM
I think most people who supported this idea were interested in doing like; Airtight vs ToxoViper, LowLight vs NiteViper, Destro vs Heavy Duty (y'know, from the S6 cartoon. *cough cough*), etc. I'm partial to ham and burger, peanut and butter... and Kool Aid and sugar. :D

Please keep on suggesting ideas. TG only suggested the movie redux just for the fun of it and it ended up winning already!

06-04-2006, 06:12 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I think most people who supported this idea were interested in doing like; Airtight vs ToxoViper, LowLight vs NiteViper, Destro vs Heavy Duty (y'know, from the S6 cartoon. *cough cough*), etc. I'm partial to ham and burger, peanut and butter... and Kool Aid and sugar. :D

Please keep on suggesting ideas. TG only suggested the movie redux just for the fun of it and it ended up winning already![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I was kidding.
I'm definitely doing Outback vs Skullbuster, myself. And now someone better than me will steal that idea and outshine me. :p

06-10-2006, 05:03 PM
It's Sat and there really aren't any postings. Did something happen to to everyone? Is there mass digital camera failures?

06-10-2006, 05:04 PM
Was there ever an official result for this Theme week?

06-10-2006, 05:56 PM
Movie Redux.

It's actually under the poll. Hmmmm...

06-10-2006, 05:58 PM
Oh. Whoops.

Well, I don't have any ideas anyway. And the weather's been too bad for photography outside anyway.

Lava Boss
06-12-2006, 07:05 AM
I gave up on this one. Had a hard time thinking of anything. Tried some stuff, didn't work to my satisfaction. I have some old photos I could've used, but wasn't happy with them, either. Basically I did it last week with Big Boa, anyway.

06-12-2006, 08:11 AM
I didn't try at this one. I had ideas but found myself doing other things. And this week's, cartoon scenes, I'm skipping too.