View Full Version : 'The Dark Knight'-Official Discussion Thread

General Scarlett
11-29-2007, 07:01 PM
Here's something for you guys to check out...........


I don't want to give away anymore than that.........until you've seen it for yourselves.... ;) :cool:

Prince Adam
11-29-2007, 07:46 PM
Not really impressed. Looks nothing like Joker, and more like a House of 1000 Corpses guy. The first one didn't do too much for me either. They just tried to sum up all of Batman's training in about 20 minutes and then just namedropped the rest of the film. Also they stole ideas directly out of Batman: Year One, despite the fact that Nolan fired Miller when he took over.

Iron Man looks pretty good though, and I'm REALLY anxious for The Watchmen!!!

11-29-2007, 08:13 PM
I loved Batman Begins. You can dis it by saying that it crammed his training into 20 minutes but of what, 4 movies with DIFFERENT BATMANS, it NEVER discussed training or even gave Bruce Wayne's father a personality. I like the Heath Ledger Joker tho I have no idea if he's any good. It reminds me a bit of the late 80s/early 90s Joker. That's when I was into Batman. When the KGBeast was around, Jason Todd got killed and there's a strange kissing scene between 2 members of the Mud Pack.