View Full Version : Favorite Joe & Cobra Helo?

Captain Max
11-28-2007, 08:21 AM
Okay,now let's talk about our favorite helicopters for GI Joe & Cobra.......

Favorite Joe Helo:Tomahawk...the coolest Joe helo IMHO-transport,heavy lift,firepower..........

Favorite Cobra Helo:Mamba...slick and MEAN..............

Runner up Joe:Dragonfly

Runner up Cobra:The Cobra Transport helos often seen in the Marvel Comic

how about you?

11-28-2007, 09:27 AM
[COLOR=Red]tomahawk, no doubt. the f.a.n.g is very, very close in my book. mainly because i was influenced so much by the toons.[/COLOR]

11-28-2007, 09:45 AM
I like the Tomahawk and Dragonfly as well. I sold an out of box Tiger Fly version and a Desert tan version in box before my last move. During the move, my precious 1983 olive Dragonfly snapped its rotor. :eek: I glued it back on, but it is now relegated to display only... The Tomahawk still is in active duty, although the cockpit window is severaly cloudy. Not sure if there is any cure for that either...?? :confused:

I love helos, but they take up a lot of room!

11-28-2007, 09:54 AM
Yep, the Tomahawk and the Mamba, no contest! ;)

11-28-2007, 04:26 PM
TomaHawk and Fang 2

11-28-2007, 04:43 PM
for me it's the dragonfly and the mamba

11-28-2007, 04:50 PM
I'm a fan of the NAC from the G vs C era. I like the Tomahawk a lot, but I really like the NAC more since it is more of an attack chopper. As for Cobra helo's, I only have Fang 3s but I really like the original version best.

11-28-2007, 05:31 PM
I dig the tomahawk...hands down, it's the best in the Joe Inventory.

I'd have to say for Cobra it would be the Fang. The Mamba looks too "futuristic concept" to me. I honestly think that Cobra has never had a real classy or believable helicopter design. The same with Tanks. Even the hiss with it's dual 90MM would get eaten alive by a basic M-1 Abrams! It's got too tall a profile and weak guns plus the driver hatch is basically glass. Low ratings for Crew Survivability! As for Planes,....Cobra Rules! The night Raven and the Rattler are both awesome and realistic.

Damn, I think I like Cobra stuff better before I joined the military and got "The Military Channel" in my cable package!!

General Scarlett
11-28-2007, 06:16 PM
The [SIZE=4][COLOR=Olive]DragonFly[/COLOR][/SIZE] and the [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]F.A.N.G. copter[/COLOR][/SIZE]

11-28-2007, 06:50 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]The [SIZE=4][COLOR=Olive]DragonFly[/COLOR][/SIZE] and the [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]F.A.N.G. copter[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Lava Boss
11-30-2007, 06:58 PM
Tomahawk, it can roughly do everything the Dragonfly can plus more.

FANG, because of nostalgia and you could have a squadron (which I did...over time). It was a early workhorse of Cobra.

The Mamba was bigger, more expensive, took up more space. Also, i'm cool with the futuristic concept, but I felt the Mamba needed two things, a bigger cockpit and landing gear. It had great firepower and one of Cobra's best pilots, though.

Additional comments on other copters:

Swampfire: rotor blade assembly was too fragile. Also, lightly armed.

X-Wing Copter: Hate the phallic machine guns. Needs landing gear, too. Vehicle seems cramped...to fit in price point, I guess.

FANG 2: Not actually copter, but whatever. I liked back when, but doesn't do much for me now.

Locust: Decent Joe minicopter, if unrealistic.

Retaliator: Needed bigger rotors and sturdier skids...too much weight on those skids. The crane thing seems absurd, but you can ignore it and use it as a heavy lifter copter.

Dominator: Fails as a tank and a copter. Where's the tail rotor? I've tried to like it, but just seems lacking.

Battle Copters: They are just gimmicks...never used them much.

Razor Blade: Decent colors, ugly design due to string racer gimmick.

FANG 3: One of the worst vehicles ever.

NAC: Has a tonka feel to it. Weird rotor design. Not bad.

Missile Storm: One of the worst vehicles ever.

Crimson Command Copter: Got one...never actually opened it. Maybe someday.

11-30-2007, 09:43 PM
OK Max, I gotta go with the Tomahawk & the Crimson Command Copter!!! :D
Runners up for me are the Drangonfly & Fang!!! :)

11-30-2007, 10:24 PM
The night attack copter and its variants (Desert camo and Crimson) are cool. Yeah, the rotors are weird, but as an assualt helicopter, I think if it was real I would fear it more than an apache! It looks like a flying tank! I would have no problems flying into combat in those suckers! But truth be told, I still love the Tomahawk best!

12-10-2007, 01:39 AM
So far its a tie between the Tomahawk and the Night ATtack Chopper. (too bad we can't get ahold of those chap mei cargo copters and convert them to Comic Book cobra transport copters)

12-10-2007, 11:58 AM
Tomahawk and FANG, I also like the Dragonfly as well though.

Red Sox
12-14-2007, 06:00 PM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]The [SIZE=4][COLOR=Olive]DragonFly[/COLOR][/SIZE] and the [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]F.A.N.G. copter[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]


I'm a sucker for the original choppers. :D

gung ho
12-14-2007, 08:02 PM
lol easy! the

GI Joe: Night Attack Chopper

Cobra: Crimson Command Chopper